Mr. Squirrel Speaks of The Nuts…

Today the squirrel put on his Trump- “Make America Great Again” Cap and went out from his squirrel den onto the tree branch. He stretched out his arms and yawned as he looked around.

“What a great day!” he shouted as he adjusted his oversized cap.  “I am ready to help make America Great Again.”  With that announcement he quickly squirreled down the tree.  When he reached the bottom, he stopped.  He stood erect and looked around.  He sniffed the air, then instantly shot forward toward the bushes.

Once inside the thickest part of the foliage, the Trump Squirrel started scratching at the ground feverishly.  Another squirrel entered the bushes and hurriedly ran past.  Then stopped abruptly and looked back at the Trump Squirrel.  He had a curious look on his face.  He slowly approached the Trump squirrel who was still furiously digging.

“What are you doing?” He asked, “And what is that strange thing on your head?”

The Trump squirrel answered while he continued to dig, “I am making America great again. Getting ready to bury some nuts.  The strange thing on my head is my banner of commitment.” The squirrel laughed and laughed.  He looked around and saw lots of Trump signs here and there. He rolled back in the foliage and laughed so hard he rolled on the ground.

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Meanwhile, the Trump squirrel kept on digging.  He began to dig faster and deeper and with more vigor than he had before.

The other squirrel stopped laughing and began to notice the great intention the Trump Squirrel was showing as he dug feverously.  The hole became deeper and deeper as he watched.

Curious, the squirrel asked, “Why are you digging so deep?  It doesn’t require a hole that big to store seeds and nuts?”

The Trump squirrel replied, “This year, the nuts that I bury will be huge.”

The other squirrel imagined how delightful a huge nut might be. So he asked, “Where can I find some for me?”

The Trump squirrel answered, “Oh you don’t find them.  They find you.”

More curious than ever the other squirrel asked, “How do they find you?  These nuts of great size?”

The Trump squirrel answered, “Just get one of these caps and you will see they come at you out of nowhere.

This hole that I’m digging is for them. You see these sort of nuts don’t think like squirrels… they just shout at my hat, mistaking my meekness as weakness. Sooner or later they’ll get to close and one by one they’ll fall in the pit.” As he finished his digging, Mr. Trump Squirrel got busy laying grass and twigs over the hole.

The other squirrel watched as Mr. Trump Squirrel carefully added a Trump Sign in the middle of the hole on top of the grass and twigs. He looked around again at all the Trump signs and his eyes popped out. He was no longer laughing, and turning around, he carefully scurried away avoiding anywhere there was a Trump sign.

Now what do you imagine what that other squirrel was thinking?

Dealing with children of Cain…

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Anyone who has ever dealt with a sociopathic behavior, be it in the streets, the work place or in any relationship will tell you to run far, far away the moment you notice their pattern.  These liberal sorts often have a lifetime of doing the same thing over and over again with the same results.  That is why they keep doing the same things over and over. These ones, just like the experts claim, will never change any more than a leopard can change its spots. It’s just not going to happen.  So beware and be safe, the tares are out on the prowl and those with this type of behavior do not go away.  They always pop up to do their thing, especially when least expected.  But, the good news is – they don’t always win and there are ways to counter them. Pray unceasing and learn how to avoid them at all costs.

Recognizing and dealing with sociopaths…

The behavioral traits below are actually from a psychology site that warns victims how to recognize work place serial bully traits.  We now have a measuring stick to see how various tares among us weigh in on their attack styles on Trump Supporters, but it goes far beyond that and has been here since the days of Adam. The wolves in sheeps clothes operate more cleverly than funded street gangs. They have their own styles that are just as dangerous.

Here is some advice for those that may be dealing with a Hillary Clinton, or pencil neck type in the work place or out in public. From the article “The Sociopath In The Office Next Door”, written by Davia Temin is CEO and president of Temin and Co. (link below)

Behavioral Traits:

  • Jekyll and Hyde nature – Dr Jekyll is “charming” and “charismatic”; “Hyde” is “evil”
  • Convincing liar – Can make up anything to fit their needs at that moment
  • Treat some people in a way that causes them unprecedented levels of stress, frustration and fear
  • Damages the health and reputations of organisations and individuals;
  • Reacts to criticism with denial, retaliation and by feigning victimhood and blaming victims
  • Self claimed immunity from disciplinary action
  • Great at moving to a new target when the present one burns out or leaves.

