It’s Conspiracy Theory Time!!

It’s been a while since new conspiracy theories were able to be seen and argued about as all the old ones were coming to pass. New things are taking place and so now it’s time to sleuth some new ones out!

It’s time to take a closer look at the biggest distraction that took place at the White House! Remember this is a propaganda war and filled with psyops!

We talked about Mayor Bowser and her issue with going bankrupt as she pleaded with the Biden Administration to lease the EMPTY FEDERAL BUILDINGS out to other businesses because the District of Columbia had lost tax dollars because of ALL THE EMPTY FEDERAL BUILDINGS!

We also have our almost daily reports from Nancy Drew and some others who show us the White House is still empty and no one is there. She has lots of video footage and like a trooper continues to show us what is happening and there is still a cage around the Capitol Building and plastic. Little to no traffic and overall a ghost town compared to how it used to be.

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Thanks to Nancy Drew we get to see the things that are actually taking place and have photos to share like the one above where she points out where plastic is been removed and what is behind it. Our imaginations of the bankrupt D.C. can go wild thinking of things that could be going on… but with no real knowledge of anything for certain… we will just leave it to our own thoughts to ponder and not make any claims.

That being said, we have all seen the footage of a massive bunch of people all over the White House lawn and the nasty things the trans flashers did. And we’ve all seen plenty of videos of that pride before a fall event. We also now see where the flasher has been banned from the White House, and then his/her apology.

Therefore, something isn’t connecting the way it is supposed to because everything points to the fact that Washington DC remains a ghost town. As the news link I showed a few days ago attests, the US Government workers are allegedly, choosing to stay home, perhaps for good, leaving vast federal offices empty and the city struggling.” Read: US capital sputters as federal workers stay home (

Allegedly USA, Inc. officially went bankrupt earlier this month. Therefore, those who knew this predicted all sorts of dates for the new gold standard. Which… created different patterns of misinformation and rumors. This bankruptcy brought with it all sorts of predicted dates to when we are going to have gold standard, price of gold and silver shooting through the roof, NESARA, and wall street crash times. But hold on… there are more systems that have to fall before any changing of the guard. That, however, is just my conspiracy input. It is my GUESS.

We also have a photo that was on Twitter showing that the United Nations Building is shuttered and closed. Nothing has been confirmed… but maybe due to anticipation of the orange goo that was scheduled to take place? Remember we have eye witnesses who worked for the Dept. of Defense that left because it was going to be a lock down mess for two weeks. So we can consider the closing as part of that type of inside knowledge and preparation.

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We also have our ports shut down due to different excuses. In Seattle it is being blamed on “labor disputes”, but that has been going on for several years and it does not explain the collapse in demand for cardboard boxes, a mainstay of trade.

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School just let out for the summer and the fear news is already shouting about shortages for the coming school year. In an article on the ports they said, “More than half, or 54 percent, of children’s apparel, footwear and backpack imports flowed through ports dotting the West Coast in the 12 months prior to May 31, 2023, according to Panjiva. This means these products could run into availability problems in the summer months when people are shopping for the new school year.”

If there is some sort of code written inside of that…feel free to decode it. This could have some connection to child trafficking take downs or shipping of such having interference, as in a sting operation??? They also stated that the supply chain intelligence firm (whatever that is) said the disruptions should have less of an impact on backpacks, which historically see a peak in May, but imports of children’s clothing have a later peak in June and July. Can anyone decipher that?

How about this? “As apparel retailers prepare for the upcoming back-to-school season knowing the fluidity of the current West Coast port situation, retailers should take every measure possible to ensure they can get products to consumers quicker in the event of further disruptions, according to Chris Rogers, head of supply chain research at S&P Global Market Intelligence.”

Shouldn’t they be more concerned about the labor dispute and getting that resolved instead of looking at quote, “fluidity of the current West Coast port situation”… and ensuring that “they” get products to consumers quicker in the event of “further disruptions? What consumers and what products? It sure doesn’t sound like back to school clothes to me.

And when they say, “Retailers should be looking at their most critical lines and finding alternative delivery routes,” and add… “That may include routes by sea using the Suez Canal, or even air freight if the products are profitable enough.” That just sends me down memory lane and the EVERGREEN shipping containers. Anyone else? I mean how do we go from school clothes on ships at the west coast ports to the Seuz Canal or air freight?

Does anyone have a big fat magic marker and a white board to connect these dots and see if it even makes sense for the west coast for school clothes? Are we to believe that we have containers full of clothes for children at hostage at the ports? Or is it more like children and not so much the clothes? Just asking. We have to ask everything these days, especially with child and human trafficking being mega billion dollar business. And of course no one can talk about it without being censored or mis and dis fact checked.

What else could this mean? “However the port situation plays out, apparel retailers already committed to bringing fewer products than they usually do via West coast ports.  Overall, back-to-school products shipments there were down last month by 13 percent compared with the year prior, with footwear (25 percent), apparel (12 percent) and backpacks (5 percent) all down.”

I just don’t understand all this concern for a delayed shipment of school attire… we yet have all summer? Don’t we? Why are they concerned with a drop in shipments last month? What does that mean? School was still in progress then? Are you seeing this? Or is it just me? “The drop in shipments in May likely reflects a mixture of lower anticipated consumer demand and the ongoing process of destocking (reducing inventories) that retailers are going for,” said Rogers. “That said, if inventories are too low then retailers won’t have the flexibility of putting alternative lines on shelves if new products don’t arrive.”

So the article starts out with panic that kids won’t have school clothes for next year, and then it goes into a reduced demand and inventory reduction? What do you make of this? Considering a big crack down is now underway for child and human trafficking? But Target I’m sure got their rainbow gear?? And don’t we have some big child trafficking films coming out? Yes we do. Read full story: West Coast Port Problems Present Back-to-School Questions (

Talk about being a Banana Republic… is the FBI afraid of the Biden Crime Family’s ability to murder witnesses? Yes they are, or so it appears.

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Read full story: Rep. Anna Paulina Luna Says FBI Scared Informant Will Be ‘Killed’ After Making Allegations About Biden Family | The Daily Caller

Meanwhile it looks like the show is getting heated up.

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We’ve seen videos, pics and first hand accounts of tanks and troops moving in and out of various states and they are hanging around. Is this preemptive of a mass arrest? Or preparation of mass unrest? Tick tock…time will tell. But, my conspiracy theory is…. there is a military plan in progress.

India is bracing for something, but what exactly….??

Brace, prepare, and pray unceasing. God has already won this!



By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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