The Beast Is A System!

The system is in place and has been for a very long time. We are in this world system, but not of it! The Bible is clear on that! The beast system has been evolving and is at its’ pinnacle. God is watching all things, the same as in the days of Nimrod when he…Continue readingThe Beast Is A System!

Mark of The Beast and Trademarks…

There are many ideas and many interpretations. The answers are within the Bible itself to anything that is stated. The hard part is sorting through the translations and interpretations. There appears to be a question from a person who wants to justify something? And debate something I said? I would have answered had I been…Continue readingMark of The Beast and Trademarks…


There is no where for the globalist to hide! They have all been caught and now the head of the snake is ….. well, let’s just say we know what it is and we are staring it in its eye!!! The World Economic Forum, the WHO and Gavi are all about to lose the diplomatic…Continue readingCRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY BURST WIDE OPEN!


Know the nature of the beast and how it operates, otherwise you will be tossed about and swear you are in the twilight zone… kinda exactly like the way the world is looking right now. The father of lies is Satan. John 8:44  “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your…Continue readingTHE BEAST IN THE SHADOWS

Podcasting Is A Billion Dollar Business…and Everybody Wants To Rule The World??? 

With more than two million active podcasts and over 48 million podcast episodes which ones are you going to listen to? Did you know that the stats for 2023 state that podcasting is now a $1 billion dollar industry and growing. It is fast replacing network news and so…. everyone is clamouring to enter into…Continue readingPodcasting Is A Billion Dollar Business…and Everybody Wants To Rule The World??? 

The Real Truth & Facts are Found “Opposite” of The KM Oligarch’s “For The Greater Good of All”!

Pretty much, whatever they say is so, the opposite is true. Enter Jan Halper! One of the favorite weapons in deep state’s Black Op Psyop war is using the Bible to mislead those who love and follow God. Those who seek to do good unto others as they would have done unto them makes for…Continue readingThe Real Truth & Facts are Found “Opposite” of The KM Oligarch’s “For The Greater Good of All”!

The Devil’s Biggest Weapon Is What He Can Make You Believe!

They hate it when you have eyes to see and can see everything!!! Once you see it, you can’t unsee it! We are fighting against the Khazarian Mafia who desire to rule the world in tyranny. And like it or not, they have been controlling the wars and funding both sides all along. In a…Continue readingThe Devil’s Biggest Weapon Is What He Can Make You Believe!