Where There’s A Will, There’s A Way…      

Are you the type that needs to have approval in order to do what you know you need to do? Or question what your heart says to question? Do you conform to appease or do you conform because you agree? Or do you conform because you were taught to obey those in authority? Or is it just because you believe others are smart and you are unlearned?

There are many people shouting many things. People with good intentions giving their interpretations of “What is coming upon the earth and picking apart words and twisting them into such a scholarly pretzel, and using man-made peer reviews as a consensus with intellect and throwing the Holy Spirit to the side of the road as though a gut feeling incite (gifts of discernment and wisdom) is impossible for them to accept. Mostly because to those who choose to reason everything are trained to use the intellect of man’s reasoning over the Power of God and His gift of the Holy Spirit.

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In choosing to reason with the mind over having faith… they miss out on the miracles. You see, most miracles to those who use philosophy and reasoning, have to have those odd things explained by science and theory of how a miracle occurred. In so doing, the scriptures are fulfilling that tell us that man is forever learning and never coming to the knowledge of the TRUTH. 2 Timothy 3:7

2 Timothy 3:5-15 in context: “ Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

The scientists and their think tank peers are under the ruler of this world’s spell. They walk together in lockstep with orders  from their paymasters to break everything down in such small pieces like protons, neurons, and electrons and then into quantum physics, forever searching and believing that one day they will find the secret of God’s ability to creation and be God??  For they, in their worldly wisdom, don’t believe there is one true God, so they can’t possibly be searching because they do?  Or why else would they be searching for how to create their own universe and travel to and fro in dimensions, realms and time? They are in the world and stuck in it and have no clue that they are trapped inside the matrix they want to put God fearing people into?

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They are the ones in the chains they seek to place God’s children in.

They are the ones following a lost cause and effect. Their peer reviews are nothing more than approvals from their fellow memorizers.  These modern-day Plato’s and Pythagoras’s are rather dull and the shadows they show each other on their walls and halls of philosophy are not going to give them any true answers concerning the world and how God created all things. Especially when their heads are stuck in millions of years ago, and man as an ameba into an ape, while leaving the same animal kingdom in existence that never evolved?

But they have succeeded in putting the eco systems God created out of balance and blowing things up with their science. These are the master minds of utter destruction. If it costs the lives of all living things, they say that is the cost of their wisdom for they are wise as Daniel in their circles. And as cunning as the serpent in the garden. They know not that they are slithering on their bellies in the dust with their master of the “limited edition” of the tree of knowledge.

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To them man’s nature is raw and beastly. The sort that is grunting, hunting and gathering and stupid. Oh how they are above such ones. Yet, not a one of them can see the truth of God and see the power of the Holy Spirit. They have to analyze those who have it, connecting wires to their little brains and search for a body part called a mind and never ever able to understand any of it but through opinion and theory without substance and real facts. Facts that in the same breath they claim are so important to them. The very age of knowledge they so profoundly stand upon is the very same obstacle that shall bring them all down like dominoes. From their own curriculums and their own melting pot of appointed ones who only know how to memorize the folly of the ancients and not the Wisdom of God, they continue to write their mind washing scripts and play them out as though these drop by drop moves will work forever. When today, the drop by drop ideas have failed them, and the dawning of the new day comes. They have no power over God’s children, only the power of the world and control over who gets what and when. And that has an expiration date that God stamped upon it.

That is the real raw truth and nature of their lack of genius… for all they have are pieces of paper that show they have memorized much more than the average person. The paper gives them a title like PhD, and authority of one who memorized more than that of his fellows. It does not give them the thoughts to create, to invent, to improvise or to receive divine inspiration. Sadly, it only gives them a paper that says they have memorized what other philosophers and scientists have said and enjoyed senseless debates among their peers over misconceptions and deceit, forever memorizing and never coming to the knowledge of the truth, and sadly, never experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit nor how the Lord leads one in their daily understanding of building discernment, faith, and hope, while increasing love, strength and true wisdom.

