Globalists and The WEF Whose Bidding Are They Doing?

“Will President Trump be able to go up against the establishment and all their evil plans to enslave the world under their tyrannical dictatorship?” And  “Will the good people of the world rise up to take a stand and say – “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!? That being said…the WEF is still having their annual meeting and things…Continue readingGlobalists and The WEF Whose Bidding Are They Doing?


What we are witnessing is prophecy being fulfilled. It will be a shaking and a gleaning and in the end, the birthright of God’s kingdom is about to be claimed!   With all of the exposure of the Corporation of the UNITED STATES, INC., and the other corporate masses of London, Inc. and the Vatican,…Continue readingAMERICA IN PROPHECY – LIFTING THE VEIL

Iowa Caucus A Heated Battle In Blizzard Cold Pursuit!

Today is the Iowa Caucus Blizzard Day. Where weather modification is used for election interference and grueling punishment for Americans across the nation. From blizzards and freezing temps to floods, to earth quakes and hurricanes. No matter where you are, something is stirring in the four winds. Yes – he said “While” House. He also…Continue readingIowa Caucus A Heated Battle In Blizzard Cold Pursuit!

President Trump In Iowa Today!

HANG ON AMERICA – WE SHALL REAP IF WE FAINT NOT! President Trump held a town hall event in Iowa with Republicans! So while DeSantis held his little gathering and said Trump was a no show in Iowa due to weather, he was wrong again!!! The only way DeSantis and the other losers can get…Continue readingPresident Trump In Iowa Today!

How Does It End? The Bible Tells You Everything!

So what can be said of the strange events taking place in the world and especially in Israel and Gaza? Let us look to the book of Zechariah and the Revelation of Jesus The Christ. We begin with a brief comparison of the vision given to the prophet Zechariah and the Four Horseman, and that…Continue readingHow Does It End? The Bible Tells You Everything!

The Mysterious Days of Noah? What Does This Mean In 2024?

The Mysterious Days of Noah aren’t so mysterious if you read the book of Enoch! Enoch the man in the Bible who was so righteous that God took him up into the heavens and whose book was quoted by Jude, and yet they forbid the reading of it at the Council of Nicaea because it…Continue readingThe Mysterious Days of Noah? What Does This Mean In 2024?


Religious freedom is the fundamental right to be wrong, while the truth is somewhere in between that battle. The scholars have proclaimed religious freedom rights to believe and descend into disbelief… Jesus warned of this… He said in Matthew 15:14 “Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the…Continue readingFundamentalism?

Scholars, PhD’s, Theologians, Are Leaving Christianity?

Were they ever really into it? Or were they just taking a course like “Literary Arts” and adding to their resume to be seen and applauded as great by man? Were they learning that they threw out a lot of books that told answers to the truth in order to comply to one of the…Continue readingScholars, PhD’s, Theologians, Are Leaving Christianity?

Awake and Open Your Eyes Wide!

Have you eyes that see? These days we can’t believe anything that we hear… it’s time to rely on spiritual eyes and ears! Most importantly…. look and see! Once you see it, you cannot unsee it! That phrase is very popular right now because most people have to see a thing before they will ever…Continue readingAwake and Open Your Eyes Wide!

“Oh Adam, Where For Art Thou?” Part 11

We get lots of half truths. That’s why it sounds believable… for a little while anyway. When you don’t know what’s in God’s Word, you believe what you are told by the so called experts. When you know what it says, that is when you can call them out for what they are… either in…Continue reading“Oh Adam, Where For Art Thou?” Part 11