President Trump Says, “It’s Going To Be Christian Visibility Day!” Part 1

President Trump knows we are in a Spiritual Warfare battle between good and evil. He knows the nature of the beast we are fighting. He literally knows everything! When on the campaign trail in the 2016 election, Trump told us all that his Uncle John was a genius with engineering and the government called his…Continue readingPresident Trump Says, “It’s Going To Be Christian Visibility Day!” Part 1

Will Space Force Command Save The Day?

What about the earthquake predictions? What’s going on with that? We’ll know today! Be safe! Look close at the United States Space Command Logo below. What do you see? There is a cross over the earth that sure does pattern the total solar eclipse of 2024 with that of 2017. Now I would like to…Continue readingWill Space Force Command Save The Day?

Don’t Look Over There – Look Over Here!

They tried to get Trump, but he never took their bait. He went against the deep state then, and he is going against them now. It all becomes more clear as to why RINOs and DEMS and ELITE want him out. He knows EVERYTHING and he IS NOT ONE OF THEM! Meanwhile the strangest sort…Continue readingDon’t Look Over There – Look Over Here!

Wolves in Sheeps Clothes…

They aren’t just pastors. They are any wolf in any field that sets out to push their own narrative and do or say whatever it takes to push it. That being said… the Illuminated wolf in sheep’s clothes use this to their advantage. They have taken the truths of the Word and used them in…Continue readingWolves in Sheeps Clothes…

Hide The Truth, and Shout The Fibs!

All a sly wolf has to do is act like a Shepherd and present a twisted idea with a scripture like it’s the truth and let the flock argue it into a war. When the shouting begins, he lowers his head and slowly backs up with a grin. This is the fastest way to start…Continue readingHide The Truth, and Shout The Fibs!

Babylon Rising – The New World Order…

“The whole thrust of Tavistock was to “democratize” the West by an attack on womanhood, and the racial, moral, spiritual and religious foundation upon which Western civilization rested.” Dr. John Coleman, TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE FOR HUMAN RELATIONS Many have looked upon the work of William Blake as a thought-provoking marvel and have elevated it now to…Continue readingBabylon Rising – The New World Order…

The Battle Ahead…

Distractions designed to control ones mind and weaken their faith in God is the biggest weapon being used. Are you prepared to stand against this spiritual warfare? There has been a lot of talk on how many of the big buildings with big stones were made during an age of “horse and buggy”.  This speculation…Continue readingThe Battle Ahead…

Say It Ain’t So…

Mankind has free will so they have to be lied to in order to be controlled. Is that the real deal here? Or is it that we are easily distracted and actually can’t remember everything when we need to? Even the greatest scholarly minds have to read things they’ve read before in order to remember…Continue readingSay It Ain’t So…

Super Tuesday Is Here!

Get out and vote is the call and overwhelm the minority which happens to actually be the KM Oligarchs and their minions! The minority in all democracy has always been the 1%! Looking back at history and all the little reasoners who reasoned what the new little nation needed in order to be a great…Continue readingSuper Tuesday Is Here!

Nikki Wins Swamp, While Trump Wins The Nation!

Today the Supreme Court Ruling in a nutshell decides that- States can’t keep Trump off the Ballot, they do not have this power. The Supreme Court opinion had no dissents. “We conclude that states may disqualify persons holding or attempting to hold state office,” the justices wrote. “But states have no power under the Constitution…Continue readingNikki Wins Swamp, While Trump Wins The Nation!