Just ask all the PhD’s and Theologian Scholars! Just wait until we enter the sequel to the “J-6 Didn’t Work”… so now we have “Capital Thunder Road”! It’s Mad Max with a bit of Matrix and Hunger Games!

MTG also filmed the chaos:

They try as they might with all the propaganda… and now the sequel to the fake J-6 allows for news media to set up their cameras to watch the entire thing and push out the back lash of keeping congress out of session? All in the name of chaos? No free speech for anyone except for who the PhD’s allow as we have noticed lately in the bold steps of British Citizen Jan Halper Hayes PhD, double O7 psyop PhD, did we mention PhD?

But alas those she views as in Plato’s “Allegory of The Cave”, who only grunt and oblige whatever the PhD’s prescribe on the cave walls…. well many of those are now outside looking at the sun. They are now pondering all the very strange things. Thus, those who are putting on the puppet show in the shadows are now being called out one by one. They hate that and must regain their shadow wall meme control!

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President Trump has told us of the fakes when he points his finger and brings them front and center. He calls them out and wants you to check them out… and some he just comes right out and tells you, they are like Central Casting. Do you recall how he has done this….

Central Casting…. in our face. Who understood it then? Who understands it now?

Central casting is the department of a movie studio responsible for casting actors especially viewed as a source of people who are stereotypical of their role in appearance, behavior, or nature needed for the part. These are selected from a bunch of actors who are hired to act. They are acting out a script they were told to follow. It is also politically driven to hire the right person out of Central Casting that looks the part in order to be believable in the live theater show the KM Oligarchs are playing out on the world stage. The KM Oligarchs are the ones who pick who is going to be the next President, or Prime Minister, etc. President Trump was never supposed to be elected the first time, and they darn well rigged the election so he wouldn’t be the second time, even though he won by a landslide… they stuck by their propaganda scripts. We are now in a big fat show, like it or not.

This show is by design of the KM Oligarchs and they get excited playing chess with live people on a world scale. Yet, they are now playing against the master chess player and many critical thinkers who are coming out of the cave of shadows, and many were never in the cave… and those ones are viewed as dangerous to the PhD’s who are memorizers and think tank operatives. They are no longer able to contain the masses of humanity inside their propaganda caves and they hate that. They have now resorted to shouting like red queens…”Off with their heads!” Which is a dead giveaway of who they really are.

The global goal of a one world is not new. And those who are in league to bring it about today are all behind a veil and they know they must present a false Utopia in order to lure the masses into their bringing Lucifer out into the light. There are many who worship such traditions and have sworn an oath to fulfill the desires of those who are purposed as tares among the wheat to bring about such an order of tyranny that requires sacrificing children to Baal and depopulating or culling the earth from all of those who serve God or want to serve God, even among the chanting of falsehoods that they have been fed of what the scriptures say… that they don’t actually say…. and never did.

These are misinterpretations of men and how can one know this unless they read the scriptures for themselves with the Holy Spirit guiding them? They simply can not. Therefore, get out your Bible and read what the scriptures say… the Holy Spirit will show you, all you have to do is ask and seek the truth and it shall be given unto you.

That being said… what’s really taking place on a world scale in the Israel and Gaza war? It’s time to step back and take different look…

Connect the dots… The enemy of God and God’s children is and has been active in every generation of mankind. Spiritual warfare comes alive in any way it can rear its head against mankind. Today, the politicizing of God and His Holy Word is the most dangerous psyop of all. Long ago, in every way imaginable, Satan took hold of the Word of God and used it to control the masses. Even Kings over Israel told people it was okay to practice sacrificing to pagan gods, ignoring God’s commands. And God was NEVER PLEASED, HE ABHORRED IT!

Yet, like it or not, it was decided at the council of Nicea what could and could not be read of scripture and eventually the Vatican’s new papacy entered decrees to make the pagan holidays to be that of the Christian faith. Yet, God did not say to do it, scriptures speak against it. But, over the years the church has adopted them and embedded them into the minds of Christians as Holy and Sacred days.

