Babylon Rising – The New World Order…

“The whole thrust of Tavistock was to “democratize” the West by an attack on womanhood, and the racial, moral, spiritual and religious foundation upon which Western civilization rested.” Dr. John Coleman, TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE FOR HUMAN RELATIONS Many have looked upon the work of William Blake as a thought-provoking marvel and have elevated it now to…Continue readingBabylon Rising – The New World Order…

Children of Cain Versus Epstein Island?

Once upon a time, in a generation far, far from Adam, there was a man named Epstein who signed a contract with the same one as did Cain. Now another guy named Maxwell, he’s the one we really need to talk about… but in this story, he’s already dead and so… the search is on…Continue readingChildren of Cain Versus Epstein Island?


Know the nature of the beast and how it operates, otherwise you will be tossed about and swear you are in the twilight zone… kinda exactly like the way the world is looking right now. The father of lies is Satan. John 8:44  “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your…Continue readingTHE BEAST IN THE SHADOWS