Inexperience versus Idle Threats Equals Disaster

McCarthy threatening his fellow congress persons for their no vote, from the coup of the fluctuating 5 to 19 “never Kevens”, and the Dems laughing like hyenas at the inexperienced leadership presented for the world to see by Gaetz and Boebert… well, quite frankly this is a formula for disaster. Boebert stated that when her…Continue readingInexperience versus Idle Threats Equals Disaster

Mark Taylor and Lin Wood Weigh In…

The “NEVER KEVIN” Group is not going to allow McCarthy to have his way. So as McCarthy says he has all day, all week, or even as long as it takes… the rest of the congress says…NO YOU DON’T. So as we wait to see how the congressional script writing plays out, and even how…Continue readingMark Taylor and Lin Wood Weigh In…

Jordan Wants To Lead Judiciary and Can’t As Speaker!

So what is Matt Gaetz trying to pull here with his Never Kevin? Are we watching a show here with actors from casting central? It sure is looking like it. One commentator said it is the politics behind the politics… and some are saying that by holding out that is what matters the most. Standing…Continue readingJordan Wants To Lead Judiciary and Can’t As Speaker!

McCarthy Hangs By a Thread… as Gaetz Pouts!

Guess Gaetz threw away his vote and that kinda goes like voting for Jeffries doesn’t it? Back in November, Jeffries announced his history-making bid to be 1st Black leader of House Democrats after Pelosi. Did Matt Gaetz even give that a thought? Matt Gaetz proved to be a rattler at a time when the gang…Continue readingMcCarthy Hangs By a Thread… as Gaetz Pouts!

How SMART Are You Willing To Be?

The War is raging for your mind and the mind of your children! Psychological Warfare is FEAR BASED! We are at war. The main weapon is psychological warfare. The problem most are having is they are not understanding that we are at war. Why is this? Because of the fact that they can’t see the…Continue readingHow SMART Are You Willing To Be?

2023 Psychological Warfare Year 3?

President Trump is starting out 2023 by telling more cold hard truths about the fake narrative of the “save our democracy” coup who are pushing their progressive Marxist Agenda – Including all the RINO republicans. With a Happy New Year to all MAGA supporters and those who love America. So while the fake news and…Continue reading2023 Psychological Warfare Year 3?

The Fall of The Dark Ones!

Others are now buzzing… Epstein Islander Alan Dershowitzt was the first to push mandatory vaccines. Who was he appeasing? Who does he work for? What do the puppet masters have on him? What has he done that makes him a puppet? Was he always a puppet? Is he by nature one of the ones that…Continue readingThe Fall of The Dark Ones!

The Beehive Is Out Of Honey…

In the case of Global RESET Epstein Island, the Queen Bee has fallen and the worker bees are restless and can’t make any honey. What is left is an abandoned hive, some male drones and lots of misplaced worker bees. So, the question is… “Will bees swarm without a queen?” In nature, the answer is…Continue readingThe Beehive Is Out Of Honey…

The Bee Hive is Buzzing…

It’s getting louder and louder and louder… Detective games are a favorite thing for those who love to solve mysteries. Which bring us back to the show and Hollyweird and how those who have lusted for their new world domination have always used their own stories to show us what they are doing. Their own…Continue readingThe Bee Hive is Buzzing…

Glass Onions Don’t Need Peeled… You Can See Right Through Them!

So is Candace Owens Farmer extreme and out of control? Or is she groomed for such a time as this? And what time is this? Who knew that in 2017 she was already not only pushing, but creating with HER TEAM a way to spy and track you and kill your reputation on line. It…Continue readingGlass Onions Don’t Need Peeled… You Can See Right Through Them!