Read The Scriptures For Yourself…

Then what? What if you don’t know what you are reading? What if you understand it wrong? Then what? Test the spirits to see if they are of God or of something else. The Lord did not leave us as dumb little orphans. He ascended to the Father and the Father sent us the Holy…Continue readingRead The Scriptures For Yourself…

It’s A Mad, Mad World!

The problem with doing unto others as you would have them do unto you, is not with doing good… it is with those who take advantage of your kindness and don’t know when to stop! And then, with some it is all lip service. They say, “I do this, and I do that…” and they…Continue readingIt’s A Mad, Mad World!

Secret Covenant – Fact or Myth?

Is the alleged Secret Masonic Creed a fact or a Lark? Whether this is old, new, made up or improvised, it matches the goals of the Club of Rome, and the Committee of 300’ reports from Professional Intelligence Agent, Dr. John Coleman. It also reeks of Bohemian Grove ritual rantings, and many secret society initiations……Continue readingSecret Covenant – Fact or Myth?

Is The U.S. led Global Covert Military Defense War Operation STORM Hitting Now – 2024?

Has the United Nations Headquarters – Palais des Nations in Geneva been closed by the current Wartime President & CIC of the United States, Donald J. Trump? Are all offices shut and dark, and is it now Game Over? Pascal Najadi believes so. The UN is grappling with cash flow problems caused in part by…Continue readingIs The U.S. led Global Covert Military Defense War Operation STORM Hitting Now – 2024?

Tickets To Hell For Sell By WEF, UN, and EU!

Get your ticket from your local Lizard connected with the world council of churches or order online from WEF, UN, EU, or A.I. outlet! Meanwhile, Nikki Haley says she is NOT doing another debate without Trump being there!? Will someone tell her that there is no one to debate left in the GOP and it’s…Continue readingTickets To Hell For Sell By WEF, UN, and EU!


What we are witnessing is prophecy being fulfilled. It will be a shaking and a gleaning and in the end, the birthright of God’s kingdom is about to be claimed!   With all of the exposure of the Corporation of the UNITED STATES, INC., and the other corporate masses of London, Inc. and the Vatican,…Continue readingAMERICA IN PROPHECY – LIFTING THE VEIL

President Trump In Iowa Today!

HANG ON AMERICA – WE SHALL REAP IF WE FAINT NOT! President Trump held a town hall event in Iowa with Republicans! So while DeSantis held his little gathering and said Trump was a no show in Iowa due to weather, he was wrong again!!! The only way DeSantis and the other losers can get…Continue readingPresident Trump In Iowa Today!

How Does It End? The Bible Tells You Everything!

So what can be said of the strange events taking place in the world and especially in Israel and Gaza? Let us look to the book of Zechariah and the Revelation of Jesus The Christ. We begin with a brief comparison of the vision given to the prophet Zechariah and the Four Horseman, and that…Continue readingHow Does It End? The Bible Tells You Everything!

The Truth Is To Be Shouted, Not Kept A Secret!

The Wisdom of Solomon was and is the knowledge of Wisdom to triumph over evil given to Solomon by God! And it isn’t a secret… it is the TRUTH! Many have sought to learn the so called “secrets” of Solomon in vain. Without the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, they never come to the knowledge…Continue readingThe Truth Is To Be Shouted, Not Kept A Secret!


Religious freedom is the fundamental right to be wrong, while the truth is somewhere in between that battle. The scholars have proclaimed religious freedom rights to believe and descend into disbelief… Jesus warned of this… He said in Matthew 15:14 “Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the…Continue readingFundamentalism?