This is what happens when the KM Oligarchs pick the leaders of nations and place them via rigged voting machines and then unite them all with a European Union with more of their appointed heads. No one is coming to save them from themselves. The short version of France on Fire: France is under attack…Continue readingEUROPE IS BURNING AND THEIR LEADERS DID IT!


KNOW ALSO HOW YOUR OPPONENT MOVES HIS PAWNS, KNIGHTS, BISHOPS, ROOKS AND QUEEN! The narrow path does not lead to Rome… the BIG FAT WIDE ONE DOES! The Club of Rome was put together in 1968 by Aurellio Peccei who was one of the original members of the Morgenthau group, as a foreign policy arm…Continue readingCHESS IS FOR CRITICAL THINKERS… LEARN TO THINK AHEAD AND YOU MASTER THE GAME.

Israel Makes Lizard Meat For DAVOS RESET’s Useless Eaters???

WHEN LIZARDS AT DAVOS SAYS FAUX MEAT FROM ISRAEL IS THE NEXT MILESTONE… RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! It’s not new… it’s just not catching on like the lizards at DAVOS thought it would. The “World Economic Forum Touts Israel-Produced Fake Meat As ‘Taste Of The Future’” The same Klaus Schwab, et al at the World…Continue readingIsrael Makes Lizard Meat For DAVOS RESET’s Useless Eaters???

LAWFARE The Psyop Weapon That’s Now Out In The Open…

We have all watched President Trump battle one accusation after another, and we knew it was fake news and politcal attacks, but there is a real name for this type of attack, that name is LAWFARE. What is Lawfare? The term is a lexical blend of the words law and warfare. Lawfare is the use of legal systems and institutions like fake news, to damage…Continue readingLAWFARE The Psyop Weapon That’s Now Out In The Open…

Discernment Works When You Open Your Eyes, Ears, Mind, Heart and Soul!

It’s amazing what you begin to see with the Holy Spirit guiding you! Going down memory lane… adding up the dots that point to the Road Show and the Carny… is something a whole lot different these days? In an article written in November 24, 2022 titled, “Patrick Byrne Admits He’s Behind All The FTX…Continue readingDiscernment Works When You Open Your Eyes, Ears, Mind, Heart and Soul!

It’s a Battle Between The Lizard 300 and All Sovereign Nations! 

Trump is leading the Charge in the US and there is an alliance of nations pushing through the demonic plague that has infiltrated the earth with LIZARD PEOPLE! Dr. John Coleman – Committee of 300 – Part 2 Dr. John Coleman states that “The Committee of 300″ is the ultimate secret society made up of…Continue readingIt’s a Battle Between The Lizard 300 and All Sovereign Nations! 

Want To Help USA Win This War?

Then expose the lies and reveal the truth! Call on the Lord for divine protection and seek Wisdom and discernment in all things! AMERICA belongs to God! STAY THE COURSE, IT STARTS WITH EACH ONE OF US! Now this is the way America shines best! Introducing Pia Toscano, beautiful voice. Performed at the American Rodeo…Continue readingWant To Help USA Win This War?

Lizards Desire To Manifest Hell On Earth….

God has another plan – HIS KINGDOM COMES ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN! KNOW IT IS COMING FAST NOW! In 1991, Dr. John Coleman, a career professional intelligence officer, authored a book warning Americans of the dangerous forces that have infiltrated the United States and all of its agencies Federal, State, and local…Continue readingLizards Desire To Manifest Hell On Earth….


Lots of things are happening… it’s just not happening the way fake news says! In this April Fools time warp we have people who are no longer the original person they were born as. We aren’t talking transgendering… we are talking about those who have been removed and had something else put in their place.…Continue readingIT’S SHOWTIME!

Discern Everything…Hold To Truth!

Don’t play the show games, call everything by the name it is. If it’s fake…shout fake. If it’s a rubber mask…call it a rubber mask. If it is real, call it real. If it’s evil, call it evil, and if it’s good, call it good! Stay in reality and don’t get caught up in believing…Continue readingDiscern Everything…Hold To Truth!