Beyond The World System of Indoctrination, There Is A Whole New Reality…

Ok, Bring On The Aliens… But, What If They’re Fallen Angels and Other Strange Spirit Beings? There are ancient scrolls, manuscripts, books and artifacts that give us a big window into the past. Many of the ancient manuscripts have been tucked away in vaults and forbidden to be read. If you ever wondered why that…Continue readingBeyond The World System of Indoctrination, There Is A Whole New Reality…


What ever is taking place, no one in charge behind the veil of secrecy is going to tell you the truth. Therefore, we get lots of propaganda and videos to suit their mind control purposes to gain support of their global world order. It’s really quite a beastly system and it’s got all the hallmarks…Continue readingISRAEL’S WWIII? OR IS IT THE NEW WORLD ORDER’S WAR?

The Final Battlefield…

They aren’t running out of deceit and lies, they are running out of time! How much do you really know about the wicked plans in play? Who do you believe in… God or mammon? Be not deceived. Read the Word of God. All of it, so you will see with your eyes and hear with…Continue readingThe Final Battlefield…

Open Your Eyes, Ears, and Hearts and See The Truth!

Know the times you are living in and REJOICE, for many prophets longed to live in these days and to see these things! Let’s start this out with a bit of cold hard truth…. at least it’s a lot of folk’s truth. How about you? Now that we got that to set the mood…. let’s…Continue readingOpen Your Eyes, Ears, and Hearts and See The Truth!

What’s Really Going On?

It’s never as they say… and sometimes it’s BIBLICAL! Nikola Tesla, was a scientist. He believed in the existence of what he called the “ether”. He said this was a medium through which energy propagates (which means to go through natural processes) in the form of longitudinal vibrations, similar to the way sound and mechanical vibrations propagate…Continue readingWhat’s Really Going On?


Whether it’s past, present or future… lies and mind control is not new, it is ancient. Why? Because it works. Remember when we talked about Plato’s Shadow’s On The Cave Walls? I wonder if they put music to the cave shadows? Or hummed or something? THAT BEING SAID… How did American school systems become infiltrated…Continue readingSOME THINGS YOU WILL HAVE TO LOOK AT SOONER OR LATER!

Silver Prices Rising While Gold Is Tried In The Fire…

The meek shall inherit the earth. What does this mean? Meekness is not weakness. It is full power restrained. Held back with discipline. Today, at every turn, we are bombarded with words of men shouting all sorts of things. People are waking up and sorting through what is a lie and what is truth and…Continue readingSilver Prices Rising While Gold Is Tried In The Fire…

Humans Are Not WEF’s Hackable Animals!

Crimes against humanity can no longer be hidden. They are out in broad daylight and melting in the Sun! The devil is not a god he is a liar and the author of it. He will never be God nor erase God! Imagine if you will, if the world council of churches decided that the…Continue readingHumans Are Not WEF’s Hackable Animals!

The Head of The Snake…Is It Getting Cut Off, or Is It Cut Off?

At least many are saying they know where it is, what it is and WHO it is! Chris Hampton of Wolf Clan Media teams up with Cliche Guevara and Iain Davis to document 2 years’ worth of research into the biggest crime against humanity and shed light on exactly who these criminals are in their…Continue readingThe Head of The Snake…Is It Getting Cut Off, or Is It Cut Off?


Know the nature of the beast and how it operates, otherwise you will be tossed about and swear you are in the twilight zone… kinda exactly like the way the world is looking right now. The father of lies is Satan. John 8:44  “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your…Continue readingTHE BEAST IN THE SHADOWS