Why Does Everyone Use The Trump Brand?

It’s because the “T B” sells! And because it sells, everyone from “Never Trumpers” to the GOP RINOS use it to raise money to push their own idea of what is a conservative…which has now been exposed as globalism and a one world United Nations, EU, NATO World RESET progressive disorder agenda! They use the…Continue readingWhy Does Everyone Use The Trump Brand?

Predictive Linguistics?

Twenty Year Deltas? Q’s intention? Basic Training Side Effects? Emotional Crash? Crash Minds to Come To Temple Clues? The War is On! And so the story goes that some were already warning of the systems and some were completely wired into it when the mysterious Q came along… there was a following that had to…Continue readingPredictive Linguistics?

It’s Time To Play TRUMP CARD!

Do you know the rules to the game? Trump says it takes more than intelligence and knowledge, you have to have THE WILL TO WIN! That’s what it’s all about! President Trump has taken the Show on the road! Today, across America participants can choose to let things happen to them or take charge of…Continue readingIt’s Time To Play TRUMP CARD!

Predictive Programming?

What if Q was an A.I. app? What would you do with that information if that were a true red pill? Someone sent me a video showing how to use “Auto GPT God Mode Ai”, that explained its new “Huge” upgrade. As I watched the video… my mind processed the information and I thought of…Continue readingPredictive Programming?

Nothing Is As It Appears Except The War On Your Mind!

No matter what you see and hear, the signs are all there that show the good guys who are out to end the lawlessness are winning! There is truth and propaganda at every turn, it’s up to you to sort through everything you are told, and everything you see and discern what is real and…Continue readingNothing Is As It Appears Except The War On Your Mind!

Now For The Part Where The Words of Biblical Prophets Are Seen…

How many scriptures can you find that foretell what you are seeing today? If you haven’t begun the most exciting part of the show already, now is the time to get out your Bible, your Lexicons, and forbidden books like Enoch, Jasher and Jubilees and ask the Holy Spirit to show you in scripture what…Continue readingNow For The Part Where The Words of Biblical Prophets Are Seen…

A.I. and Humanity, What Can Go Wrong?

Elon Musk says “A lot!” and the God Father of A.I., Geoffrey Hinton Quits Google after shocking A.I. encounter! Today, we give you some recent information that appears to be some sort of warnings and “prepare ye the way of A.I. for it isn’t as safe as they thought”, parallel to globalists who are celebrating…Continue readingA.I. and Humanity, What Can Go Wrong?

If You Ever Get Bored On Twitter… Check Out NSF!

Ya got to hand it to A.I. UNICORN techies, they just keep on plug’in along… and they love to plug into EVERYTHING! NSF EPSCoR has announced its 2023 EPSCoR RII Track-1 Awards. Like we should all know what NSF stands for let alone EPSCoR RII? And are these achievement awards or entertainment? Like the Oscars…Continue readingIf You Ever Get Bored On Twitter… Check Out NSF!

Let’s Play Dominoes and Banksters…

The question is…. “How many were lined up and who can recognized how many have fallen and how many are left to fall?” Back in July of 2020, Whitney Webb wrote a very intriguing article on the Epstein banking that involved Deutsch Bank and the Holy Grail, so to speak, of Epstein’s blackmail list. She…Continue readingLet’s Play Dominoes and Banksters…

Shocking A.I. or Business As Usual?

A.I. is out of control? Seriously? Why I am shocked? I tell you… I’m just shocked? A British scientist known for his contributions to artificial intelligence has told Sky News that powerful AI systems “can’t be controlled” and “are already causing harm”. Professor Stuart Russell was one of more than 1,000 experts who last month signed an…Continue readingShocking A.I. or Business As Usual?