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Baal Worship Holidays.

One can’t pick and choose which of these Baal days one will and will not honor. None are what God told the prophets to do and none are found in the teaches of Jesus (Immanuel), nor were endorsed by any of the Apostles. So what happened?

The Bible tells us who went whoring after other gods, how they did it and what happened to them when they did not heed the warning of the prophets and turn back to the ways God commanded. None of it was ever blessed, and all of it came with big consequences because they would not turn back to the commands of the Lord. Today, would we call this Political? What would you call a people serving the ways of men who do not serve the commands of God? Jesus said it was serving Mammon.

Matthew 6:24, “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”

Which bring us to the worship of Baal…

The practice of Baal is ancient. There is nothing new under the sun. It was spoken of throughout the books of the Prophets and warned against throughout the scriptures. It is the thing God hates.

God’s people are under attack by these sorts who desire to feed the Lord’s sheep their dung. The idea that man is dull and dumb and should not speak unless they are spoken to is an ancient mind control technique used by wicked dictators lacking the one True God and any true Wisdom.

The Lord Jesus (Immanuel), “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and she shall call his name Immanuel.” Isaiah 7:13 and in Matthew 1:23, “Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.” And in some it uses the name Jesus… so enter the Scholars and PhD’s to explain away this for us, which leads to debate after debate with no clear understanding but plenty of philosophies of deceit. Few there be that go back and look at the real languages of Aramaic and Greek to understand how this was dabbled over.

Which lead us to the say so of the authorities…

The same religious authorities that Jesus (Immanuel) spoke out against for sitting in the seat of Moses making all sorts of man made doctrine and going far away from the truth and commands of God. Which lead us to the parable of the wheat and the tares.

Many modern day tares are aligned with think tankers and billionaires of DAVOS, and using the Word of God to sway the masses into the land of mammon and what mammon demands. Prosperity preaching rose up and watered down the truth in God’s Word and many ignored it all together with their “Be Happy, Don’t Worry”, and the “The Purpose Driven Life”, God wants you to be happy and do what you desire. Tithe to us and it shall be given to you tenfold.”

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So many books and all using cherry picked scriptures out of context to promote whatever dogma being written by man. And many there be that have read more of these than ever picked up the Holy Bible for themselves asking the Holy Spirit to lead them in understanding. Why is that? Could it be because the majority of mega church leaders in some mass falling away mezmerizing movement have made it so?

Satan loves using the Word of God, it’s his greatest weapon to use against God’s children.

That is why it is the sword of the Lord God gave us to use against principalities and powers in dark places. Pay attention to the full armor of God that we are to put on so that we can stand in the wicked days. Do you really believe the wicked days of tribulation are waiting to begin in some floating 7 years at the end of the entire age? That is a lie brought to you by the devil’s movement that was ushered in by Darby and his dispensations of time. And has been a hot topic for all writing books on the subject.

Enter the Scholars, PhD’s, Theologians, Archeologists, Priests, Pastors, and Prophets…and of course now, the athiestic psychologists and their new conversions into the faith, and overnight leaders of theology because they have a PhD!

Or because they are a Jewish Rabbi convert which automatically makes them superior? (See how this works yet?)

It now appears that many have aligned with others who take their direction from Tavistock Institute think tanks who are the so called experts on the new and improved psyops to play on humanity as a whole.

The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations is a British not-for-profit organisation that applies social science to contemporary issues and problems. It was initiated in 1946, when it developed from the Tavistock Clinic, and was formally established as a separate entity in September 1947.

The Tavistock Institute is a mind control think tank: Enter PhD’s such as a woman named Jan and a man named Peterson.

The target appears to be Christian America…and Christians internationally, aligned with Jewish, black ops, psyops, and British trickery, dancing to the KM Oligarch puppet strings.

