Florida Braces For Hurricane Idalia…

Storm Chasers on the Ground say – 125 to 130 mile an hour winds expected to hit Tallahassee, Florida by 8:30 A.M.! Watch live and see things as they happen! Reliable source for storm activity. It’s real people showing real footage. Idalia is currently a category 2 with 100 mile per hour winds. As with…Continue readingFlorida Braces For Hurricane Idalia…


ARE YOU SICK OF FALSE FLAGS? I SURE AM! Pay no attention to the hurricanes making landfall and everybody come look at this helicopter crash… Tell me how wrong this all is. Wait til you see the two pilots who are crawling on their elbows to be rescued by ladder after they ‘SOMEHOW’ CRAWLED UP…Continue readingLOOK ANOTHER SQUIRREL!

President Trump Did Not Say or Do Those Things!

You will know the psyops by their fruits! It has come to my attention that one of the latest psyops being presented to diminish the great work of President Trump to Americans is that he sold out to the World Economic Forum and he didn’t do anything as C.I.C. to help Maui. Well the podcaster…Continue readingPresident Trump Did Not Say or Do Those Things!

Did You Hear What President Trump Said?

President Trump said, “I represent everybody, I’m the President of everybody.” So, let’s be clear… add the dots. We watched a presidential motorcade, complete with a fleet of motorcycles in front and an ambulance in the back and helicopters overhead. Trump is always surrounded by secret service as though he were yet in the presidential…Continue readingDid You Hear What President Trump Said?

On A Lighter Note… Here We Go Again!

New virus, new drill, new vax, new mandates… will you comply? Or will you say…”Been there, done that, not again!”?? In lieu of all the seriousness of this war against humanity… it does well to laugh at the things we’ve been through for laughter is good medicine. It also does a lot to remind us…Continue readingOn A Lighter Note… Here We Go Again!

Oliver (Chris)- A Man And A Song…

What type of overnight sensation are we watching here? When everybody is talking, what are we hearing? “Just some idiot and his guitar”… “The style of music that we should have never gotten away from in the first place.”????? Is this the new American story? Back to dirt floors, seven kids, hard times? Remember the…Continue readingOliver (Chris)- A Man And A Song…

Pacific Worlds Project Psyop, and Lava Tubes?

Follow the money, follow the Globalist goals, follow the KM Oligarchs, follow the false projects that hold alterior motives. Connect the dots… call them out… expose the lies and psyops. How many believe the global Institutions organized and funded by KM Oligarchs are really concerned about preservation of Indigenous peoples in the Pacific Islands? Have…Continue readingPacific Worlds Project Psyop, and Lava Tubes?


DRONE FOOTAGE OF DEW FIRES IN MAUI… I mean the fires caused by wind. Wind always causes fires… weren’t you taught that in school? Didn’t you always see that growing up? Silly you for thinking wind didn’t cause fires. You must wake up! Fire always blasts through and selectively makes a burn trail… leaving leaves…Continue readingPSYOPS and OTHER FREQUENCY WEAPONS!

In Case You Haven’t Figured It Out … When You Fear, You Lose!

And that means EVERYTHING! The enemys greatest weapon is fear! Fear is how they harvest your mind, body and your soul! It’s how they get sound minded people to succumb to mandates that harm them. It’s how they black mail you, herd you and destroy you! Fear is the opposite of faith and Jesus told…Continue readingIn Case You Haven’t Figured It Out … When You Fear, You Lose!

What’s Up With That?

It’s time to test our critical thinking skills and also exercise our sense of humor. In the process, hopefully we will also learn a few new things. Smile as we test our discernment levels. What’s wrong with this picture? What does it tell you? Are you seeing a bigger picture yet? Connecting any dots? How…Continue readingWhat’s Up With That?