Wolves in Sheeps Clothes…

They aren’t just pastors. They are any wolf in any field that sets out to push their own narrative and do or say whatever it takes to push it. That being said… the Illuminated wolf in sheep’s clothes use this to their advantage. They have taken the truths of the Word and used them in…Continue readingWolves in Sheeps Clothes…


2024… what is coming? What is here already? What is brewing? Who to believe? Where is “it” coming from? What is “it”? Who is coming in God’s name? Are they from God or are they from a deep state puppet show put on by puppet masters? Human trafficking is a grave issue from Eagle Pass to…Continue readingCABAL’S PROPHECY IS MIND CONTROL! GOD’S PROPHECY IS TRUTH!

On The Road Again…

Eclipse 2024 – Wouldn’t ya just know it that the Total Eclipse of the heart of the land will begin at EAGLE PASS, TEXAS? From there it will CUT (they say) CUT diagonally across the nation ending at Lee, Maine…according to nationaleclipse.com. They tell us that along the way, periods of darkness could last a…Continue readingOn The Road Again…

What Dew We Dew?

In a world where we can all burn up in a nano second and wild minds have itchy fingers ready to test their new DEW toys… what could possibly go wrong? DEW we just argue over political parties and sell survival stuff for those who are left behind? Or DEW we watch the news and…Continue readingWhat Dew We Dew?

Babylon Rising – The New World Order…

“The whole thrust of Tavistock was to “democratize” the West by an attack on womanhood, and the racial, moral, spiritual and religious foundation upon which Western civilization rested.” Dr. John Coleman, TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE FOR HUMAN RELATIONS Many have looked upon the work of William Blake as a thought-provoking marvel and have elevated it now to…Continue readingBabylon Rising – The New World Order…

The Fight or Flight of The Pesky Little Fly…

When things get heavy… it’s time to throw in a few things light… layer it up a bit. Just don’t dilute it too much. You may be caught off guard. First, the lighter side, Trump points out a nervous thing Joe does… Pencil neck is morphing…showing his true colors again… Does this mean Obummer lost…Continue readingThe Fight or Flight of The Pesky Little Fly…

Say It Ain’t So…

Mankind has free will so they have to be lied to in order to be controlled. Is that the real deal here? Or is it that we are easily distracted and actually can’t remember everything when we need to? Even the greatest scholarly minds have to read things they’ve read before in order to remember…Continue readingSay It Ain’t So…

It’s A Mad, Mad World!

The problem with doing unto others as you would have them do unto you, is not with doing good… it is with those who take advantage of your kindness and don’t know when to stop! And then, with some it is all lip service. They say, “I do this, and I do that…” and they…Continue readingIt’s A Mad, Mad World!

Are Zombies A Normal Everyday Thing Yet?

Does anyone have the list of dangerous black ops the globalist will be throwing at us in broad daylight this week and then tell us they didn’t do it? The world is in a state of Zeitgeist with every attempt to control the mind and erase all truth and replace that with demonic programming of…Continue readingAre Zombies A Normal Everyday Thing Yet?

The Wheat and the Tares Now Defined With E.I.

What is E.I.? It is Emotional Intelligence. Who has it? Let’s go down that rabbit hole… Have you ever heard the term E.I.? It’s a term that first appeared in a 1964 paper by Michael Beldoch, and later in a paper in 1966 by B. Leuner titled “Emotional Intelligence and Emancipation” that appeared in the…Continue readingThe Wheat and the Tares Now Defined With E.I.