Oh those clever little underdogs…. Irony is a literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of a character’s words or actions are clear to the audience or reader although unknown to the character. The term irony has its roots in the Greek comic character Eiron, a clever underdog who by his wit repeatedly…Continue readingIRONY???

Sidney Powell Pleads Guilty? What’s Up With That?

Powell pleads guilty in Georgia and agrees to testify against other defendents, including Trump, yet the social media headlines are on the Brit who did the interview? This British USA, Inc. bossy stuff is sure a mess. Will there be a Paul Revere in this show or did we miss that already? Why are the…Continue readingSidney Powell Pleads Guilty? What’s Up With That?


Just ask all the PhD’s and Theologian Scholars! Just wait until we enter the sequel to the “J-6 Didn’t Work”… so now we have “Capital Thunder Road”! It’s Mad Max with a bit of Matrix and Hunger Games! They try as they might with all the propaganda… and now the sequel to the fake J-6…Continue readingTHE “BOOGIE MAN” IS EVERYWHERE!

The Real Truth & Facts are Found “Opposite” of The KM Oligarch’s “For The Greater Good of All”!

Pretty much, whatever they say is so, the opposite is true. Enter Jan Halper! One of the favorite weapons in deep state’s Black Op Psyop war is using the Bible to mislead those who love and follow God. Those who seek to do good unto others as they would have done unto them makes for…Continue readingThe Real Truth & Facts are Found “Opposite” of The KM Oligarch’s “For The Greater Good of All”!

Now They’re Coming After Truthers!

When all they have are Psyops flying naked in the airwaves, with PhDs, Psychologists, Sociologists, Anthropologists and no one cares, they resort to their FBI Fear Monsters! Oh Jan you blew it big this time! You totally told on yourself! They always do! “WE KNOW HOW DISINFORMATION USE FBI…. WE OUT OF CAVE NOW! GRUNT,…Continue readingNow They’re Coming After Truthers!

The Devil’s Biggest Weapon Is What He Can Make You Believe!

They hate it when you have eyes to see and can see everything!!! Once you see it, you can’t unsee it! We are fighting against the Khazarian Mafia who desire to rule the world in tyranny. And like it or not, they have been controlling the wars and funding both sides all along. In a…Continue readingThe Devil’s Biggest Weapon Is What He Can Make You Believe!

JOIC & CIC Connecting Papers With Something Is Called What?

Ponder it….? Where are they now? The answer to the question is Operation Paperclip. Conducted by the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA), it was largely carried out by special agents of the U.S. Army ‘s Counterintelligence Corps (CIC). Operation Paperclip was a secret United States intelligence program in which more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians were…Continue readingJOIC & CIC Connecting Papers With Something Is Called What?

Bye Golly We Caught The Shadow Makers!

That distant generation is waking up and they have eyes to see! This is throwing the mind dazzlers off their A game. The cave is filled with everyone watching their puppet show but, now the majority watch it to find the lies, the 2.0’s and guess at their next checker move! Gone are the days…Continue readingBye Golly We Caught The Shadow Makers!

If It Doesn’t Look Right, It Probably Isn’t!

I’ll give it a “Probably” for in this show of mirrors where almost everything is opposite… there are a few bones thrown in – here and there – that do have some truth in it… that is why black psyops are such a good weapon against the kind hearts of humanity. Rabbi Dovid Feldman, spokesperson…Continue readingIf It Doesn’t Look Right, It Probably Isn’t!

And The Show Begins…

We are now seeing the clashes just as the KM Oligarchs have desired. Hopefully, all those who know that this is what the warmongers desired will not be participating. Hang on stand strong. Don’t let their hate be yours. Stay with the Lord and stand. Remember what President Trump said… Remember this is organized! They…Continue readingAnd The Show Begins…