Discern Everything…Hold To Truth!

Don’t play the show games, call everything by the name it is. If it’s fake…shout fake. If it’s a rubber mask…call it a rubber mask. If it is real, call it real. If it’s evil, call it evil, and if it’s good, call it good! Stay in reality and don’t get caught up in believing…Continue readingDiscern Everything…Hold To Truth!

WHO Are The Angels of Bull?

The question is… what did Trump reveal in this message on Truth Social? Do you see the key words? “Traffic Ticket”, as in human and child trafficking? Joe all cleaned up? Ready to go? Crooked DOJ, State, and city prosecutors (corruption cleanup now on state and municpality levels?) Marxists, and communists all? Hit me from…Continue readingWHO Are The Angels of Bull?


Lin Wood recently said some very insightful words on Telegram. I pondered them and am passing them on to you. Lin speaks of that sly ole devil…and his demonic minions who go to and fro. He said, “If targeted by the devil and his minions, the devil studies your past and your humanity to figure…Continue readingFIGHT BACK!


It’s not going to end well for the lizard mutants, nor the wicked! This is the sick type of *%$@# lizards we are dealing with. The behavior of men sitting in offices looking at war as money makers for corporations at the risk of killing women and children and just not caring how many innocent…Continue readingCORRUPTION AND DECEPTION IN YOUR FACE!

It’s Conspiracy Theory Time!!

It’s been a while since new conspiracy theories were able to be seen and argued about as all the old ones were coming to pass. New things are taking place and so now it’s time to sleuth some new ones out! It’s time to take a closer look at the biggest distraction that took place…Continue readingIt’s Conspiracy Theory Time!!

How Do You Depopulate The Earth Peacefully?

You simply don’t. It isn’t possible. But yet, that is exactly what the mutant “lizard people” have planned to do! Did you ever just know something was true and had a hard time having anyone believe it? If you have, then welcome to my world. So often if you hear a thing from someone that…Continue readingHow Do You Depopulate The Earth Peacefully?

MUTANTS? Did Trump Say Mutants?

Misfits I know, and Marxist I know, and Communist I know… but what did President Trump mean by “Mutants”? Now everything Trump says has a meaning.  That’s why patriots pay attention and ponder almost every word he says, burps, tweets and truths. We know what Marxists and communists are. And we know what misfits are……Continue readingMUTANTS? Did Trump Say Mutants?

President Trump Is Still Standing Strong!

Dan Scavino shows America and the world that the Commander In Chief is none other than President Donald J. Trump. His motorcade is the biggest reveal! Former presidents do not get helicopter escorts, nor do they have a mega multi car motorcade, complete with an ambulance! They don’t have DOZENS of State police escorts blocking…Continue readingPresident Trump Is Still Standing Strong!

Trump Wins Round One – BOOM!

Federal judge releases Donald Trump without condition! Trump is free to go where he wants. Pause a moment, listen, turn up the volume and sing out! We’re right (yea!), we’re free (Yea!), we’ll fight (Yea!)…you’ll see!! Yeaaaaaa!!! We’re not gonna take it any more!!! This is America, NOT a third world banana republic! We saw…Continue readingTrump Wins Round One – BOOM!

You Might Be A Terrorist If….??????

If you don’t support “woke” you are now a domestic terrorist? Good Grief! It’s no longer just if you support Trump, God, Guns, and love your country add to that list – if you aren’t woke! The globalists are losing and everything they are doing now is coming back on their own heads! While the…Continue readingYou Might Be A Terrorist If….??????