President Trump Is A Threat To Many Lawless Things…

Can you guess the number one thing they hate Trump for? Or is it a list of things? He has, still is, and does stand in the gap for all Americans. President Trump exposed fake news, he exposed the cartels coming across the borders, he exposed human and child trafficking, he exposed the KM Oligarchs…Continue readingPresident Trump Is A Threat To Many Lawless Things…

The Truth Is To Be Shouted, Not Kept A Secret!

The Wisdom of Solomon was and is the knowledge of Wisdom to triumph over evil given to Solomon by God! And it isn’t a secret… it is the TRUTH! Many have sought to learn the so called “secrets” of Solomon in vain. Without the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, they never come to the knowledge…Continue readingThe Truth Is To Be Shouted, Not Kept A Secret!

Children of Cain Versus Epstein Island?

Once upon a time, in a generation far, far from Adam, there was a man named Epstein who signed a contract with the same one as did Cain. Now another guy named Maxwell, he’s the one we really need to talk about… but in this story, he’s already dead and so… the search is on…Continue readingChildren of Cain Versus Epstein Island?

Back In The Matrix…

Checking in on the World as it spins… what time is it in New York? And what’s going on in the reality world of arcade games? Welcome to 2024 – Church music please… But wait… Something’s happening in the Big Apple?? This person said… What’s really going on here? How is he crawling out through…Continue readingBack In The Matrix…


Religious freedom is the fundamental right to be wrong, while the truth is somewhere in between that battle. The scholars have proclaimed religious freedom rights to believe and descend into disbelief… Jesus warned of this… He said in Matthew 15:14 “Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the…Continue readingFundamentalism?

Scholars, PhD’s, Theologians, Are Leaving Christianity?

Were they ever really into it? Or were they just taking a course like “Literary Arts” and adding to their resume to be seen and applauded as great by man? Were they learning that they threw out a lot of books that told answers to the truth in order to comply to one of the…Continue readingScholars, PhD’s, Theologians, Are Leaving Christianity?

Awake and Open Your Eyes Wide!

Have you eyes that see? These days we can’t believe anything that we hear… it’s time to rely on spiritual eyes and ears! Most importantly…. look and see! Once you see it, you cannot unsee it! That phrase is very popular right now because most people have to see a thing before they will ever…Continue readingAwake and Open Your Eyes Wide!

“Oh Adam, Where For Art Thou?” Part 11

We get lots of half truths. That’s why it sounds believable… for a little while anyway. When you don’t know what’s in God’s Word, you believe what you are told by the so called experts. When you know what it says, that is when you can call them out for what they are… either in…Continue reading“Oh Adam, Where For Art Thou?” Part 11

“Oh Adam, Where For Art Thou?” Part 10

Pandora’s box has truly been opened and now the truth is slicing like swords in all directions through all of the bloody hidden trails of the deeds done in darkness.  All of the deceit and past atrocities done in secret, and all of the lies and murderous actions hidden, are now coming out into the…Continue reading“Oh Adam, Where For Art Thou?” Part 10

“Oh Adam, Where For Art Thou?” Part 9

Are you prepared for Spiritual Warfare and The Attack To Destroy God’s children? People of Faith awake! Satan wants you to believe there is no God and disillusion Christians with confusing doctrines and lies. They fear you reading the books that tell of Baal, fallen angels and how Satan’s realm operates in this world. We…Continue reading“Oh Adam, Where For Art Thou?” Part 9