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One cannot scientifically come to God, nor use reason in place of faith. Nor can one be so distant from the truth and persist to squeeze theories of manmade philosophy into the soul of men and say this is the refreshing of which you shall live eternal life?  And deem it so because the modern-day peer review has spoken it so? 

That is the mind of the world and far away from the mind of God and our Lord and Savior and does not include the Holy Spirit at all. In fact, that mindset denies all three.

My natural instinct is that when I like something I want more. When I love something I can’t wait to find out everything I can about it and get as much of it as I can. When I was a child, I was attracted to cartoons. But if I could go outside and play, I chose to do that over sitting in front of the TV, even as a child. Whatever it was I could discover in the back yard with my imagination, I was all into it. That has followed me all my life and no matter what it was I tried to do, if I didn’t have the real item, I would make my own version of it, whether it was banging on boxes and pots with wood sticks for drums, or making a makeshift farm in the backyard with spare fencing, sticks and cardboard. Collecting rocks and hunting for them everywhere was another thing I couldn’t get enough of.

This picture kinda says it all.

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So, when I set out to find my secret space and or private space to talk to God as a child without anyone hearing my most private thoughts that were meant for God only, I would talk, talk, talk. And He would answer me, and I would feel so comforted and good. That never failed. Now that does not mean I was a perfect little child, far from it. That is why I had to talk, talk, talk, and ask why, why, why?  And how, how, how???  Getting in trouble for being me was a regular occurring thing. Smile.

Talking to God helped me to see and understand others. That talking gave me strength, and comfort. It encouraged me and reassured me. Knowing God was there was everything to me. But, darn it… I was always still doing my own thing and not conforming to the rules and that kept getting me in trouble. Rules like “stay in the yard”, “Don’t play in the dirt, and don’t make mud puddles”, “stay out of the alley and don’t bring other people’s garbage home” (I had this thing that if someone threw something away that I thought was good I would take it from their garbage in the alley and bring it home, things I thought were good stuff but was told was garbage. Stuff like broken toys, pieces of lumber, bricks, and broken gadgets, etc.) So, I was always getting in trouble for not minding and doing my own thing. Smile.

So, when I began to study the Bible, I had to have all sorts of Bibles with different commentaries to see what each one said.  And all sorts of books that said things to help unravel history. As a child I would somehow always know when something didn’t sound true or right and was always asking the teacher questions and of course being told to read the chapter and not to be so contrary to what was being taught. I wasn’t being contrary, I had serious questions. (As a child you are always at a disadvantage with the teacher. They are the authority. You say yes mam and yes sir.) And if you were like me, then you went and investigated on your own. If a thing did not make sense, it did not make sense. You just couldn’t tell them that. Smile.

Today we have so many mis and dis philosophies and interpretations of the Bible based on man’s ideas. It is no longer tolerable to listen to what scholars say in debates and Discovery Channel Documentaries of how they “think Jesus thought this or that.” And they “think he went here or there because they think he was doing and thinking this or that?” And the favorite of all, “Jesus must have thought this or that because?????   It is all ridiculous to listen to the theologians and archeologists talking about what they think Jesus was thinking or why they think Jesus lived in Nazareth or addressed the Pharisees and what everyone was thinking. Good grief… let them write a fantasy for that is what these paid ones have turned their government funding grants into… a fantasy script of imaginations.  Because they think they know what he must have thought when he said this or that, because bla, bla, bla????

And some top it off with none of what is said of Jesus is true, it is all man’s made-up words of hundreds of years later and cannot be proven. And every blistering word out of their own mouths is their own opinion or that of their peers who none have any facts, just made up and memorized theories and opinions of deists, philosophers and antichrists.

Many follow the beliefs of those who followed the Greek and Roman gods of ascension, and reincarnation that stemmed from the deceit of Nimrod’s widow and Queen of Heaven Semiramis, when she impregnated herself and declared Nimrod had reincarnated into the body of her son Tammuz.

