Want To Help USA Win This War?

Then expose the lies and reveal the truth! Call on the Lord for divine protection and seek Wisdom and discernment in all things!


Now this is the way America shines best! Introducing Pia Toscano, beautiful voice.

Performed at the American Rodeo in Dallas, Texas.

Time for some refreshing…. enjoy!


I got a room inside my head
I, I, I
I fill it up with words unsaid
Why, why
Why am I caged like a lion
Biting my tongue until it bleeds
White flag, I’d be lying
‘Cause there’s a lot of life left in me

I won’t be quiet
Even when you tell me no
I won’t be silent
I’m louder than you know
And I won’t fall
Even if I lose it all
No, I won’t be quiet
No, no, no

Your biggest lies live in my head
I, I, I
Can’t shut it up, can’t make it end
Why, why
Why am I caged like a lion
Biting my tongue until it bleeds
But I’ma keep setting fires
Yeah there’s a lot of light left in me

I won’t be quiet
Even when you tell me no
I won’t be silent
I’m louder than you know
And I won’t fall
Even if I lose it all
No, I won’t be quiet
No, no, no

I’ve broken down, I’ve sacrificed
But you can’t hurt me, I’m taking back my life

I won’t be quiet
Even when you tell me no
I won’t be silent
I’m louder than you know
And I won’t fall
Even if I lose it all
But I won’t be quiet
No, no, no

No, no, no
No, no

To all of the survivors in this storm…

We take back our nation one by one by being the children of God Almighty we were made to be. God’s children are not created to become mind controlled subjects paid for by the Committee of 300’s demonic minions!

God gave each of us the Power of the Holy Spirit to teach us, guide us, give us wisdom and discernment, protect us and to comfort us. We have divine protection.

And now for some thoughts on the mystery BOOM in the Atlantic.

We know this was a false flag and the story we were given is a script. The Committee of 300 have had this planned for a while. It’s in their scripts. Remember they have a script for every wicked thing. But, they can not control the outcome!

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We’ve been having some earthquake activity recently. And we have the Titan that was submerged at the site of the Titanic. Now just what could the right booms do if the booms went boom? Ponder for a moment, a device that like a video game can send booms to hit a target? Add to that a boom machine underwater where boom machines made to send underground booms do their booms best?

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What if this thing is some type of sonar or laser device and they were booming the ocean bottom to do some plate shifting?

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How do we even know what it was or if it was? What really happened? Were four key figures taken away? Arrested? Gitmoed? Was the story made up to send a different message to someone they worked for or with? But before we yell it must be true because it was on the Simpsons? Remember Simpson’s is a cartoon and owned by the network… and that is controlled by Tavistock who controls all the news media, entertainment, and social controls, and Hollywood for the Committee of 300, which the movies always tell us what they are going to do. So why do we marvel at Simpsons like it’s some psychic reading? Or is that just the hirelings working for the 300 who are paid to throw that type of bait out there on social media to see who will bite on it?

Which they said the ship was operated by a small hand held controller. Could that have been code wording for a small player? Small in the scope of who is “BIG” and who is “SMALL” in their script ridden lizard world?

The truth is more geared toward undercover units taking out sabotage rogue units in the  north Atlantic sea and they probably had something to do with weather manipulation as their floating weather boats often “DEW”, and it probably wasn’t a submersive thingy at all but a floating DEW or a mini version of an X Band Radar system. A small version. Oh heck it could have been a full blown submarine for all we know?

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Trust me, if they are thinking about adding lasers…they already have.

We are now told that Biden ordered the military to take it out… BOOM! Why would Joey Avatar order a nonmilitary day adventure seeker to be blasted out of the water? Isn’t that crime against humanity? These were wealthy men in the pod… and he booms them without question? We are told he blew them up last Sunday? But, remember everything news tells us is a lie. Our guesses are as good as theirs. Actually they make more sense than the mutterings scripted by fake news, which make no sense.

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Today, rumor is that one of the men that was allegedly on the alleged “Titan”, is the owner of the Amonium Nitrate Company. I call it a rumor as I cannot find names to validate that. The company who made the fertilizer Amonium Nitrate is Dyno Nobel in Wyoming.

What we do know is we have influencers of the 300 club one from France, one from Britain, and one from Pakistan and his son. And a small controller operating the thing, whatever that thing was, if it was a thing at all?

Christie Hutcherson has an update on the borders, and the state of emergency regarding “We The People”.

She covers both local and international.

Why does Fermilab in Illinois want to send neutrinos to South Dakota underground?

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PIP-II will be the “first gear” of the Fermilab accelerator complex and power the world’s most intense beam of high-energy neutrinos for DUNE. The heart of PIP-II is a 215-meter-long particle accelerator, featuring major contributions from international partners and the latest superconducting radio-frequency technology developed at Fermilab.

This powerful proton beam will gain more energy as it proceeds through Fermilab’s chain of particle accelerators, moving to the Booster for an extra kick, reaching up to 8-billion-electronvolts, and then on to Fermilab’s largest accelerator, the Main Injector, which will accelerate the protons to even higher energies: 120-billion-electronvolts. Once it exits the final accelerator in the chain, the beam of protons will move almost as fast as the speed of light and carry more than 1 megawatt of energy.

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The protons’ collisions with the target produce other particles with electric charge that can be quickly focused into a tight beam by a series of magnets called horns.

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Those new particles decay into neutrinos that can no longer be directed by magnets, but that will keep traveling, ghostlike, through matter. The neutrinos pass through a detector on the Fermilab site, then through 1,300 kilometers (800 miles) of earth and then the enormous liquid-argon detector underground in South Dakota. The distance between the near and far detector, called the baseline, provides maximum sensitivity to the properties scientists want to measure.

By switching the horns to select and focus particles with the opposite electric charge, scientists can also produce a beam of the neutrinos’ antimatter counterparts, antineutrinos.

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The question is..what are they trying to make here? What are they really doing? Are we to believe that the Department of Energy is spending billions to shoot Neutrinos an anti matter ghostlike energy blob … are they trying to create a soul like substance? Or are they unwittingly conjuring up dead spirits? Is this going to cause an earthquake? Who knows. These scientists are owned by the Committee of 300 and you can’t trust anything they tell us they are doing.

Fermilab is the largest particle accelerator in the world, and is the precursor to CERN in Switzerland. So, naturally the question is… what are they really up to?

Watch for something to happen let’s say … like on a fault line?

That being said… we have these guys who have been ousted and replaced. They have morphed into not looking quite like they used to.

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Some of the biggest psyops are who is who. We know they are fakes. We need to shout they are fakes. MI6 is behind the fakes always. And now the white hats have been pushing their own fakes and throwing the MI6 off their bamboozle game. People are now aware of the games that have been played on them for decades and they are tired of it and calling them all out. The same with their false flags and distractions. Telling us one thing happened when ten other real things happened that they covered up. Don’t expect any of that to change any time soon.

One thing is sure, we all have to discern everything and spend our time reading the Bible and asking the Lord to sit down and talk with you about all the things that you are concerned about. Ask Him what you should do. Don’t listen to psyop central… we really don’t know who we can trust??? You know you can trust Jesus!



By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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