Mind Control, Neuroscience and You…

Is Alexa in your brain or just in your text messaging telling you what you don’t want to say? Are you being censored by Alexa or a government program? How many times have you tried to text a certain word and the auto correct just won’t let you? It goes like this… you type in…Continue readingMind Control, Neuroscience and You…

BRAZIL Fights Back While The KM Oligarchs Unleash One World Without God! Harari Tells You The RESET From Hell Itself!

Brazil Isn’t Happy With The Election Fraud and Are Fighting Back! The people of Brazil are taking to the streets demanding that the armed forces be activated because they do not accept the results of the election. A mega demonstration has begun today, 11-02-22 in front of the Brazilian army barracks. Bolsonaro has not conceded.…Continue readingBRAZIL Fights Back While The KM Oligarchs Unleash One World Without God! Harari Tells You The RESET From Hell Itself!

Obama’s Snooze Alarm Has Been Pulled and The People are Waking Up!

The veil has been pulled back and people see what has been done and they don’t like it! As Obama does his charmy charm…the pixie dust has blown off into the wind and the truth has jarred those he had put to sleep! The democratic base is now calling out his toppling of Ukraine in…Continue readingObama’s Snooze Alarm Has Been Pulled and The People are Waking Up!

Mike Pence, Ryan, J-6 and The Shams…

PSYOPS ARE EVERYWHERE! WHO ELSE IS TIRED OF THE DOUBLE YOUR PLEASURE FAKE PEOPLE SHOW? EXPOSE ALL OF THE LIES! Anyone who was paying attention to the election of 2016 will remember the battle President Trump waged with the Republican party and how they conspired not to accept him on their little platform. Recall all…Continue readingMike Pence, Ryan, J-6 and The Shams…

Psyop Exposed! Hidden Inside a Road Show-Part 2

Just like Sherlock Holmes… when we find new clues, we must look at them closely. If they are a piece to the puzzle… we need to see where they go.  If they fit, we must boldly look at how the picture looks when they are added, whether we like what we see or not. The…Continue readingPsyop Exposed! Hidden Inside a Road Show-Part 2

Psyop Exposed. Hidden Inside a Road Show! Part 1.

The time has come to take everything we have learned from the past few years and some information from further back in order to connect the dots to see the bigger picture. Consider these the four corners and outter walls to the puzzle we are piecing together. So where do we begin to explain this…Continue readingPsyop Exposed. Hidden Inside a Road Show! Part 1.

Pelosi Wrap Up Smear Take 5!

Paul Pelosi’s ties with someone’s ex-lover is out of the box and in the headlines? Can Nancy put her/him back in the box? This is one smear job that won’t go down well. Why was this going down at Pelosi’s house? Not even sure if the blue pill will put it at bay? You know…Continue readingPelosi Wrap Up Smear Take 5!

Lara Logan, Diamond & Silk Get Real About Child & Human Trafficking and Black Goo!

Are you tired of the lies? Diamond and Silk sure are and Lara Logan sure is! They say it’s time to have a discussion about the real truths on what is happening at our borders, with our children in America and throughout the world! Listen to the interview with Lara Logan. She has a lot…Continue readingLara Logan, Diamond & Silk Get Real About Child & Human Trafficking and Black Goo!

Ultra Mind Control in America – Altering The Brain.

In a nutshell, it is the upgrade to gaslighting and propaganda with extra bells and whistles. Much is learned for the good of mankind under the disguise as Brain Research where they take what is good and mess around with what else they can do with it. And some programs will even put your brain…Continue readingUltra Mind Control in America – Altering The Brain.

What Makes People Go Boom? Is It MK Ultra?

MK Ultra: CIA Mind Control Program – a weapon aimed at the mind! What is it called today? Learn how people can be programmed without their knowledge!  Mass hypnosis and fear are weapons! It is real! You can overcome it… once you see it, you can not unsee it. Knowledge is power! We are witnessing a population that…Continue readingWhat Makes People Go Boom? Is It MK Ultra?