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In Egypt it was Isis, and the reincarnation of Osiris as Seth.  All of it was pagan, fallen angel Baal worship whose origin was before the flood, and later adopted by the Greeks and Romans in the Hellenization period.

“Osiris is the mythological father of the god Horus, whose conception is described in the Osiris myth (a central myth in ancient Egyptian belief). The myth describes Osiris as having been killed by his brother Set, who wanted Osiris’ throne. His wife, Isis, finds the body of Osiris and hides it in the reeds where it is found and dismembered by Set. Isis retrieves and joins the fragmented pieces of Osiris, then briefly revives him by use of magic. This spell gives her time to become pregnant by Osiris. Isis later gives birth to Horus. Since Horus was born after Osiris’ resurrection, Horus became thought of as a representation of new beginnings and the vanquisher of the usurper Set. Osiris – Wikipedia

Compare that story with the Biblical account in the book of Jasher 27: 7-8  “And Nimrod and two of his men that were with him came to the place where they were, when Esau started suddenly from his lurking place, and drew his sword, and hastened and ran to Nimrod and cut off his head. 8 And Esau fought a desperate fight with the two men that were with Nimrod, and when they called out to him, Esau turned to them and smote them to death with his sword.”

This is what preempted Esau to sell his birthright, for he thought he was going to be sought after and slain for killing Nimrod. Jasher 27:12, ”And he said unto his brother Jacob, Behold I shall die this day, and wherefore then do I want the birthright? And Jacob acted wisely with Esau in this matter, and Esau sold his birthright to Jacob, for it was so brought about by the Lord.” Book of Jasher, Chapter 27 (sacred-texts.com)

Follow all of the gods and goddesses of the philosophers and you have all sorts of cults, superstitions and fantasy stories, based on imagination and man-made reasoning(s) of those who made them up. The same as the scholarly philosophers do to this very day. There is truly nothing new under the sun.

Take the scholars, PhD’s, Theologians and philosophers and their interpretation on the book of Daniel. Look at the thousands of books written by these ones over the years and try to find two who agree on the same ideas of what it all means. Better yet, how about compare their ideas on the book of Genesis and Exodus. I’ll wait.

Then listen to all the ideas on Revelation… and whether there even was a God of all creation… there is a lot of new philosophies and deceit on that one.  Let alone the ideas that miracles are phenomenon that can be scientifically explained.  There are also those who meet in secret and do all sorts of sacrificial rituals involving humans, sex and lots of blood. Those who do such things are appeasing their conjuring dark spirits and what they deem as their gods. Some are just going along with what those who have the money and power to give them coins, material world success, and other things they desire. They really believe there is no death and when they leave their body they come back again, and again, and again. That is very sad and pitiful. Many have lost control over their own minds and disembodied spirits have taken over. And some have been mind-controlled and do the bidding of their handlers. We have all been watching this and many have been blind to it. Totally blind.

Then there is simply the communist lab experiments using humans without their knowledge. Or more accurately put, live guinea pigs.

MK Ultra has been the devils’ best tools against mankind. It’s not new… it only got more evil as the world got bigger.

Take those who rely on faith and God’s promises and the guiding of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Those who talk to God and work on their relationship with Him and the Lord and not science and universal theories and watch as their eyes open and ears hear little by little. Watch as their faith grows and their love for their Father in heaven, His Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit is sincerely heart felt and their desire to help their neighbor and strangers becomes second nature like an extension of their breath. It happens.

The world calls that stupid and seeks to take advantage of those who are so kind hearted. God calls them His children and cherishes each one dearly. Woe to those who harm any of these ones.

One thing is certain, God’s children are very wise, and they know when others have taken advantage of them. They even know who is going to ahead of time, but they still do their best out of love for their Father and out of forgiving the waywardness in each who take advantage. If they find those who take advantage are hungry and they need fed, God’s children give them bread. They know that each person has to work out their own salvation with the Lord. And sometimes that struggle is long and arduous.  God’s ways are not man’s ways.

Keep on pressing into the Kingdom of God! Press, press, press!


By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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