Sidney Powell Pleads Guilty? What’s Up With That?

Powell pleads guilty in Georgia and agrees to testify against other defendents, including Trump, yet the social media headlines are on the Brit who did the interview?

This British USA, Inc. bossy stuff is sure a mess. Will there be a Paul Revere in this show or did we miss that already?

Why are the British so involved in America’s inner political upheavals? We have so many Brits and Canadians working in tandum acting like authorities in all of our affairs. Why is that? Ponder it… who is controlling the global push to rule the world? Who has plotted for centuries how to take America down?

I can’t find my paper clips… does any body have some I can borrow?

What names do these ones have? Where do they really hail from? What organizations do they control? What has happened to the Bank of London? Who controls that? Who controls the West and all its Mess and who is yanking it this way and that?

That being said, listen to the interview with this Brit Wit….

It is obvious that the British journalist is not looking for a statement to the facts, but instead is interrogating as though she were some MI6 bully and seeking to push a confession from her victim. Or is she trying to force out what she agreed to do? Like in a plea bargain?

The journalist failed miserably in getting any juicey story squeezed out of a living soul who happens to yet be defending herself in a battle of LAW-FARE that has been thrusted on any and all who are looking into voter fraud. Those who dared like Lin Wood, Guiliani, and Powell have been put through the ringer thrice and into the land of never coming back… or so the evil ones have desired… grabbing and shredding B.A.R. licenses seems to be their new thing and what they always set out to do.

Well the B.A.R. is basically over and shredded as the Crown has been slapped cockeyed off the fake King’s head, while USA, INC. is bankrupt and over. Ask PhD Jan hamberger Halper. That ship has sailed and sunk!

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The Republic does not require a B.A.R. exam to practice law, and every person can represent themselves or choose who they desire to represent them in our courts. So all who have been stripped of their carefully controlled “crowned mason” bar licenses will soon be back in the courts, maybe? That is, if they even desire to do so, for such a stench has enflamed the nostrils of this entire upside down kangaroo “mari-old time-law” joke of the barristers, shoved up America’s arse, that no one would ever want to touch it again. And that is exactly what the KM Oligarchs who control it all so desired to be achieved. However, when the smoke is cleared after the last of the Puppet Masters go down… I suspect we may have a few who decide to give it another go.

That being said, do you agree with some, a little, or a lot of these comments.

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Who is the ABC’s new 7.30 host Sarah Ferguson?  

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From The Daily Mail:Sarah Ferguson was born in Lagos, Nigeria, where her British-born parents lived before moving to Britain as the Biafran war broke out.

“Ferguson’s career began in newspapers in the United Kingdom, before moving to Paris and working as a researcher and production assistant on arts programs for French and British broadcasters.

She met her husband Tony Jones, after he hired her to help him for a story on ABC in 1992, while he was working as ABC’s London correspondent .

“Ferguson had been working as a researcher and production assistant for French and British broadcasters up until that point in time. 

In 2000, Ferguson worked as a reporter for Dateline and Insight. In 2004 she joined the Sunday program on Channel Nine and in 2008 joined Four Corners.” Read:How sliding doors moment in Paris led Sarah Ferguson to take over from Leigh Sales as ABC 7.30 host | Daily Mail Online

I’m still trying to find my darn paper clips!!!

Now back to the Show – “British Invasion, hear ye, hear ye”:

The New York Times Reported on Oct. 19, 2023, in a move that caught Donald Trump and his advisers by surprise, Sidney Powell pleaded guilty to election interference charges in Georgia and agreed to testify against the other defendants in the case — Trump among them.

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The Washington Post wrote: “Powell pleaded guilty Thursday on the eve of the first major trial involving Trump’s allegedly criminal actions, in Fulton County, Ga. Trump personally won’t face trial yet, but the trial involving Powell and fellow Trump-aligned lawyer Kenneth Chesebro was poised to be the first early test of the indictments against him. (Jury selection in Chesebro’s trial is still set to begin Friday.)

“Powell pleaded to six misdemeanor counts of interfering in officials’ performance of their election duties and will serve six years of probation. But perhaps most significantly, her plea deal requires her to testify truthfully at the trials of her co-defendants — including, presumably and most notably, Trump.

“Despite the opacity over her official role, she was obviously in touch with key players throughout the post-election period, as best exemplified by her participation in a wild Dec. 18, 2020, Oval Office meeting with Trump and other key players. She also worked closely with Giuliani, who participated in that meeting and whose actions Powell could seemingly shed light upon.

“Trump’s federal indictment doesn’t dwell upon Powell’s role. It mostly invokes her as a means to argue that Trump knew better about the false voter fraud claims he and Powell were spouting. It on two occasions notes that Trump once said Powell’s claims sounded “crazy.”

“Nonetheless, the Defendant embraced and publicly amplified Co-Conspirator 3′s disinformation,” the indictment said.

“In the Georgia indictment, Powell is repeatedly referenced as taking part in the racketeering conspiracy that Trump and every other defendant was charged with. She did not plead guilty to that charge, instead pleading to six charges related to an alleged voting machine breach in Coffee County.” Read: What Sidney Powell could testify to on Trump after plea deal – The Washington Post

So what’s going down?

It’s beginning to look perfectly clear why Lin Wood didn’t make the top twenty list to indict. He would have a totally different testimony and one that would take a bit of time to decipher through. Implicating some possibilities of also indicting the group who landed by Patrick Byrne plane at Tomotley and ended up with Lin not fitting in and ending up with LAWFARE ON STEROIDS against him in the same state of Georgia.

Now all of that would have drug in Flynn, Byrne, et al… and possibly too many names that they don’t want involved. Such as a sabotaging nature, as Lin kept all the evidence of every slanderous attack and punch. And they don’t want that. Not now and not ever! By Georgia, it might even pull in a guy named Clark? So… leave Lin alone.

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Here is what Lin has commented on Telegram:

Lin Wood,

I have seen the reports that Sidney Powell entered a plea in the Fulton County, Georgia criminal case.

I do not believe that Powell ever served as President Trump’s attorney.

I hope that now that Powell is out of the criminal case, the Fulton DA will not need to call me as a witness.

At her request, I allowed Powell to work on her election cases at Tomotley in November of 2020. She was later joined by Mike Flynn and others who it appeared were working with them.

I did not draft, prepare, sign, or file any of the election cases Powell filed in various states. I was working on my own election cases filed in Georgia in my name as a Georgia voter.

I have no firsthand knowledge of the other Georgia defendants (although Ray Smith did briefly represent me in my first GA case before I terminated him in mid-December of 2020) except being an unwavering supporter of President Trump. Media reports that I served as the President’s attorney are blatantly false. Media reports that I “flipped” on President Trump were false and manufactured out of thin air.

I extended Powell and Flynn hospitality as I thought at the time they were REAL patriots.

I lived and learned. They will never be allowed to visit Tomotley again. I believe I have made clear on Telegram my feelings about Flynn and other members of his gang.

No good deed goes unpunished as I have been subjected to almost 3 years of false accusations in the FAKE media, B.A.R. complaints, and legal actions arising in large part out of their visit to Tomotley.

I wish Powell and Flynn good luck and I pray for them.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸


And by the way… HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIN!



By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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