The Fight or Flight of The Pesky Little Fly…

When things get heavy… it’s time to throw in a few things light… layer it up a bit. Just don’t dilute it too much. You may be caught off guard.

First, the lighter side, Trump points out a nervous thing Joe does…

Pencil neck is morphing…showing his true colors again…

Does this mean Obummer lost his mojo script writers?

How many interpretations can we derive from this one?

J-6, he lunged forward and grabbed the wheel… and then he…

Which bring us to the Fly.

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The lifespan of a fly depends on the species and the environmental conditions. On average, a fly can live two to three weeks. House flies typically live 15 to 25 days, while fruit flies can survive 40 to 50 days. Flies need food to survive, and without it, they can only last for a few days. Unless of course it gets swatted or sprayed with an insecticide, of which death is immediate. Can you think of other ways a fly can meet its demise unexpectedly?

What can we learn from the mystical fly?

Houseflies are a nuisance, disturbing people while at leisure and at work, but they are disliked because of their habits of contaminating food and causing disease.

Did you know that during the Second World War, the Japanese worked on entomological warfare techniques with flies under Shirō Ishii. Japanese Yagi bombs developed at Pingfan consisted of two compartments, one with houseflies and another with a bacterial slurry that coated the houseflies prior to release. The bacteria was vibrio cholerae, which causes cholera. It was the bacterium of choice, and was used in China in Baoshan in 1942, and in northern Shandong in 1943.

Baoshan had been used by the Allies and bombing produced epidemics that killed 60,000 people in the initial stages, reaching a radius of 200 kilometres (120 mi) which finally killed around 200,000 victims. The Shandong attack killed 210,000; the occupying Japanese troops had been vaccinated in advance. From: Lockwood JA (2012). “Insects as weapons of war, terror, and torture”. Annual Review of Entomology. 57: 205–227

Yet, the Fly appears different to different eyes of beholding… come little fly and let me fly with you to????  Where is it we are going? You never really told me???

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 As in the poetry works “Songs of Innocence” by William Blake who was a poet, an Artist, and what those who celebrate him now choose to say helped us “dream outside the sphere”. As it truly was controversial.

Blake’s stirring design for the front piece of his 1794 publication Europe: A Prophecy. His so-called Ancient of Days (pictured below) depicts a suspended deity, enthroned in a celestial orb and surrounded by smoldering clouds, stretching downwards to jab terrestrial creation with an enormous pair of compasses. What connection does this make you imagine? “Eye” have some “eyedeas”.

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The BBC writes of Blake,The Ancient of Days, 1827: Living at a time of political oppression, Blake was a radical, his works offering a denunciation of Church and state – inspiring subsequent generations.”

“In the context of Blake’s complex mythologies, the wizened figure (whose chiselled physique recalls Michelangelo’s muscular, sky-surfing God on the ceiling frescoes of the Sistine Chapel) is the fearsome demiurge Urizen, the embodiment of empirical thinking, who is responsible for imposing limits on our existence.” Read: William Blake: The greatest visionary in 200 years (

Which bring us to a man named Allen Ginsberg and a so called vision he had In 1948 regarding William Blake. Ginsberg experienced what he described as a religious vision of the 18th-century English poet . William Blake he said, appeared to him in his East Harlem apartment reciting poetry to him. Ginsberg was profoundly moved by this experience and was inspired to set Blake’s poetry to music. Ginsberg was said to “all at once” understand the unity of things material and spiritual and religious and carnal. As he looked out the window he said he saw into the depths of the universe and knew that this was the moment that he was born for.

Here is Blake’s poetry set to music by Ginsberg.

When I listened, it to me… was horrid. In words, vocals, composition most eerie, and even more horrid was the thought that it was even considered influential? But maybe that’s just me. And it’s not my thing?

Which bring us to an interesting look into Ginsberg’s diagnosed mental illness and his work with the psych industry….

How the devil is in the details…  In Best Minds, Weine analyzes Ginsberg’s poetry, explores his many interactions with him and provides his own reading of the detailed clinical notes of the psychiatric hospitalizations of Ginsberg and his mother, which capture the barbaric nature of psychiatry in that period. They reveal the heavy reliance on lobotomies, for example, to “treat” severe mental illness. The notes also traced how psychiatrists of that time believed that being gay – as Ginsberg was – was a sociopathic personality disturbance. Gayness was also condemned and criminalized by sodomy laws at the time.

The article states how lobotomy was the treatment for mental illness, and it made a connection with today’s push to transhumanism where the goal is to override the mind and control the person removing their free will and emotions. I had never made that connection between a lobotomy and the WEF’s new push to take away our minds? I do know that both do not sound like anything from God at all.

In reading the story in the link below, I found it sad that Ginsberg signed to have his mother receive a lobotomy in 1948. That operation, was surgical and broke the connections between the frontal lobe and other parts of the brain and often left the patient in a vegetative state.

Meanwhile, Ginsberg had been experiencing his own depression and what he had described as mystical visions, which he associated with reading the poetry of William Blake. At this time in the late 1940s, he was spending time with heroin addicts and ultimately was arrested with them in a stolen car with stolen goods . Instead of going to jail, he was hospitalized at the Psychiatric Institute in 1949 as part of a plea bargain.

At the same time Tavistock Institute was heavy into psychoanalysis and psychodynamic theories, including those of Sigmund Freud and his followers. Tavistock focused on mental health and well being at a societal level, rather than just individual treatment and extends beyond psychiatry to fields such as organizational behaviorsocial research, and systems psychodynamics.

