Exposing The Nasty Things They Do…

Those in lockstep to kill, steal, and destroy nations from within in order to own them all… are losing their stronghold. They are exposed and the truth is bringing them all out into the light. They have no place to hide and many have already been rubber masked! Klaus really believed that they would succeed…Continue readingExposing The Nasty Things They Do…

President Trump Visits Ohio – Lifting Morale and Bringing Aid…

The Trump landed in East Palestine, Ohio with aid, assistance, and lots of hope and encouragement. While Joey Avatar is doing something somewhere… and the press is fawning over the green screen CGI of his trip with his avatar buddy – the made for TV Zelensky…. all that hoorah has all the makings of a…Continue readingPresident Trump Visits Ohio – Lifting Morale and Bringing Aid…

The Joey Show Update…

THINGS THAT MAKE YOU GO… IS THAT FOR REAL? AND SOMETIMES WHAT THE? AND SOMETIMES YOU JUST LAUGH. Biden falls head over heels for Poland…. literally! Now we know why Zelensky was holding Joey Avatar’s hand…so he won’t fall and get a boo boo. Fear not for Joey Avatar made it to the “Movie Set”…Continue readingThe Joey Show Update…

President Trump Speaks From West Palm Beach!

President Donald J Trump Speaks at Club45 Meeting LIVE from Palm Beach, FL 2/20/23! Happy President’s Day! Speaking on his 2024 campaign, Trump opened up his rally by saying the nation needed a leader who is ready on day 1, then Trump asked, who might that be? The crowd knew exactly who that one was…Continue readingPresident Trump Speaks From West Palm Beach!

Chrislam One World Religion Opens Temple!

How did we get here? What does this mean for Christians? On Thursday February 16, 2023 they opened up the One World Religion UAE Interfaith Compound for Chrislam featuring the new synagogue. Do you want the short version or the long version? The red pill or the blue pill? Let’s start at the point where…Continue readingChrislam One World Religion Opens Temple!

Believe God or Believe in The Mud Flood Theory…

Who knew that this would even be a thing to ponder? These false interpretations have been formed from the Mud Flood Theories and the skewed thousand year reign concept from those who pushed their interpretations of Tartaria and the theories of the same ones who pushed their misinterpretations of the scriptures. I do NOT ENDORSE…Continue readingBelieve God or Believe in The Mud Flood Theory…

What of Historic Opinions… Why Get Ruffled Over It?

Well, sometimes you just get a big alert in your gut and you know something isn’t quite right. You know something is very wrong. And if you’re the type that just can’t shut up and sit down so the programming can continue uninterrupted, then you get a bit ruffled and you have to tell others.…Continue readingWhat of Historic Opinions… Why Get Ruffled Over It?

Where Does It Say In God’s Word That Satan Gets To Reign Again And DESTROY The Lords Kingdom That He Sets Up?

It quite succinctly does NOT SAY THAT AT ALL! Biblical prophecy is being fulfilled as we speak. There is no promise of God for the Devil to reign for a thousand years after the glorious Kingdom of God reigns upon the earth. The Lord shall set up his kingdom that shall never be destroyed, and…Continue readingWhere Does It Say In God’s Word That Satan Gets To Reign Again And DESTROY The Lords Kingdom That He Sets Up?

Dots That Connect To Keys That Open Gates…

Believe what you see then question it, for nothing is as it appears! There are some who possess a lot of curiosity, and others who have but a little. Some have to see a thing play itself out before they can see it and say it is so and others merely can sense it and…Continue readingDots That Connect To Keys That Open Gates…


The 12,000 Pound Tall Boy Bomb, designed to miss its target and instead cause the earth to Quake. Who needs HAARP? Only those who don’t want to be caught! Turkey is shouting “Enough is Enough” and is not going to sit down and take the man made Earth Quake with a grain of salty warning!…Continue readingTRUTH BOMBS… DESIGNED TO MISS OR JUST HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT?