OPEN YOUR EYES AND SEE! OPEN YOUR EARS AND HEAR! EXPOSE THE PSYOPS! KEEP YOUR EYES FOCUSED ON THE LORD OF LORDS AND KING OF KINGS! GOD HAS THIS! DC_Draino made a list of things as to why MAGA Rep. want the USA, Inc. Goverment shut down. What can you add to that list? I…Continue readingBREAKING THROUGH THE MATRIX!


President Trump said, “My second term which we’re sort of having now”… Did President Trump slip up and let us know he’s still the C.I.C. publicly? President Trump does not want the results of this Black Op Disaster called the Biden Administration’s stolen election – All the credit goes to the KM Oligarch Lizard people…Continue readingCLUES FROM PRESIDENT TRUMP!

President Trump Speaks at CWA!

President Trump’s speech at the Concerned Women For America 2023 Summit! Here’s a few short clips for those who don’t have time to watch the entire speech now….. Thank you to Lin Wood for the following two President Trump clips and the great captions! “So God created man in his own image, in the image…Continue readingPresident Trump Speaks at CWA!

President Trump Says We Will Not Comply!

“America will be saved and we will restore our nation! We have turned into a banana republic. It ends on November 5, 2024!” President Trump. This President Trump speech is a must to watch! Listen to every word. He is not going to let the people down! God is with this man! President Trump’s full…Continue readingPresident Trump Says We Will Not Comply!

President Trump Did Not Say or Do Those Things!

You will know the psyops by their fruits! It has come to my attention that one of the latest psyops being presented to diminish the great work of President Trump to Americans is that he sold out to the World Economic Forum and he didn’t do anything as C.I.C. to help Maui. Well the podcaster…Continue readingPresident Trump Did Not Say or Do Those Things!

Spotting All The Hyenas!

The GOP Candidates were all dressed up and on parade. Did you spot the Hyenas? The 2.0’s? So a nobody named Hurd stands up and gives his two cents that Trump is only running in 2024 to stay out of prison and gets booed off the stage and leaves with a cat that ate the…Continue readingSpotting All The Hyenas!


This is what happens when the KM Oligarchs pick the leaders of nations and place them via rigged voting machines and then unite them all with a European Union with more of their appointed heads. No one is coming to save them from themselves. The short version of France on Fire: France is under attack…Continue readingEUROPE IS BURNING AND THEIR LEADERS DID IT!

The Calm Before The Storm Is Over…

DO YOU HEAR THE THUNDER AND CAN YOU SEE THE LIGHTNING? Remember this is God’s battle to win with us. Our armor was given to us through the Holy Spirit so we can stand in the wicked days. We each have been given free will to choose who we shall stand for. It is not…Continue readingThe Calm Before The Storm Is Over…

Trump and Clean Up on Aisle State and Local- “Coral Gate’s” a Mess!

President Trump has told us from the beginning that things all begin at the local level. It is you who vote for who will run your city, and your state, and you send your neighbors to DC on a national level. Did you ever consider how the corruption begins on a local level in order…Continue readingTrump and Clean Up on Aisle State and Local- “Coral Gate’s” a Mess!

President Trump Is Still Standing Strong!

Dan Scavino shows America and the world that the Commander In Chief is none other than President Donald J. Trump. His motorcade is the biggest reveal! Former presidents do not get helicopter escorts, nor do they have a mega multi car motorcade, complete with an ambulance! They don’t have DOZENS of State police escorts blocking…Continue readingPresident Trump Is Still Standing Strong!