How To Deal With A Sociopath In The Work Place:

The best thing that you can do when face to face with a sociopath is to avoid contact–distance yourself, as far and as fast as you can.

Other suggestions, some adapted from Martha Stout’s work, include:

Trust your instincts. If you think a colleague is a sociopath, don’t go into denial; accept that this may well be so.

–Keep records. Many of these folks do their most damage one-on-one, so that if reported, it becomes “he says” vs. “she says.” If legal in your state, you can capture some of this behavior on tape. At least save all your e-mails, phone messages and the like. Whether or not you use it, it will shore up your own sense of reality, if you start to doubt yourself and your perceptions.

–Call the person out. In very savvy and careful ways, of course. If he or she has been lying about you, talk to others about it in a smart fashion: “I have no idea why he is lying so blatantly, but he’s been going around saying X about me, and here is evidence that this is completely false. Why would he be lying so much? Have you seen other incidences of it?”

–Never, ever trust that person again. They will not change.

–Don’t buy into others’ excuses of them.

–Defend yourself. If you are targeted, talk powerfully with the truth. Never let a lie that you know of stand.

–Leave. It is a final resort, but if your organization does not see the light quickly, or if the sociopath runs the organization, do not wait too long. Justice does not always come swiftly, and this is why you have saved your money–so you can leave a bad situation before it takes a terrible toll on you.

–Help and support others. You can be a beacon when they find themselves in similar situations.

We are used to fighting evil on the battlefield. But good people rarely look at our day to day lives as a battle field let alone recognize spiritual warfare. Most don’t anticipate, nor even recognize, evil behavior up close with family and friends or in the workplace–until it is too late. Read the full story here: Davia Temin is CEO and president of Temin and Co., a global reputation and crisis management, coaching and marketing strategy consultancy working with corporations and institutions on some of the largest and most important issues of the day. Her website is, and you can follow her on Twitter @DaviaTemin 

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If you think the problem is only with emotionally charged neighbors, or people on the streets, you are wrong. We are dealing with huge problems from systems designed to fail and leaders in the corporate world and appointed government officials and politicians that seem to lack emotional intelligence. This isn’t taught in their college courses, at least how to have it and apply it isn’t. If you don’t know how to develop it, you simply will continue to self destruct. We are watching it all the time as the fake news, liberal left, and the children of Cain continue to get caught in ego driven snares because they simply don’t have wisdom. They don’t have the ability to repent to the ones they wronged and lack the Holy Spirit to direct them, therefore they continue to make their messes bigger. They have a motto to “never let a crisis go to waste” – they seem to thrive on building more confusion out of all of them.

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Yet, they are no match for God’s children who have a repentive heart and are coming from a point of truth with the Holy Spirit leading, guarding and teaching them and have God and His Holy Word dwelling within them.

Many of God’s children who love Him have not been taught how to be His child and how to use all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit they have been given. Today, we, like all God’s children, are in a process of learning and growing in faith. Fear is one of our emotions that trigger us to react… untraining our memories from past events where we failed or were harmed by others is often difficult. But, the more you talk to God and the Holy Spirit about these things, the more you grow in faith and learn that God is bigger than any of those things that have held you back in fear. And most of what you fear is something that has not happened and never will. It is the wicked whispers of evil spirits that tempt your mind and thinking and seek to destroy your faith. All of God’s children have been given the authority in Jesus name to rebuke the devil and he shall flee, just call on the Holy Spirit in Jesus’s name. Pray to God your Father and talk to him about it all.

The devil hates it when you learn this and know it is true. God is with you just as he was with Elijah when he hid in the cave for fear of Jezebel’s army out to kill him. Yes, even Elijah had a fear attack. But, God came to him and shook him out of it fast.

That being said, revenge belongs to God… so give Him all of your burdens and let Him deal with it. For He will when you have faith that He will. Faith is a must. Jesus said all we needed was enough the size of a mustard seed. That being said, remember there is no deceiving the Holy Spirit, nor God. God knows the hearts of all His creation, both living and dead.



By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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