Now For The Part Where The Words of Biblical Prophets Are Seen…

How many scriptures can you find that foretell what you are seeing today?

If you haven’t begun the most exciting part of the show already, now is the time to get out your Bible, your Lexicons, and forbidden books like Enoch, Jasher and Jubilees and ask the Holy Spirit to show you in scripture what it is you are seeing take place right now, on earth … it is everywhere to behold for those who have eyes to see!

Artificial intelligence… let’s unwrap that!

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That being said, at least in the world of A.I. they admit what they are doing with their intelligence is artificial… which means it’s a made up idea of how we came about from a big bang and all the jumble mumbled up theories and ideas from their own man made theories and propaganda. And they are playing with the natural order of EVERYTHING trying to do what God did by His Word.

But they are doomed to fail for God told us everything that would happen from the beginning unto the very end and he told us they would do these things and they would fall. We don’t need to rewrite prophecy, nor go to the modern day goddess of fortuna to hear what is to come…for God has written all things. It’s time to get out your Bible and read with the Holy Spirit leading you to discern.

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In a nut shell, the out of control A.I. Science denies God. With science you are living on a tiny ball spinning out of control, doomed to a black hole of nothing, unless the mad scientists can figure out an artificial way to save the planet and take away your free will, while all the monsters of doom get to keep theirs.

What they will soon find is Biblical, they will discover the bottomless pit …the great abyss also called Hades and hell. For they dig into hell believing they are mastering matter or is that anti-matter? They are definitely building their new kingdom, of which they are marching right into head first. That kingdom is the absence of God and God’s light. The Bible tells us it is a dark, nothingness a bottomless pit. It is called the abyss. These ones seeking the abyss shall one day call it their home for it is their self willed destiny to arrive there. The question is… is that where you want to follow them to? 

None of their A.I. is new. It was Tesla that opened Pandora’s box and the great merchants of the earth have been hiding what is good and free and secretly developing and researching technology for their own gainful purposes for the, and with the, ruler of this world whose name is Satan.

South Dakota’s DUNE Project — Kiewit-Alberici Preps Former Goldmine for Science Experiment –

That is the headline from an article from 2021 in the Construction Equipment Guide News about the new DUNE project in South Dakota, and it just may be another one of many reasons for the Biden halt on the Keystone Pipeline. On top of the government UN energy goals for a green planet, they also have a project called DUNE where they will conduct energy experiments from Illinois to South Dakota with their CERN Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, which is called DUNE for short.

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An overlook of the open cut, where rock will be deposited from the 4,850-ft. level excavation. (Sanford Underground Research Facility photo)

Excerpt: “International science came to the Black Hills of western South Dakota, because that’s where the deep hole is. Over the last century, the hole — Ross Shaft — was sunk 5,000 ft. to give access to lateral tunnels from which gold was extracted from sedimentary rock to a depth of 8,000 ft. Now the opening into the earth is being repurposed into an entranceway for a highly-sophisticated underground physics experiment.”

So while lay people aren’t privy to the real details to the A.I. CERN type neutrino thingy… and most people if asked what they think about neutrino would probably answer, something similar to, “I don’t know him, is he a politician?”, or “I love that dog food commercial!” If you catch my drift??? So while they can feel free for the moment to tell us they are researching neutrinos simply because they might as well be talking about making cup cakes when it comes to the average person even knowing what they are talking about… we are once again learning a few more words of their code.

So let’s do a deep dive and we find it takes us to Hawking, a science project in and of himself that has gone on to his master blaster in the neutrino hole.

From an article of Stephen Hawkings work we find he believed that neutrinos were humanity’s only hope of escaping a looming energy crisis that threatened to forever end the history of human progress. (Note he did not same human life… he said human progress. That must mean A.I.?) He said neutrino radiation is an invisible, and potentially limitless source of energy, and scientists have taken the first steps towards harnessing it for applications. He presented his diagram as a Neutrino Power Cube.

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Read: The first technical details of the Neutrino Power Cube have been revealed – Neutrino Science (

Although, still not quite proven as to an answer of how or why, scientists believe that neutrino particles that pass through the Earth in 1 day at a rate of 60 billion particles per second through 1 cm2 of the Earth’s surface have more energy than all the remaining fossil fuels combined. (Now we know what they tell us to get us to buy into their science… so take all of that with a grain of salt and look behind their curtain to see what else is behind there?) They say, solving the problem of converting neutrino energy into electricity would allow access to unlimited amounts of clean, renewable energy. (Didn’t they say that about windmills? Solar panels? Flamable Lithium batteries?)

But, lo and behold it all goes back to Nikola Tesla, the discoverer of the alternating current electricity and inventor of remote control and asynchronous motors, they tell us he was one of the first scientists to suggest that an invisible and infinite source of electricity exists beyond the reach of our technological development. Since then, time passed and science thinks neutrinos could be this infinite source of electricity. But, the scepticism of both laypeople and many scientists are waiting to see if they can actually convert the radiation of the invisible spectrum of radiation into electricity.

Not sure about you… but it sounds to me that maybe these neutrinos need to be left alone to do their thing naturally. The full spectrum of the sun is a marvelous thing and provides light emitting diodes for energy for all cells to multiply and divide. Messing around with pulling one part or another can have some very different affects? Time will tell for they’ve been at this for a while.