Enter reknown athiest, but now Christian, Jordan Peterson and his new anointing to head up “The Alliance for Responsible Citizenship” (ARC). This is being established as an international community with a vision for a better world where every citizen can prosper, contribute and flourish. ARC and the billionaires who desire globalism appear to be or unless they have all had a change of heart, they are working Jordan’s strings and funding his new push to shove  humanity onto his ARC of responsible citizenship, of which he himself has revealed it is simply a kinder approach to get on the world FEMA bus and accept the soylent green agenda. He admits the old way has failed, and the new way is much more appealing???? 

Will someone ever tell Mr. Peterson there is a difference between a story and the truth? There is a  bigger difference between a made up lie called a story and facts of truth. He can call on scientists as witnesses all day long as though that were some sort of badge of truth telling, when in fact it is a badge worn by memorizers and mind controlled graduates who stayed in school memorizing garble.

Scientific theories are opinions with legs that can be paraded around appearing as though they are actually walking. Whereas theories support no truth, but are the needed story to sway humanity in the direction they want them to go. It is a great deception. In reality, it is a lie.

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The entire system is conniving and crafted to deceive the masses. The truth is there are two forces at play… good and evil. Evil pushes its own doctrine and their students learn their stories. Well I am among those who say they can keep their blueprints of deception and read those depopulation think tank reports all day long, but true Wisdom does not come from evil, it comes from God and reading God’s word. 

Mind control is ancient and aims firy darts of woes at humanity…

Ancient philosophers controlled the common peoples minds by gas lighting and brow beating them with names of inferiority and dunce cap titles.  Today, people see through all of that and are no longer buying into the lies which are think tank manufactured, upside down, and inside out. There are so many dumb grads that no one buys their PhD anymore as anything sound or valued. Universities have become Ultra mind control boot camps with ceremonies at the end and a certificate of “One of Us”. And then, there are some that have managed to graduate and remain critical thinkers. These are the rare and the few who played the game to graduate and now can set out to apply common sense.

Are we talking a global ARC here? It sure sounds like it. Will they get rid of all the scalar weapons or just use them to keep you in their ARC?

After all this is a billionaire driven think tank teaching who is left, after depopulation efforts, how to be a good alliance for responsible citizenship, so what better time to start training the little people than now?

The Tavistock Institute is a Rothschild funded think tank designed to mind control the masses. Who do you know that may be a part of this PhD

And now that the World Economic Forum have a bad reputation for all of us having nothing and being not so happy and having our thoughts reprogrammed… it makes sense that they have to change their name and approach to lure empty vessels into their way of thinking. So, now they present to you their new guru, Jordan Peterson who is also messed up, but can recruit more liberals who were waking up and jumping ship. Why? Because his central casting has that growling gutsy demonic style to accuse in the fashion of Satan to a wayward Christian?

We are supposed to be deaf, dumb and blindly follow the new crew unleashed to tell you everything we’ve already heard and for some reason the podcasters are ooeing and aweing over it as though this was the first they ever heard such things?? What does that tell you?

The new approach is to save the world by billionaires for billionaires because billionaires own the world, and can build a big ARC to save the same world the billionaires are plotting to depopulate. Oh my head hurts. Meanwhile Jordan Peterson a psychiatrist best known for his atheistic views and reasoning of man’s self-made world of chaos is their new pied piper. So now, he is using Jesus to move the people into the ARC!

So as Christians we are supposed to welcome these ones into our hearts and gather our free will and enter into their ARC?

Not so fast! It’s time to see the fruit here? So far all I see is a very deceptive tree of Knowledge and a serpent offering the people to eat all of it they want! Gather up enough for your trip into the ARC!

Peterson was recently recruited by Daily Wire. Of course Peterson must be intrigued by the Tavistock Institute (Mind control, transgender studies, psychiatry, social programming, etc.) … that marvelous mind control think tank. After all Peterson is impressed with philosophy, history of mind control of the pagan gods, and lecturing on how those who follow Jesus are no different than those who follow any other god. He seems to have a flashlight where he can judge a persons past, present and future by analyzing outward behavior, after all he is a well known pyschiatrist and famous for his brilliant mind and lectures?? Did we mention PhD? Did you see him and his fellow scholars hash up Moses in their scholarly analyzing of Exodus? That was painful to watch. If you saw it, did you learn anything or just learn their “opinions” of it? The world is truly their stage.

