The Fight or Flight of The Pesky Little Fly…

When things get heavy… it’s time to throw in a few things light… layer it up a bit. Just don’t dilute it too much. You may be caught off guard. First, the lighter side, Trump points out a nervous thing Joe does… Pencil neck is morphing…showing his true colors again… Does this mean Obummer lost…Continue readingThe Fight or Flight of The Pesky Little Fly…

Judge Not, Lest You Be Judged…

God has all sorts of precious living stones that make up his Temple and you can’t ever judge their worth by looking at the outside. Only God knows what his purpose is for each one and when he shall use them. That being said, would anyone ever dare to use the Bible as a weapon? …Continue readingJudge Not, Lest You Be Judged…

The Battle Ahead…

Distractions designed to control ones mind and weaken their faith in God is the biggest weapon being used. Are you prepared to stand against this spiritual warfare? There has been a lot of talk on how many of the big buildings with big stones were made during an age of “horse and buggy”.  This speculation…Continue readingThe Battle Ahead…

Know the enemy… it is not what you think it is.

We battle not with flesh and blood, but with principalities and powers in dark places. Literally! Gods and spirit possession and the cultures who worship them are here. Individual and civilization possession is real. A nation can be in the grips of possession. These false gods are here and they are real. Jesus sent the…Continue readingKnow the enemy… it is not what you think it is.

Spiritual Warfare Has Not Changed…

It has only been heightened! The war is on, and always has been, to steal your mind and soul! Remember when the type of “SECRET” words below leak out, they laugh because they know few will believe any of it to be true because it is so wicked and reads like their own Hollywood Sci-Fi…Continue readingSpiritual Warfare Has Not Changed…

It’s Not About Tucker, and It’s Not About Russia!

It’s about WHO OWNS THE SKYS and sovereignty of nations versus Satanic/NAZI, KM Oligarch Global Control over EVERYTHING! Tucker Carlson is on a “sly roll out” where his findings reveal that Russia is not the same Soviet Union that once bred communism and fear to its populace. In his recent interview with Vladimir Putin, those…Continue readingIt’s Not About Tucker, and It’s Not About Russia!

What On Earth Are We Watching?

That’s the kind of thing that starts a lot of chaos, confusion and gets the rumor mill spinning!! With all the talk of the Biden puppet administration and the buzz of confusion regarding who is running the nation, and hints that Obama is the “one” and Michelle will be the new candidate to run for…Continue readingWhat On Earth Are We Watching?

Haley Blames Trump For Biden’s Low Military ‘Woke’ Recruitment?

She appears to have created her own fictitious war world and puts Trump to blame for Biden’s low ‘woke’ recruitment numbers as she rewrites facts and twists the truth into a pretzel. Then takes a bite out of it! How can Nikki possibly, even remotely, dare to say such a thing? Seriously Nikki? Low recruitment…Continue readingHaley Blames Trump For Biden’s Low Military ‘Woke’ Recruitment?

Someone’s Out In Left Field and It Isn’t President Trump!

How many believe that Lloyd Austin and the DOD, or anyone in the Biden Administration, authorized Trump Force 1 to have an Airforce 1 jet escort? Especially on his political campaign flights? If it wasn’t authorized by the Biden Administration, who do you think authorized it? Or is it all a lark? President Trump photo…Continue readingSomeone’s Out In Left Field and It Isn’t President Trump!

Propaganda Wars and Cyber Hacking.

It’s all Spiritual Warfare with lots of Orwellian built right in so you won’t believe it’s true. Enter Karl Marx: In Karl Marx’s critique of capitalism, in a capitalist society,  religion plays a critical role in maintaining an unequal status quo, in which certain groups of people have radically more resources and power than other groups of people. Marx argued that the bourgeoise used religion as…Continue readingPropaganda Wars and Cyber Hacking.