It’s time to STOP deceiving and do the 2 point NO!!!!!

NO MORE DOUBLE YOUR TROUBLE AND TIME TO PULL OFF SOME MASKS! Whether you are calling yourself a conservative and are a RINO, or calling yourself a Democrat and are a Communist- or calling yourself a Joey and are a Harold, it’s time to pull off the masks and see who is under it! What…Continue readingIt’s time to STOP deceiving and do the 2 point NO!!!!!


Fake News Proves They Are Ultra Mind Controlled Paid Bots! While the fake news  chants like the “Ultra Mind Controlled” paid bots they are, that Trump lied through the entire debate, in their next breath they discuss how to replace stupid and failed bot Biden?  So, what is it fake news? Who are the liars?…Continue readingDEEP STATE IS BURNING, BURNING, BURNING…

The Question Many Are Asking – “Is Trump Still Our President?”

The answer lies in whether you are with the Republic of the United States of America or with the Crown’s USA, Inc. – you know the “Save my democracy for the global order” bunch? All the heads of the EU are shouting the same mantra. That being said, if you’re looking for the real president,…Continue readingThe Question Many Are Asking – “Is Trump Still Our President?”

WHO Hears What Horton Hears?

And WHO sees what Horton sees? 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0… is there a 4.0? WHO knows? Lin Wood has been the purveyor of truth showing photos of things that just don’t look quite like they used to. Most all of these have a reversed aging process taking place that cause dark eyes and a lot…Continue readingWHO Hears What Horton Hears?


So they just had to prick the Tiger. Did they even stop to think it through or were they just Central Casting it from the hip? Was this part in the Simpson’s Central Casting Cartoon predictions or was this a rewrite? Or was it just that stupid thing they decided to do all on their…Continue readingWE WILL FIGHT FOR OUR CONSTITUTION—THIS IS LONG FROM OVER! Donald J. Trump

Foggy With A Chance of Sink Holes!

The foggy bottom may have been landfilled and appear to be built on a strong foundation, however… mud flats are mud flats and sooner or later in “DEW” time, erosion reveals what has always lay beneath. When the illusion fails, what is seen is the miry mist and what is heard is the croaking cacophony…Continue readingFoggy With A Chance of Sink Holes!

Something Is Happening In The Bronx…

They’re ready for Trump to lead the nation! Watch him live today at 5:30! It’s looking like the people have had enough of the propaganda and are not very happy. They are looking real long and hard at everything and the word is… they know they’ve been herded and not heard! The first thing that…Continue readingSomething Is Happening In The Bronx…

LAWFARE a Field Day For Evil Forces… Or is it going to be their downfall?

Are we watching a panic of state and local with the WEF and KM Oligarchs shouting – “It’s now up to you?” And who is the “YOU”? I’m sure by now everyone has seen this strange looking portrait of King Charles. People have been doing the “mirror imaging” thing of it and finding many aspects…Continue readingLAWFARE a Field Day For Evil Forces… Or is it going to be their downfall?

Nikki Wins Swamp, While Trump Wins The Nation!

Today the Supreme Court Ruling in a nutshell decides that- States can’t keep Trump off the Ballot, they do not have this power. The Supreme Court opinion had no dissents. “We conclude that states may disqualify persons holding or attempting to hold state office,” the justices wrote. “But states have no power under the Constitution…Continue readingNikki Wins Swamp, While Trump Wins The Nation!

Wars and Rumors of Wars…

Does the winner ever tell the real story? Or even do the losers? I am sure there is a middle ground in all of it. What is the truth, or as close to the truth as is possible? It’s as bad as trying to figure out what’s inside the nice package at the grocery store?…Continue readingWars and Rumors of Wars…