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In the 1960s, while still a functioning gold mine operation, the international scientific community set up a laboratory deep underground to explore the so called, “exotic world of solar neutrinos particles” that are constantly blasted to earth from the sun.

The short version is this: Hundreds of thousands of tons of rock almost a mile below the surface will be drilled and blasted apart using conventional mining machinery. The rubble then will be mechanically conveyed to the surface where it will be further crushed and deposited in a huge pit. The created caverns will be ventilated and cement-floored for the installation of four large scientific instruments. The finely calibrated devices will be used to detect and interpret intense neutrino bursts beamed to them through the earth from a laboratory near Chicago some 800 mi. away.

Scientists from more than 30 participating nations will thus advance their understanding of the class of particles called neutrinos. The particle physics experiment is a futuristic undertaking, to say the least, but the here and now of the excavation work is a wonder, too.

Read the full story here: South Dakota’s DUNE Project — Kiewit-Alberici Preps Former Goldmine for Science Experiment : CEG (

Remember “Once Upon A Time” and stories that start with that when you listen to their Science. Just giving a heads up… this is what they tell you, not necessarily what it is or why they want it.

There are lots of explanations … and it’s not always so much of a happier ever after… some call it ghost particles.

And this is what techs are memorizing.


And now we introduce you to the new “NOT SO SMART” A.I. UN RESET CITY PROJECTS!


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They are building their SMART world, city by city and town by town. Read how they are doing this under the direction of the United Nations and all those in WHOville!

“How Artificial Intelligence Is Helping Us Build The Next Generation Of Smart Cities”

Some excerpts:

Cities are getting smarter, and in some pockets of the world, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) are helping local authorities to develop innovative urban solutions that can bring multiple benefits to residents and the environment. 

“The more recent mainstream adoption of AI and IoT technology has enabled urban and city planners to develop innovative models that are helping reshape the way people live, work and move in cities.” 

Gunangad Singh Maini, an expert in energy management and smart cities who has more than a decade’s worth of experience in strategic planning and project management said, “Cities are above and beyond our general understanding. Today they offer people refuge, work, stability, and an improved quality of life. The more technology grows and develops, the faster people will leave rural regions to relocate to smart cities that can provide them with a better quality of life; this includes present and future generations.”

Understanding the needs of residents is perhaps the biggest task. Knowing where to build more housing, erect parks, where roads should go, how to divert traffic flows, water and energy needs, commercial space, and everything else becomes an enormous problem for future residents if current urban planners do not have access to the correct data.

Read: How Artificial Intelligence Is Helping Us Build The Next Generation Of Smart Cities – CEOWORLD magazine

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The entire goal is to rebuild cities into their smart surveillance infrastructure of controlling everything you do. But first they have to have the people in small towns and cities feel there is a need for it so to do this they stop fixing roads, stop picking up garbage properly, make a mess of emergency call lines, ignore policing for crime, catch and release justice systems, stop doing maintenance on city owned buildings, parks, and make it difficult for small businesses to operate. In other words take a strong city with thriving businesses and satisfied residents and turn it into a poor town with poor services, tearing down landmark buildings and replacing them with nothing at all, a government building or parking lots, while raising taxes and mismanaging monies in their face.

For example… in one small town in Illinois they are redoing a stretch of road to widen sidewalks and this is going to take ten feet of property off of all the existing buildings on the strip which means all of these will have reduced parking in their lots, and some will be left with no parking at all. But, they will have big fat and wide sidewalks with surveillance lights for all the people to now walk on which presently there is no heavy walking traffic and the existing sidewalks are enough for the one or two who use them. Some businesses will be torn down for the city already took all but a sidewalk away in past road work.

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This is so called SMART planning. You see in the future… when all is in place… these people will be walking so perhaps the sidewalk was looking ahead? Presently this town and others across America are going through these type of SMART A.I. ideas being pushed on them. Most people have no idea it is SMART CITY, they just think it is idiotic city management and want to vote out their councils and mayors and governors.

This isn’t new. It has been taking place all across the U.S. for a long while now and they have a system of internal slow boiling frog type of destruction in place to achieve compliance from residents. They wear tax paying residents down by slowly letting the city mismanage itself to the brink of no return, until finally by sheer exhaustion and disgust residents are forced to accept whatever it takes to fix their roads, schools, etc., and bring a good business to their city. They do this by slowly destroying a strong infrastructure and little by little tear down good buildings (for secret future city planning) and they generally do this via city managers who are collaborators with future A.I. tech ideas and are trained to manage SMART infrastructure A.I. solutions… and treat privately owned businesses and home owners like they are their own private lego set to demolish and rebuild as they please to make their new city project look real SMART for global leaders.

The government collaborates by having grants and funding for SMART projects from 5G broadband, SMART GPS A.I. street lights, and other SMART infra structure approved by the UN SMART City projects, for these are a UN sustainable development goals for the 21st Century New World Order, now known as RESET, and SMART Cities agree to all the A.I. integrated climate change collaboration to save the planet bla, bla.

I hope you are all seeing by now that although voting is an issue, there is also a much greater problem… and that problem is RESET globalists who want to A.I. the world into their SMART FEMA style open air concentration camp cities of compliance and control.

As for me and my family, we shall choose the Lord. Amen. Each must choose, choose wisely. We know where the KM Oligarchs are heading, what they have chosen. So as they build their towers into the sky and dig down to hades… keep the faith and know that it was written long ago by the prophets that they would do exactly that.



By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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