News Update-MAGA

PRESIDENT TRUMP SPEAKS IN ALASKA! Sarah Palin speaks out about things Trump did for her you may not know and where America is going! Saturday night July 9th President Trump received a big Alaskan welcome! Trump said that MAGA was the biggest political movement in the history of our country. We knew that! The reasons…Continue readingNews Update-MAGA

President Trump Speaks In Las Vegas!

President Donald J Trump spoke to an energized MAGA audience – HUGE – LIVE from Las Vegas! As usual, Trump delivered a great speech loaded with facts, this time the focus was on his MAKE AMERICA FIRST POLICIES! Friday July 8, 2022. Listen to his great speech and his advice to go forward! GOD BLESS…Continue readingPresident Trump Speaks In Las Vegas!

Trump Is Steering Clear of Incoming Allegations….

The more they try to make Trump look bad, even with lie, after lie, after lie…the more he looks good. And the “Steering Committee” Award goes to….. President Donald J. Trump! For best truth social comments that steer the liars into corners to be caught! Key Mastermind behind fact checking the fact checkers! And the…Continue readingTrump Is Steering Clear of Incoming Allegations….

President Trump Rally – Mendon, Illinois

Firing up Illinois… taking back all of America one state at a time! People want law and order! They are tired of the lawlessness and corruption. Keep on pressing into the Kingdom of God! Press, press, press! DianneContinue readingPresident Trump Rally – Mendon, Illinois

President Trump Calls Out Biden’s Disasters –

All it took was 18 months to become a third world nation under Biden. President Trump delivered remarks at the American Freedom tour in Memphis, Tennessee. He came out fighting back at the liars on the unselect committee of J6 and all the other, quote: “horrible, crazy and stupid things they have done.” He called…Continue readingPresident Trump Calls Out Biden’s Disasters –

J6 Proceed With A Sense of Humor….

And remember to bring along something just in case your head hurts… Remember what Hillary said…”If I go down, we all go down.” Well get ready for Hillary is going down and the bunch in DC know it! That is why we have the Capitol Hill J-6 Liar Show going on all week on prime…Continue readingJ6 Proceed With A Sense of Humor….


THEY CAN GO LOWER THAN YOU CAN EVER, EVER IMAGINE! A Rare Whistle Blower busts a big international bank and lives to write a book about it and also debuts a made for Netflix movie about it all. Who is this? It’s Everett Stern, who also happens to be running as an independent in the…Continue readingBOOM! KABOOM! HOW LOW CAN THEY GO?

Defamation of Character #1 Focus of J6 Hearing!

It’s obvious this is not about finding any truth and in our face that the hearing is as President Trump says, a “select committee” that has told lie after lie, after lie. The main focus is to trash and destroy the character of all who questioned the blatant voter fraud, and to destroy any Trump…Continue readingDefamation of Character #1 Focus of J6 Hearing!

Illegitimate Regime Refuses To Admit Voter Fraud!

Kangaroo Court is in Session and most people just want to know why their gas is so high! Day one of the Episode 666 season 3 of the “J-6 Pelosi Gang Tells a Whopper”, started out as expected with lie after lie after lie. With all the drama of a Pencil Neck doing his conjecture…Continue readingIllegitimate Regime Refuses To Admit Voter Fraud!

Attention President Trump, Your Action Is Needed…

It’s time to cut through the chase. It is not a gun problem it is a Khazarian Global Communist Agenda…. to take away your rights, livelihoods, and guns! Their mission is to create division and destroy your faith in God along with the family unit- all to control the world! This gun shooting had nothing…Continue readingAttention President Trump, Your Action Is Needed…