Let’s Play Dominoes and Banksters…

The question is…. “How many were lined up and who can recognized how many have fallen and how many are left to fall?”

Back in July of 2020, Whitney Webb wrote a very intriguing article on the Epstein banking that involved Deutsch Bank and the Holy Grail, so to speak, of Epstein’s blackmail list. She wrote, “The alleged gunmen who killed the son of Esther Salas, the judge recently assigned to the Epstein-Deutsche Bank case, worked for a company of corporate spies and mercenaries with ties to intelligence and also to Deutsche Bank.” From the article titled, “Alleged Salas Family Assailant Previously Worked for US/Israeli Intelligence-Linked Firm”.

Whitney is also the author of “One Nation Under Blackmail Vol.1″…

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… and “One Nation Under Blackmail Vol. 2”.

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With the Epstein case back in the public eye, along with Epstein’s own fancy with A.I. and eugenics, and his day jobs of bribing, black mailing, honey trap set ups, human and child trafficking, money laundering, Israeli Spy MS 16, etc. we look at his alleged bank, which now in this Domino of bank fails, eyes are wincing at them all and Deutsche Bank of Germany is getting a hard stare due to the fact that the ones investing in Epstein’s day jobs just happened to use Deutshe to do their banking.

Excerpts from the July 2020 Webb article:

“The news of the shooting of the husband and son of Esther Salas, the judge recently assigned to oversee the Jeffrey Epstein – Deutsche Bank case, caused shock and confusion while also bringing renewed scrutiny to the Epstein scandal just a week after Epstein’s main co-conspirator, Ghislaine Maxwell, was denied bail in a separate case. 

“The case Salas is set to oversee is a class action lawsuit brought by Deutsche Bank investors who allege that Deutsche Bank “failed to properly monitor customers that the Bank itself deemed to be high risk, including, among others, the convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.” The case came after the New York state Department of Financial Services had settled with Deutsche Bank over the bank’s failure to cut ties with Epstein-linked accounts, resulting in Deutsche Bank paying a $150 million fine. Deutsche Bank, unlike other financial institutions, failed to close all of its accounts linked to Epstein until less than a month prior to his arrest last year, even though the bank had identified him as “high risk” years before.

So the judge that was to preside over the case was murdered, and the alleged key suspect in that murder case, Roy Den Hollander, was found dead of a “self-inflicted” shotgun to the head (murder or suicide??) which brought more attention to the fact that there was more to the Deutsche bank connection than previously thought.

Webb wrote, “The most likely reason for any such “damage control” effort lies in the fact that both U.S. law enforcement investigations and mainstream media reports have consistently downplayed the connections of Jeffrey Epstein’s sexual trafficking and financial crimes to intelligence agencies in the U.S. and Israel. Similarly, Roy Den Hollander who previously worked for a New York firm has been described as a “private CIA” with ties to those countries’ intelligence agencies and, also, ties to Deutsche Bank.”

Before Hoffenberg took a shotgun to his head, he told The Observer the following:

“His lead bank is Deutsche Bank, Germany, that runs the lead on his financial trust company. They run the platform in the trading of the currencies for Epstein and with Epstein. He’s never disclosed to the investors that provide the money to Deutsche Bank his true legacy, that’s securities fraud.”

The article is an excellent reference point to catch up on what is now taking place and how serious the KM Oligarchs take their banking and RESET mission. I strongly suggest those who are interested in what is now going down to read the entire article: Alleged Salas Family Assailant Previously Worked for US/Israeli Intelligence-Linked Firm (unlimitedhangout.com)

Although we are looking at the A.I. and Bank closures… or rather, I’m trying to get us to that domino game, here is another interesting excerpt to help you see how serious these banksters are and why we are watching the domino affect. There are many reasons banks are failing… and none of them really have much to do with civilian depositors withdrawing their small savings. That is just a side effect. Like a light burp muffled in your napkin in the middle of the meal. Remember the 1% toss around the millions and billions like ten dollar bills.

