Free Will  …

Who is right and who is wrong? A little or a lot? Mostly that depends on what you were told, how you thought about it, felt about it, and what you decided.  Understanding truth comes from the Holy Spirit, here a little and there a little.  Eventually eyes seeking the truth do see. And ears…Continue readingFree Will  …

Stuff Happens, Tell The Flies and Lies to Shoo!

How many times have you gone out of your way to find a nice, secluded spot to be one with the Lord in prayer and here comes something to interfere? The worst interference is when you get the whispers in your head of things that interfere with what you came to that spot to do.…Continue readingStuff Happens, Tell The Flies and Lies to Shoo!

Betrothed To The Lord – It’s The Real Deal!

Rev. 19:6-7 “And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come,…Continue readingBetrothed To The Lord – It’s The Real Deal!

Stand Firm and Be Not Deceived By False Reports!

Whether it is of politics, government, history of the world, wars and rumors of wars, what is coming upon the earth based on man made signs in the heavens of their project looking glass, and especially false Bible translations and interpretations! We are being bombarded with ultra mind control fear factor programming! The axis of…Continue readingStand Firm and Be Not Deceived By False Reports!

God Almighty Isn’t In Their Looking Glass!

Yet, they keep trying to shove God’s Word in the House of Mirrors and turn it into subatomic particles and Quarks. Pseudo science has been weighed in the balance and found wanting. It’s time to return to what God has written in STONE! Why did they write on stone tablets in ancient days? There are…Continue readingGod Almighty Isn’t In Their Looking Glass!

The Lord Said, We Who Believe In Him Are Living Stones!

There are a lot of ideas being pushed in the World, from manifesting wealth, power and fame to letting your third eye work for you. None of this is of the Lord, all of it is an inverted version of God’s natural laws. They call it the physics and laws of the Universe. They have…Continue readingThe Lord Said, We Who Believe In Him Are Living Stones!

Wolves in Sheeps Clothes…

They aren’t just pastors. They are any wolf in any field that sets out to push their own narrative and do or say whatever it takes to push it. That being said… the Illuminated wolf in sheep’s clothes use this to their advantage. They have taken the truths of the Word and used them in…Continue readingWolves in Sheeps Clothes…

Spiritual Warfare Designed To Kill, Steal and Destroy!

Get the new book – get the new prophetic vision by Pastor “Do Re Mi” – and get the “Fa Sol La Ti Do” interpretation of all things by the UN Council of Churches as they gather in Geneva to sing their new song! And while you are at it… stop over to DAVOS and…Continue readingSpiritual Warfare Designed To Kill, Steal and Destroy!

Read The Scriptures For Yourself…

Then what? What if you don’t know what you are reading? What if you understand it wrong? Then what? Test the spirits to see if they are of God or of something else. The Lord did not leave us as dumb little orphans. He ascended to the Father and the Father sent us the Holy…Continue readingRead The Scriptures For Yourself…

It’s A Mad, Mad World!

The problem with doing unto others as you would have them do unto you, is not with doing good… it is with those who take advantage of your kindness and don’t know when to stop! And then, with some it is all lip service. They say, “I do this, and I do that…” and they…Continue readingIt’s A Mad, Mad World!