You Can Make This Stuff Up!

People are finally catching on or at least they think they are??? Either the scripts are getting really lame, or it’s all becoming predictable? The world watched as President Trump made his way to Atlanta for his arrest. Were they disappointed, saddened, surprised or were they scratching their heads? It’s all election interference! Some watched…Continue readingYou Can Make This Stuff Up!

Judge Cannon Stops Jack Smith’s Illegal Move!

Meanwhile the deep state and fake news accuse the Judge of all sorts of illegal actions because??? Because that is what they do when they get caught. Smith’s Bobble Head moves have been all over the place, bouncing around like he was the King of lawlessness until Judge Cannon challenged the legality of him operating…Continue readingJudge Cannon Stops Jack Smith’s Illegal Move!


President Trump announced today that he was going to be on with Tucker Carlson at 9:00, I assume he means Eastern Time. He asked for people to watch. Meanwhile, President Donald Trump has confirmed that he will NOT BE PARTICIPATING in Wednesday’s first Republican presidential primary debate — and likely others as well. Wonder what…Continue readingPRESIDENT TRUMP SAID SPARKS WILL FLY!

Drunk On The Wine of Babylon…?

I believe I understand more fully what that means now. Have you heard what these ones Dew and plan to DEW more of? Revelation 17:1 – 2 “And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the…Continue readingDrunk On The Wine of Babylon…?

President Trump’s Words Always Tell Something More!

Why did it take Biden so long to address the people under fire in Maui? And why when he finally did so, did he answer, “No Comment”, with laughter and a grin?” The words of President Trump’s speech to the people of Maui written out so you can ponder them. There is always a message…Continue readingPresident Trump’s Words Always Tell Something More!

President Trump is Just Getting Started!

Election Fraud, J-6, Liars, Thieves, Communists Versus Truth, Justice and We The People! BOOM! Our eyes turn to J-6 and the testimony of the Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund and the TRUTH! We heard him then, and he was shut up and forced to resign. The propaganda pushers shut up anyone with the truth…Continue readingPresident Trump is Just Getting Started!


It’s always about the money, power and control! PRESIDENT TRUMP ASKS…… CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW? Those with eyes to see and ears to hear shout out-YES! We knew then, we still know now. We are not buying into the lies and smear campaigns. That show is over! Knowing a person by their fruits is…Continue readingFOLLOW THE MONEY!

The Pattern of Evil Is Ancient!

When You Figure It Out – It No Longer Works! Something’s happening here… and it is now looking very clear! Do you see the pattern? Patterns such as the “Biden Scandal Distractions” are only one of the many dots to connect. The fact that this one is so obvious is what makes it one that…Continue readingThe Pattern of Evil Is Ancient!


D.C. WAS SUNNY TODAY, BUT WEATHER REPORTS SAID VERY CLOUDY AND OMINOUS LOOKING… “Federal employees in the Washington, DC area were instructed to leave work by 3 PM EST at the latest on Monday, August 7, 2023, according to an announcement from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). “The DC region is under a tornado watch until…Continue readingBOOM WEATHER REPORT, SUNNY WITH A CHANCE OF TORNADOES!


“NEEN”… TRUMP SAID OTHER VIOLENT CRIMES HAVE NEVER “NEEN” WORSE! Trump said, “No way I can get a fair trial, or even close to a fair trial, in Washington, D.C. there are many reasons for this, but just one is that I am calling for a FEDERAL TAKEOVER of this filthy and crime ridden embarrassment…Continue readingFEAR NOT – DUE PROCESS IS UNDERWAY!