Here is the big clue, from the Whitney Webb article:

“Following that point, Epstein’s financial activities, aside from his Deutsche Bank-enabled investment vehicle, were publicly conducted through Bear Stearns (until its 2008 collapse) and J.P. Morgan. When J.P. Morgan dropped Epstein as a client, he again turned to Deutsche Bank in 2013, becoming a client of the bank’s private wealth division in New York. Anti-money laundering compliance officers at the bank’s branches in New York and Florida subsequently flagged Epstein’s accounts in 2015, in 2016 and again in 2019, creating suspicious activity reports regarding the movements of large amounts of funds tied to Epstein-linked accounts outside of the U.S.” 

It’s all about dirty money and cleaning it all up! Money laundering 101!

Back to Webb excerpts: “However, the bank did not fully terminate their relationship with Epstein until June 2019, just a few weeks prior to his arrest last year. Epstein was believed to have dozens of accounts with the bank at one point and those accounts were shut down slowly over a period of several months beginning in late 2018.

Key phrase to remember, “Those accounts were shut down SLOWLY over a period of several months!”

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So in a world where the Epstein arrest and alleged suicide feels like decades ago, it really is yet a fresh event that is still in progress. The recent A.I. frenzy of everything an inquiring mind looks at twice is answered with – “These aren’t the droids you are looking for”, or deemed mis and dis information is now coming to the short end of the stick…because people have now caught onto the A.I. data mining and gaslighting games in their world of mind control and discredit the mis and dis false truth programming.

Webb also tells us that “Jeffrey Epstein’s ties to Deutsche Bank go back decades, and potentially earlier. After working for Bear Stearns earlier in his career and then as a so-called “financial bounty hunter” with ties to intelligence-linked arms dealers and Wall Street, Epstein set up a Ponzi scheme with Steve Hoffenberg called Tower Financial, which collapsed in 1993 and subsequently landed Hoffenberg 20 years in prison. Epstein’s name, despite being a clear co-conspirator, was suspiciously dropped from the case during the trial. Hoffenberg subsequently alleged that Epstein used his ill-gotten gains from Tower Financial alongside a series of suspect loans from Deutsche Bank to create his investment company.”

We learn a lot about the world of banking in this well researched background story and we are just supposed to be focused on one aspect of this entire human and child trafficking story and not all of the Mount Everest of incriminating details and side espionage. When the truth is, this involves the world’s most powerful and wealthy men who control the money sources and thus control corporations, Wallstreet, world appointed leaders and global ideologies. President Trump calls them all “Lizard people.” He told us long ago we were dealing with people whose names we do not know. Once again, Trump was right.

Trump Cards actually tell a story.

You’ve heard of the Illuminati Card game… well how many figured out there is another version to follow and that one has a different story ending. Collect all the Trump cards and figure it out.

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The truth is President Trump knows everything needed to know about these great merchants and as he has repeatedly said… “We have it all!” Meaning they have everything on all of them. The dominos will fall and we are watching them fall now.

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My point in presenting this is to show you that your deposits are not the make it or break it factor here. It may make or break you, but not the banks. The banksters already have you down at the bottom, it’s how they play their game.

And the good guys or white hats are after the big whales and sharks not the minnows. We are talking about the ones who are in the 1% KM Oligarch club, not those working hard doing the right things, even if you have a lot of money, it certainly isn’t going to tumble the bank if you withdrawl. They still get your monthly mortgage and or car payment to float on. And never mind the ones living paycheck to paycheck with a humble amount saved. Your cash is the front and fun money where they charge interest on the fiat dollars that appear out of thin air and own your titles while you are paying and physically remove it if you don’t. They own everything you thought you were buying until you pay the last cent. They get the honest guy by crashing the markets they have invested your 401K in and tell you… sorry it crashed and its gone. That is the system that has been corrupt and we have been too busy working and saving to know it. Those who knew it could do little to nothing about it.

But now, they (the constitution oath keeping military et al, along with the alliance of nations who love their freedom) are taking the entire banking system game apart blockchain by blockchain. And the crooked heads of it all know this and they are panicking!

