Awake and Open Your Eyes Wide!

Have you eyes that see? These days we can’t believe anything that we hear… it’s time to rely on spiritual eyes and ears! Most importantly…. look and see! Once you see it, you cannot unsee it! That phrase is very popular right now because most people have to see a thing before they will ever…Continue readingAwake and Open Your Eyes Wide!

“Oh Adam, Where For Art Thou?” Part 11

We get lots of half truths. That’s why it sounds believable… for a little while anyway. When you don’t know what’s in God’s Word, you believe what you are told by the so called experts. When you know what it says, that is when you can call them out for what they are… either in…Continue reading“Oh Adam, Where For Art Thou?” Part 11

“Oh Adam, Where For Art Thou?” Part 9

Are you prepared for Spiritual Warfare and The Attack To Destroy God’s children? People of Faith awake! Satan wants you to believe there is no God and disillusion Christians with confusing doctrines and lies. They fear you reading the books that tell of Baal, fallen angels and how Satan’s realm operates in this world. We…Continue reading“Oh Adam, Where For Art Thou?” Part 9

“Oh Adam, Where For Art Thou?” Part 8

It is a big task to take what we believed as tried and true and dig for ourselves to find what is and isn’t so. We must all use discernment, especially in Historic documentaries, which are heavily based on museum artifacts, archeology, and man’s interpretation of the collection of materials they have researched and their…Continue reading“Oh Adam, Where For Art Thou?” Part 8

“Oh Adam, Where For Art Thou?” Part 4

When will all this be over so we can return to our lives the way we knew them? When will we get our NESARA/GESARA? People are getting tired of waiting. What could ever go wrong with that sort of thinking? We embark on the journey of Adam and Eve which is a troublesome one of…Continue reading“Oh Adam, Where For Art Thou?” Part 4

Beyond The World System of Indoctrination, There Is A Whole New Reality…

Ok, Bring On The Aliens… But, What If They’re Fallen Angels and Other Strange Spirit Beings? There are ancient scrolls, manuscripts, books and artifacts that give us a big window into the past. Many of the ancient manuscripts have been tucked away in vaults and forbidden to be read. If you ever wondered why that…Continue readingBeyond The World System of Indoctrination, There Is A Whole New Reality…

When They Say Boo – How High Do You Jump?

Being startled when someone jumps out at you is normal, but how many times can they do that before you catch on? It’s time to wake up and expose the psyops with the cold, hard truth! It seems most people have a hard time seeing the theatrics in the reality show the KM Oligarch lizards…Continue readingWhen They Say Boo – How High Do You Jump?

Fake News and Truth Tellers…

What do we know for sure? Why is it that those who go behind the curtain and show you what is going on back there are called conspiracy theorists? And why do those who make up big fat lies get to be the ones that fake news says is telling the truth? Even when the…Continue readingFake News and Truth Tellers…

Precious Living Stones? Analyze that one!

Horns, Beasts, Clouds, Horses and Sheafs….??? What do we make of all the symbology of the Word of God? There are many scriptures that tell us how when the prophets didn’t understand their vision, an angel(s) came to them to interpret it. Why is that? Because sometimes the vision was very symbolic and they were not…Continue readingPrecious Living Stones? Analyze that one!

Shedding A Light On The Truth-

Take courage, for the Lord has overcome the world!  John 16: 33, “I have spoken these things to you so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation. But take courage; I have overcome the world.” Above, this is a meme of what you are fearing. These old, corrupt liars…Continue readingShedding A Light On The Truth-