Should someone tell her that coming in 3rd with low numbers isn’t winning or shall we just let her continue to look STUPID? Whoever is advising Nikki Nimrada needs to know the Jedi fake news mind control tricks aren’t working because people have left the “ENJOY THE SHOW”, and now know they are in what…Continue readingPresident Trump Wants To Know Why Nikki Thinks She Won Iowa Last Night?
Category: Iowa Caucus Elections
Today is the Iowa Caucus Blizzard Day. Where weather modification is used for election interference and grueling punishment for Americans across the nation. From blizzards and freezing temps to floods, to earth quakes and hurricanes. No matter where you are, something is stirring in the four winds. Yes – he said “While” House. He also…Continue readingIowa Caucus A Heated Battle In Blizzard Cold Pursuit!