Those who desire to rule the world said it and they did it! All while accusing anyone who exposed them, conspiracy nuts in tin foil hats! The truth is, does it really matter who said it as much as it matters who is doing it? So, while people are saying it was John D. Rockefeller…Continue readingPOISONS WILL BE HIDDEN IN EVERYTHING THEY DRINK, EAT, BREATHE AND WEAR! Who said that?

Follow the storm it’s far from over…

Tennessee floods due to dam breaking. Here it roars due to dam tampering? I heard a rumor that FEMA has sent in an Ark to gather endangered species two by two, humans are not allowed in FEMA’s ark, they are not the species FEMA is ordered to save. Wait… just in – breaking….1% of the…Continue readingFollow the storm it’s far from over…

What In The World Is The Fujiwhara Effect?

Fuji-whar-a? The name itself sounds like a voodoo curse? What say you? Hurricane Helene is on course to pummel Florida and then snake itself up through the midwest? That’s what the script writers are now forecasting. The Fujiwhara Effect allegedly occurs when two areas of low pressure rotate around each other. Fujiwhara Effects are not…Continue readingWhat In The World Is The Fujiwhara Effect?

Bloodlines, Deadlines, and Headlines – Whose Agenda Is It?

Propaganda, mind control and demonic possession? It’s all about the children! The questions to ask are some like these: “Why now is the focus on the bloodlines and their corruption in the systems of this world? The Hollywood, Music, Entertainment, and Fashion industry? Why all the Netflix mini-series of the evils of fame, power, and…Continue readingBloodlines, Deadlines, and Headlines – Whose Agenda Is It?

When Nothing Is As It Appears, How Do You Know What’s Real?

Black Ops and Psyops – The Scene is Set! Season 8, Episode 47 “The Realm” is set up to play out in the spiritual realm we cannot see. It’s a battle between good and evil with C.I.A. 2.0’s playing a very demented Game of Thrones. Everyone is running around in one big fat “Black Operation”.…Continue readingWhen Nothing Is As It Appears, How Do You Know What’s Real?

Trump – Harris Debate, The 1% and The Rest of Humanity…

Above, that look from Harris’s debate coach when no one believes the scripted lies. The KM Oligarch ruling class (1 percenters) have made it clear that Trump is a danger to their power structure and their one world global plot to rule the world. There is nothing they won’t try to do to get rid…Continue readingTrump – Harris Debate, The 1% and The Rest of Humanity…

Hold On – You Can’t Stop What’s Coming!

They can say don’t sing my song – but they can’t stop people from saying “Hold On – He’s Coming!” And they can’t stop Trump from saying “Hold On I’m Coming!” Why would anyone selling music ever dare to stop free publicity that motivates people to want to go out and buy their music? Big…Continue readingHold On – You Can’t Stop What’s Coming!

Exposed Kaos The Fall, Part 2 The Peacock Angel…

From the Garden to the Grand Finale’! The first disciples of Christ, and the apostles established churches in what is today called Turkey. They testified to those who worshipped the gods of Zeus, Apollo, Athena, Diana, and all the false pagan gods…and those who practiced other religions like the teachings of Zoraster and Peacock Angel…Continue readingExposed Kaos The Fall, Part 2 The Peacock Angel…

The “Beast Show” brought to you by “The Prince of the Power of the Air Productions”!

This brood of vipers have never been so big, so bold, so out in the open and so in your face! But fear not for they (the fallen angel regime) are no longer getting away with their age old Luciferian Central casting doing its demonic gas lighting and ultra fear-based mind control …. NOT at…Continue readingThe “Beast Show” brought to you by “The Prince of the Power of the Air Productions”!


Who is tired of hearing this is a show? Who thrives on the reports concerning the advances in the show? What show are they talking about? Remember you are the extras they (the wicked ones) are using in their live theater performance. And you thought you were just the audience? Think again. You are in…Continue readingTHE SHOW IS ANCIENT, THE LINE “GET YOUR POPCORN” IS NEW!