A Few Weather Wizards, A Witch, And Flying Monkeys…

Before we begin with all the terrible reports coming in, and 11 more hurricanes brewing in the gulf’s caldron with all the new spaghetti charts, let’s start out with a bit of satire … Weather report… satire? It is rumored that Hurricane Helene has made landfall and made its way to destroy dams and is…Continue readingA Few Weather Wizards, A Witch, And Flying Monkeys…

Follow the storm it’s far from over…

Tennessee floods due to dam breaking. Here it roars due to dam tampering? I heard a rumor that FEMA has sent in an Ark to gather endangered species two by two, humans are not allowed in FEMA’s ark, they are not the species FEMA is ordered to save. Wait… just in – breaking….1% of the…Continue readingFollow the storm it’s far from over…

What In The World Is The Fujiwhara Effect?

Fuji-whar-a? The name itself sounds like a voodoo curse? What say you? Hurricane Helene is on course to pummel Florida and then snake itself up through the midwest? That’s what the script writers are now forecasting. The Fujiwhara Effect allegedly occurs when two areas of low pressure rotate around each other. Fujiwhara Effects are not…Continue readingWhat In The World Is The Fujiwhara Effect?

Election Weather Forecast – Stormy With A Chance of Chaos!

Whatever shall we DEW with such forecasts? They DEW tell us everything. DEW you have ears to hear? And it’s always so unpredictably predictable that all the weather forecasters have the very same script, and the very same fear factors built in. Spread the fear a week or so before, then get the heart racing…Continue readingElection Weather Forecast – Stormy With A Chance of Chaos!

Intellectual Electricity versus The Holy Spirit…

It doesn’t take but a bit of a deep dive to look and see what has been buried and hidden under corner stones of the past. While most families are following the laws, going to church and doing the things they are supposed to do in order to be law abiding citizens, they are not…Continue readingIntellectual Electricity versus The Holy Spirit…

It’s All Part Of The Program. Read The Script Before The Rewrites!

The News read their scripts and the people gathered to see the amazing northern lights and BOOM – social media lit up! The lead up to the solar flare warnings were not worthy of any Oscar Award winning, but they were parr for the course. In an article titled, “Strange New Air Force Facility Energizes…Continue readingIt’s All Part Of The Program. Read The Script Before The Rewrites!


Who’s in Charge? It appears the Simpsons Programming was intercepted. Or was it something else? The script writers are out of control and all the Lizard people are out of frogs that can think! They are stuck with their rinse and repeat going through a new wringer in an entirely different wash cycle! The Big…Continue readingBOOM- WHAT? YOU ARE STILL HERE?

WWIII In Progress, Please Refer To Cyber Protocols…

When looking at the US Justice System and President Trump, and listening to the think tanks at DAVOS, and all the mis and dis information campaigns… that means crazy is now unleashed. Go ahead and fact check it! I suppose that also means your firewall has been breeched and it isn’t going to save you.…Continue readingWWIII In Progress, Please Refer To Cyber Protocols…

It’s Not About Tucker, and It’s Not About Russia!

It’s about WHO OWNS THE SKYS and sovereignty of nations versus Satanic/NAZI, KM Oligarch Global Control over EVERYTHING! Tucker Carlson is on a “sly roll out” where his findings reveal that Russia is not the same Soviet Union that once bred communism and fear to its populace. In his recent interview with Vladimir Putin, those…Continue readingIt’s Not About Tucker, and It’s Not About Russia!

When Nations Admit They Have Weapons They Used To Deny…

That’s when you know they all feel empowered and that’s also when you know the THUNDER IS SOUNDING AND LIGHTNING IS READY TO STRIKE! The devil’s ways are always the same. Satan’s greatest weapon has always been deceit and mind control coupled with FEAR, FEAR, FEAR. And his formula’s for the lessor things. Things that…Continue readingWhen Nations Admit They Have Weapons They Used To Deny…