So we are to listen to an Athiest, Psychologist, PhD, who has been recruited by Candace Owens and Shapiro who are working with both Tavistock PhD’s, Rothschild sponsors and are now graced with listening to a dissection of the Book of Exodus by nasal toned voices that are ignorant of all the Bible truly means in its intended application with the Holy Spirit of which they have no idea of whether that is man’s imagination or a real idea with a foundation? Or if it does or does not exist for they have no way of seeing it and therefore… it must be a subconscious mind thing????

Remember to read the scriptures for yourself and DO NOT have a cunning psychiatrist interpreted them for you. There was one Ark in the days of Noah, and the ARC of the Covenant given to Moses. Today we who believe in Jesus are the children of God and have been gifted the Holy Spirit to teach us wisdom, and to guide, comfort and direct us the way to go. We are now a living Temple and the Kingdom of God is within us. There is no need of an atheist, now struggling to be found… and a billionaire ARC Program… to save the world. The message of Jesus is to come out from her my people and come follow me. Follow the way of the Lord.

God does not need a man to do whatever He is going to do to protect and to save his people. And he doesn’t heed to the privileged who have their own ideas of how things shall be done. It would bode the scholars well to read how God does such things as recorded in the Book of Numbers and report it to whom it may concern!

In Numbers we read of the rebellion of Korah. This demonstrates the negative consequences of usurping the authority of God and of those whom He has chosen to be leaders of His people.

Numbers 16:3 “And they gathered themselves together against Moses and against Aaron, and said unto them, Ye take too much upon you, seeing all the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the LORD is among them: wherefore then lift ye up yourselves above the congregation of the LORD?

They had decided things weren’t fair and they were going to override what God had said to be done. Numbers 16:12-14: “12. And Moses sent to call Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab: which said, We will not come up: 13Is it a small thing that thou hast brought us up out of a land that floweth with milk and honey, to kill us in the wilderness, except thou make thyself altogether a prince over us? 14Moreover thou hast not brought us into a land that floweth with milk and honey, or given us inheritance of fields and vineyards: wilt thou put out the eyes of these men? We will not come up.” And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, “Speak unto the congregation, saying, Get you up from about the tabernacle of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram.”

Well, they bickered and quarrelled and Moses was angry at them, and it says that the LORD spoke to Moses and Aaron, and said, “Separate yourselves from among this congregation, that I may consume them in a moment.” And Moses and Aaron fell upon their faces, and pleaded to God, “O God, the God of the spirits of all flesh, shall one man sin, and wilt thou be wroth with all the congregation?” Read the entire chapter… to see the vainity in arguing over importance and going against the commands of God…. for in the end… God took care of all of those who were causing the chaos among the people.

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Numbers 16:31-40 The Earth Swallows Up Korah

31And it came to pass, as he had made an end of speaking all these words, that the ground clave asunder that was under them: 32And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up, and their houses, and all the men that appertained unto Korah, and all their goods. 33They, and all that appertained to them, went down alive into the pit, and the earth closed upon them: and they perished from among the congregation. 34And all Israel that were round about them fled at the cry of them: for they said, Lest the earth swallow us up also35And there came out a fire from the LORD, and consumed the two hundred and fifty men that offered incense.

Within this bit of recorded history, it shows us that the true leaders of the church are called by God to their office. False teachers are “wolves in sheep’s clothing” (Matthew 7:15;  Acts 20:29) who choose the fate of Korah over the life of Christ.

Jude:1:11 “Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Korah”.  Jude goes on to say, “These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots; Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever.”

And so… these sorts are still among us. We are watching a lot of that right now. Remember, when God is with you, no one can be against you for greater is He who is in you than He who is in the world. Let them debate that all day long, it will not change one thing!



By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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