As Trump Has Said, “America Is Under Siege”!

DONALD TRUMP: “I don’t care about the revenge thing. I know they usually use the word revenge. Will there be revenge? My revenge will be success.”  What President Trump knew long ago, and what he knows today are the unspeakable things! He knows the names of those we never hear and he knows how the machine…Continue readingAs Trump Has Said, “America Is Under Siege”!

Swiss Cheese and Snake Heads…

Both are pugnant in odor, and unpleasant in looks… therefore, they need to hide behind a vail of secrecy. That being said, they come to you in sheeps clothing and underneath they are indeed ravenous wolves. People have asked, what is the Fabian Society? And why would Jan Halper Hayes so adamently be denying that…Continue readingSwiss Cheese and Snake Heads…

Headlines Say Outsourced Social Media and Not Election Interference Why Is That?

Two top headlines of the day are the Censorship From Government Industrial Complex and Biden reknewing Executive Order #13848! Who really believes the Biden avatar reknewed the EO 13848 that places sanctions and seizes assets for election interference for both foreign and domestic? Who else could have possibly, maybe signed it? If you believe Biden…Continue readingHeadlines Say Outsourced Social Media and Not Election Interference Why Is That?

For The Greater Good of All???

When people’s eyes see and ears hear, the enemy knows it’s time to wear a new disguise. Switch up the game and put on some new sheep skins. There appears to be a new approach to programming the minds of the people who are coming out from “Babylon the not so great” as they said…Continue readingFor The Greater Good of All???


With all of the psyops out there who do we trust? How do you know when you are being part of an information war or part of a special task force focus group to find out what you are thinking? There is one thing that is certain here… There would NEVER EVER be any good…Continue readingPROPAGANDA WARS – GAME ON!

Exposing The Tares Among The Wheat!

Wake up and look around. How many things have you been told were true that you now know are lies? And how many other things are waiting for you to find out that were also lies? Are you learning the mind wash think tank games yet? It’s like a group of gamers getting together to…Continue readingExposing The Tares Among The Wheat!