The Marshall Report

People are tired of the lies, the propaganda, and fear machines, yet, they look for the next FAKE FEAR NEWS like it’s going to somehow be true…as though, all of a sudden and just like that…something said by fake news will now be a fact. Why?

We’ve most all have heard the term, “you don’t take a knife to a gunfight”. One might also apply that type of comparison analogy to the battle of today, “you don’t take a gun into spiritual warfare”. Now knives and guns have their place in a battle with the flesh and obviously one is superior to the other but how do you slay a giant that has no flesh? A giant that uses lies to target emotions to cause great fear, anxiety, anger, frustration, hate, envy, and all things that lead to poor choices, self-destruction, and compliance to evil acts?

Will you serve the ruler of the world whose weapons are lies, propaganda, and deceit? Or will you serve the creator of all things good who is almighty, powerful who gives truth to overpower lies, love to overpower hate, and hope to overpower despair? The one who sent his own Son to conquer death and hell and all power was given to Him in heaven and on earth who gives freely eternal life for all who believe in him? The one who sent the Holy Spirit to comfort us and teach us wisdom, understanding, and how to choose wisely is the way to build our faith and to love.

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