Enter Goldman Sachs and Swiss Bank…

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Kathryn Ruemmler

Meet Ms. Kathryn Ruemmler, in 2014 she was a partner specializing in white-collar defense at Latham & Watkins, and later General counsel at Goldman Sachs. From an article by the Wall Street Journal from April 30, 2023, according to a Goldman spokesperson, she never visited Epstein island and never accepted an invitation or an opportunity to fly with Jeffrey Epstein anywhere. She did meet with him at his Townhouse after he called her to ask if she would be interested in representing Mr. Gates and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The Wall Street Journal stated that Kathryn Ruemmler, who was also a White House counsel under President Barack Obama, had dozens of meetings with Epstein in the years after her White House service and before she became a top lawyer at Goldman Sachs Group Inc. in 2020.

In addition to her role as general counsel at Goldman Sachs, Ms. Ruemmler is co-chair of its reputational risk committee, which monitors business and client decisions for potential damage to the bank’s image. 

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Ariane de Rothschild

Epstein also connected Ms. Ruemmler with Ariane de Rothschild, who is now chief executive of the Swiss private bank Edmond de Rothschild Group. The bank hired Ms. Ruemmler’s law firm, Latham & Watkins, after the introduction to help with U.S. regulatory matters, according to the bank and the Goldman spokesman.

Mrs. de Rothschild, who married into the famous banking family, had more than a dozen meetings with Epstein. He sought her help with staffing and furnishings as well as discussed business deals with her, according to the documents.

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Documents show that Epstein’s days were filled from morning to night with meetings with prominent people, having dinners at New York restaurants, meetings at luxury hotels and gatherings in the offices of prominent law firms. Many appointments were held at Epstein’s townhouse in Manhattan. Read full story:Jeffrey Epstein’s Private Calendar: CIA Director William Burns, Goldman Sachs’s Top Lawyer, Noam Chomsky – WSJ

Big names and big banks all line the Epstein trials and tribulations.

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It isn’t just the banks, it is also the investment companies. Also known as venture capitalists. It’s all connected and it’s all under fire.

The A.I. UNICORNS start up companies are the tech memorizers for the big 1% clubbers and master minds. Whose time has come and is now being challenged openly for those who have eyes to see. Most techies had no idea they were part of so much of this… they really thought they were doing important data mining work for the government to which they served and received such grant money to perform. Others thought they had a great app idea and were so flattered that big tech saw it too. Others saw the lucrative opportunity. It’s just like crypto currency… after all that was and is all data mined. They all go hand in hand. And the soy graduating class of x y and z all got good paying jobs calling the thinking class “old fashioned”, “out of touch”, and “never gonna make it in the future”. The truth is those so labled out of touch, old fashioned ones are actually blowing the whistle to help save the future for those who know not what they do.

Now as in all things, it is not the bank that does the bad things, it is bad people who operate within the bank that do the bad things. It’s that way in every profession, regardless of what that profession is. Why? Human nature. Some are inclined to do a bad thing when tempted or self inclined to think it up and others are not.

The truth is now out that Deutsche Bank has been notorious for years for its art of money laundering for organized crime networks. They have paid $14.5 billion in fines in just the last seven years from governments taking official action against the banks illegal activities. This does NOT MEAN that all those banking with Deutsche Bank were involved with illegal activities. Nor does it mean that all loan officers and tellers working at Deutsche banks are involved in criminal activity.

The same applies to any of the banks that have already went under. Remember there are wheat growing among the tares. That is how it is and will be unto the harvest, according to scripture.

Someone had to push the first domino to start the toppling of this corruption … it looks like it was none other than yours truly! But first he had to let you see it!

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That being said… keep your eyes opened and question all things. The dominoes are falling in every deep state infiltrated system. And note… governments sponsor much of the corruption and fund it with tax dollars from the little people they are crushing. Soon that will end. Hold on through the storm. It’s beginning to thunder, and after thunder come lightning!

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Keep on pressing into the Kingdom of God! Press, press, press!


By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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