Shout Like It’s 1958!

Then Shout Like It’s 2023! If we have learned anything from the onset of RESET, we have learned they lie and propaganda is the biggest weapon in the war we are in! Gaslighting to confuse your mind and rewriting history is all part of their arsenal of weapons! Most refuse to look beyond what was…Continue readingShout Like It’s 1958!

Elon Musk Satellite Shows Flat Earth…??

Who would have thought? Many have asked is this photo real or what? If it’s real, there’s a lot of land beyond the ice walls! So far man can’t get there, or trust me they would have by now! The photo was allegedly from a data leak at Elon Musk and NASA from one of…Continue readingElon Musk Satellite Shows Flat Earth…??

Believe Your Own Eyes…Not The Propaganda!

Welcome to the Joe Show where nothing is as it appears and everything is upside down. We are at war and while that is known… most people still look surprised to see that this or that happened. Especially when fact checkers (who are paid by thieves and Khazarian Mafia puppet masters) tell you not to…Continue readingBelieve Your Own Eyes…Not The Propaganda!

Add Flat Earth Versus Globe, To The Rest of the Debates…

Evolution versus Creation, Moon Landing versus Hollywood Production, RESET versus Freedom, God versus Alien Universe, Ukraine verses Russia, Republicans versus Democrats, Christians versus Atheists, Roe versus Wade, Right versus Wrong, and on and on and on…. Satan versus God is the ultimate debate of all… for all of the above debatable issues stem from the…Continue readingAdd Flat Earth Versus Globe, To The Rest of the Debates…