In a report titled, “British psychiatry From Eugenics to Assassination”, by Anton Chaitkin , it tells of a behavior control research project which began in the 1950s, coordinated by the British psychological warfare unit called the Tavistock Institute, with the Scottish Rite Masons, the CIA and other British, U.S., Canadian and United Nations agencies. Similar projects were already being performed since The project became famous in the 1970s under a CIA code name, “MK-Ultra”. Its noterioty for brainwashing by drugs, hypnosis, electroshock, and other tortures caused many books to be written about the project and the U.S. Senate conducted hearings which exposed many of its abusive features. President Gerald Ford appointed a commission headed b y Vice President Nelson Rockefeller to correct the CIA’s misconduct. There was a widespread anti-establishment view at that timeand it was like the fox was guarding the hen house. Read the full story: British Psychiatry: From Eugenics to Assassination (

So Ginsberg who wrestled with his own demons seemed to embrace them and experienced a life with the fruit of such. Each can make their own conclusions… my interest in it all was to see if there was any connection to Ginsberg and Tavistock Institute… of which the field of psychology appears to show he was. For psychology was a social counter culture think tank and it replaced philosophy in the sense of influencing the herding of humanity by the same ones who are herding it yet today. The new herding was reprogramming and culture experiments many found in music, arts, and film. (Mind control as Dr. John Coleman Intelligence Agent has written much about in “The Committee of 300”. The herders give us the “New Stars” to follow in all industries. It’s Hollywood and making and breaking whatever they created whenever they decide. Contracts made ready to sell ones soul to the devil… at least that later became the confession by many who signed such pieces of paper. Read: How Allen Ginsberg’s Poems About Madness Helped Change Psychiatry: An Interview with Biographer Dr. Stevan Weine – MindSite News

Which bring us to how Ginsberg’s interest in Blake resurfaced in the late 1960s when he began to research Western Gnosticism for philosophical reasons. (?) To take an interesting look into Ginsberg’s diagnosed mental illness we look at Stevan Weine, MD, and his new book, “Best Minds“.

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He says, that the book, “focuses on Ginsberg, as it no doubt should, but I appear as a medical student and early-career psychiatrist talking with Ginsberg and trying not to be too starstruck. Here, I would like to share a few reflections about my personal experiences in this project. and his work with the psych industry….READ: A Psychiatrist Investigates Poet Allen Ginsberg’s Journeys into Madness (

Which bring us to another psychiatric professional named Neville Goddard who was influenced by both Ginsberg and Blake.

In an article titled “Neville Goddard’s philosophy on life after death.”, he states “You pass through a door — that’s all that death is,” “and — you are restored to life instantly in a world like this — just this world,”

Goddard’s ideas of death and his own reincarnation… he somehow generously accredits to the teachings of Jesus? Even though Jesus NEVER said that. Not at all. Jesus said the opposite. Which was a stark reminder to me, as it should be to us all, of what the scriptures warned us not to follow… Galatians 1:8-12 NKJV “But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed. For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men?

The question returns us again to William Blake. Was Blake a visionary or was he influenced by dark spirits? Was he mad? Does it even matter what he wrote, thought or did? For some reason, our nature is to search out others much more intensely than we ever search inside ourselves. Why is that? For me, I like getting to the root of the systems that are in place that we are supposed to just follow along and partake in without asking any questions. The same systems and organizations that give us labels and tell us what we are thinking when we aren’t thinking that at all. If you tell them that, they will just shout you are in denial. Perhaps I am just studying how the enemy acts, thinks, talks, plots and moves about? I tend to do that. Do you?

We are entering into a dangerous time where congress is looking at some bills that have some people talking about incarcerating people who think a certain way that is not wanted in their new controlled world they are trying to build. That isn’t a new idea. It is ancient and has been done in many types of ways throughout history.

The troubling words of Goddard to me (which are many) is there is no mention of the Holy Spirit, and that appears to have been replaced with ones “imagination”.

Neville was known as a “Mystic” in his teachings and was influential in the metaphysical churches. He is noted for many quotes, this being one of them, “To outgrow is to die. You die to one state and you move into another state.” — Neville Goddard, May 5, 1972. Read: Into the Silence. The final year of mystic Neville… | by Mitch Horowitz | Medium   Also read: Neville Goddard: Broadway to Metaphysics | by Amy Drake | Medium

Neville’s teachings are very similar to that of parallel universes or infinite universes, so he believed that those who experienced God’s promise were instantly revived in a younger body, not just anybody, but someone with the same mentality and characteristics. The person wouldn’t have any recollection of memories from his / her old self. Read: How did Neville Goddard die? His cause of death – Imagine Neville – Neville Goddard Blog & Teachings

And most of all, why is mankind so easily influenced with what those say who are quoting from their own imaginations?

Today we are yet in the same matrix of Babylon the Great ruled by Satan, it has just gotten deeper appears more and more to show demons as pesky flies bringing with them all the evils of destruction… and we treat it all as though it’s simply a little pest we can just shoo away, or think we can simply ignore the buzzing. After all… it’s just a tiny little fly. Or is it?

So the bottom line, more or less, is that what we listen to and come to believe is either of good or evil…and either right or wrong. Man is most always not wise enough to decide on his own, for most times he doesn’t even recognize the devil when he is in his face. We need the Lord God and the Holy Spirit to lead us every step of the way in this world for it is run by Satan.

Meanwhile, the mind controllers want you to know that balloons are also fun. People of all ages like balloons.

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You are never to old to get a balloon…

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Balloons are fun even in the work place…

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It’s your choice. You can blow up a few balloons, and dance with friends who love balloons or you can open your eyes and see what is really taking place! Use your imagination for the good.

God did not create man as a fly or a bug. Something else had that idea. Who is the Lord of the Flies? Ponder it.

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Pray unceasing for the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom and lead you out of the luring call of the fly, enter NOT into his buzzing world.



By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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