UNICORNS In Your Face Who Has Eyes To See?

It’s all about the children!!!! UNICORNS AND ANDRENO-CORNS! The day after his resignation on December 14, 2020, AG Barr was arrested and sent to Guantanamo Bay for high crimes and misdemeanors. What else was he ignoring on purpose along with the stolen election? Remember Attorney General William Barr recused himself from Jeffrey Epstein’s child sex trafficking…Continue readingUNICORNS In Your Face Who Has Eyes To See?

Russia Calls Out War Crimes In Ukraine And Western Nations!

LACK OF HUMAN RIGHTS BUT PLENTY OF DARK WEB, DARK MONEY, AND DARK DEALS CALLED OUT BY RUSSIAN AMBASSADOR VASSILY NEBENZIA! This has been an agressive month in the United Nations meetings with Russia opening a giant box of scathing truths that show the UN stands for the OPPOSITE of what it tells you it’s…Continue readingRussia Calls Out War Crimes In Ukraine And Western Nations!

It’s Always Been A Show… You Were Just Sleeping!

Do you still believe them (meaning all of them who mis and dis you) when they tell you it’s all a conspiracy? How many today are ignoring what they see and hear and going along with the program they explain away in the same manner they have explained it away throughout our entire lives? The…Continue readingIt’s Always Been A Show… You Were Just Sleeping!


Will the Luciferians reach their goal to exterminate the majority of the world and turn those who are left into obedient slaves? This is not a new thing as some are crying out. The slaughter of millions has been taking place throughout the world in silence as the world remained under programming that failed to…Continue readingOF GOLD, GREED AND CREED, Part II

Black Swan Global Economic Crisis

Brought to you by the Rothschild owned Central Banking System! On Saturday, March 18th, Judy Byington reported a number of global updates. She stated, “We are in a Black Swan Global Economic Crisis Event due to failure of the Central Banking System. There were 173 Banks around the World that failed this week – and went…Continue readingBlack Swan Global Economic Crisis

Epstein, Zorro Ranch, and Human Trafficking…

And then there’s eugenics, cryogenics, biolabs and theoretical physics, but hey… if you get caught, mark it Top Secret and blame it on the Aliens! That always works for the government! The only reason this is being presented here is because the government and fake news push to instill fear of aliens that are allegedly…Continue readingEpstein, Zorro Ranch, and Human Trafficking…

The Aliens Are Mingled Seeds…

There is nothing new under the sun! The wicked do wickedly and the children of God are protected under His mighty hands! Fear not and forever keep your eyes on HIM! This article continues the discussion of the “Subterranean Bases in Dulce New Mexico” and adds to it the Nazi Connection. Whereas there are many…Continue readingThe Aliens Are Mingled Seeds…

Eugenics, DNA, RNA, Mingling Seeds and Vaccines…

There is nothing new under the sun! This show we are in is not new. It has been repeating itself since the beginning of time as set forth for mankind to keep time. Some places in history have evil going ten steps forward and one giant leap backwards, as at the time of the Great…Continue readingEugenics, DNA, RNA, Mingling Seeds and Vaccines…

Know The Enemy…It’s Not Always Who You Think!

Nor is it how you think! There is a reason the CIA agents must study the book of Revelation and the prophets. It is because the books are accurate and it portrays the past, present and future. But not for Godly purposes, far from it. They do so to understand how to deceive those who…Continue readingKnow The Enemy…It’s Not Always Who You Think!

Will Biden Still Go To Mexico?

Cartel’s are firing in the streets and in the air! While all eyes are on the Speaker games, the world continues on doing its own thing for their puppet masters and the RESET goals. Never let a crisis or a game go to waste. Learn the KM Oligarch Globalist Games! We talked about this before,…Continue readingWill Biden Still Go To Mexico?