And while he’s at it… how about all the rest of them too! Why are we allowing fake people in masks and some in dark holes in secret places run the nation into the ground and not standing on our soap boxes united, calling them all out? Even I am guilty of calling him Biden…Continue readingBIDEN AVATAR, IT’S TIME TO TAKE OFF YOUR MASK!

Border Patrol Versus Biden?

You Can’t Make This Stuff Up! Biden is siding with the illegals instead of enforcing LEGAL ENTRY IMMIGRATION LAWS ON THE BOOKS! Texas installed rows of razor wire in the park and says more is being added after the Supreme Court cleared the way for Border Patrol agents to cut or remove the sharp metal…Continue readingBorder Patrol Versus Biden?

If You Can’t See The War From Your House, Ignore it?

That is what they want and it works good for them that way. Or at least it used to. Man has been messing with God’s natural order and balance of creation for a very long time and now they have disrupted not only man, but all creation. Their desire to blow things up just to…Continue readingIf You Can’t See The War From Your House, Ignore it?

Their Bold New World Versus God’s Creation…

Sometimes we have to go back to what they’ve done in our face and take a good hard look and ask ourselves what and why? Not so much what they were doing and why, but mainly what were we thinking to not pay attention to it and why were we ignoring it? Which bring us…Continue readingTheir Bold New World Versus God’s Creation…

The Globalists Are Losing It!

Because President Trump is Winning It! That being said, just when we thought they wouldn’t dare say anything more than they have, at least out loud… they go and say more stupid stuff. Like they want to have A.I. write a new Bible for a one world religion in their one world disorder. This isn’t…Continue readingThe Globalists Are Losing It!

When Mind Control and Propaganda are Laughed At instead of Feared…

That is when they all go down! For no one buys their fake bill of goods any more! Klaus Schwab says the system is being rebelled against and calls for higher measures to the little people who are rebelling, Which means tear down everything! Will his “flying on private jet plane monkeys” go out to…Continue readingWhen Mind Control and Propaganda are Laughed At instead of Feared…

Globalists and The WEF Whose Bidding Are They Doing?

“Will President Trump be able to go up against the establishment and all their evil plans to enslave the world under their tyrannical dictatorship?” And  “Will the good people of the world rise up to take a stand and say – “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!? That being said…the WEF is still having their annual meeting and things…Continue readingGlobalists and The WEF Whose Bidding Are They Doing?

Mr. Squirrel Speaks of The Nuts…

Today the squirrel put on his Trump- “Make America Great Again” Cap and went out from his squirrel den onto the tree branch. He stretched out his arms and yawned as he looked around. “What a great day!” he shouted as he adjusted his oversized cap.  “I am ready to help make America Great Again.” …Continue readingMr. Squirrel Speaks of The Nuts…


What we are witnessing is prophecy being fulfilled. It will be a shaking and a gleaning and in the end, the birthright of God’s kingdom is about to be claimed!   With all of the exposure of the Corporation of the UNITED STATES, INC., and the other corporate masses of London, Inc. and the Vatican,…Continue readingAMERICA IN PROPHECY – LIFTING THE VEIL

President Trump Wins Iowa and It Was A Landslide!

No matter how the opposition wants to paint their picture, and regardless of all the fake news bla, bla, bla…. we all have eyes to see the massive support for President Trump and that just CANNOT BE HIDDEN! I don’t know about how you felt watching the Iowa Caucus, but for me it was aggravating…Continue readingPresident Trump Wins Iowa and It Was A Landslide!