And then continue to expose the truth! There is little time to argue, stay focused and keep moving around the walls of Jericho… let those who want to argue get out of the way and gather together where they can have all the time in the world (or what is left of it) for them…Continue readingEXPOSE THE TRUTH!

Will Someone Please Put Biden Back In The Basement?

Biden says climate crisis is undeniable after Hurricane Idalia damage – HE LIES! “I don’t think anybody can deny the impact of the climate crisis anymore,” Biden told reporters at the White House. “Just look around. Historic floods. I mean, historic floods. More intense droughts, extreme heat, significant wildfires have caused significant damage.” Well Joey……Continue readingWill Someone Please Put Biden Back In The Basement?

Florida Braces For Hurricane Idalia…

Storm Chasers on the Ground say – 125 to 130 mile an hour winds expected to hit Tallahassee, Florida by 8:30 A.M.! Watch live and see things as they happen! Reliable source for storm activity. It’s real people showing real footage. Idalia is currently a category 2 with 100 mile per hour winds. As with…Continue readingFlorida Braces For Hurricane Idalia…


Will the billionaire driven WEF Lizards be exposed for being the perpetrators that they are and arrested for their crimes against humanity, or will they succeed in their evil schemes to kill, steal and destroy? The Lizard People’s goals include killing all but 500 million people on the planet. It is not a secret, people…Continue readingTOP DOWN, BOTTOM UP, INSIDE OUT…. IT’S HERE FOLKS!


TODAY IT WILL BE CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS! LITERALLY ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! Florida is preparing for hurricane Idalia as tropical storms hit in the southwest region and people gather water, supplies and gas. And just like that… many are filling up at the pumps only to find they have just put diesel fuel…Continue readingWIND FIRE, HURRICANES, AND NOW GAS!

President Trump Did Not Say or Do Those Things!

You will know the psyops by their fruits! It has come to my attention that one of the latest psyops being presented to diminish the great work of President Trump to Americans is that he sold out to the World Economic Forum and he didn’t do anything as C.I.C. to help Maui. Well the podcaster…Continue readingPresident Trump Did Not Say or Do Those Things!

Did You Hear What President Trump Said?

President Trump said, “I represent everybody, I’m the President of everybody.” So, let’s be clear… add the dots. We watched a presidential motorcade, complete with a fleet of motorcycles in front and an ambulance in the back and helicopters overhead. Trump is always surrounded by secret service as though he were yet in the presidential…Continue readingDid You Hear What President Trump Said?


“Liar, Liar, the World’s on Fire…what we gonna do when it all burns down”…suddenly that Dolly Parton song has a whole new significance! When we first heard that song there were mixed feelings and interpretations… but who knew it was a literal forewarning? Many thought that was a double Dolly, of which I was one…Continue readingTHE WORLD IS LITERALLY BURNING!


With all of the psyops out there who do we trust? How do you know when you are being part of an information war or part of a special task force focus group to find out what you are thinking? There is one thing that is certain here… There would NEVER EVER be any good…Continue readingPROPAGANDA WARS – GAME ON!

You Can Make This Stuff Up!

People are finally catching on or at least they think they are??? Either the scripts are getting really lame, or it’s all becoming predictable? The world watched as President Trump made his way to Atlanta for his arrest. Were they disappointed, saddened, surprised or were they scratching their heads? It’s all election interference! Some watched…Continue readingYou Can Make This Stuff Up!