Podcasting Is A Billion Dollar Business…and Everybody Wants To Rule The World??? 

With more than two million active podcasts and over 48 million podcast episodes which ones are you going to listen to?

Did you know that the stats for 2023 state that podcasting is now a $1 billion dollar industry and growing. It is fast replacing network news and so…. everyone is clamouring to enter into it. Presently anyone can podcast their message over airwaves and internet social media, and that has mis and disinformation specialists fact checking wrong, wrong, wrong, gaslighting, pushing more propaganda, banning, and even turning people into the FBI for having a different opinion…or worse, for asking questions????

Meanwhile, well funded organizers are seeking the Big Influencers to come take a ride with them on their magic money making carpets, in return for a few favors!

They are always looking for a few new diamonds in the rough…


It also has black operations competing to see who can gather up the most entrepreneurial pods to be part of their big chain store pods! That’s what I’m calling them… I’m sure some podster think tank group has another name for it?? But just like Big Corporations buy up small corporations and then little by little convert them into their brand with promises of being a big, rich, part of their big, rich Corporation… they are out to hand select which podcasters they want to be added to their team…. and they do select them.

For whatever reason they give, the real reason or so I suspect, is to control the information flow with the reading of their think tank scripts and to reap their own rewards off of their newly recruited hirelings. Oh they have all sorts of “Win Win” contracts and categories and they love recruiting the best of the best (which is anyone who has a real grass roots following”. They will say almost anything or whatever is needed to get them to sign! Did I mention that many of them pay monthly for the privilege of signing up? After all, success isn’t free, there is a price to be paid… you know with the costs of all the promotions and all??

Many believe it is a dream come true to be selected and they sign on the dotted line. After all… it’s a win win and the big guys have the drive, and band width to send you around the moon several times so the earth is no big deal! And so around and around they go! In sync, going viral all for the message to be heard! From snake venom in the water to the great awakening… or was that the great reset?

Time once was that a podcast was an audio broadcast you can listen to online with no visual element, making it much easier to concentrate on the message. Good messages with some truth, facts and opinion… someone who welcomed callers and had an honest decent discussion… like the all time great Rush Limbaugh.

Today, the video market has entered in and that has allowed for better soaking in of the message… some people are visual and need that little picture to let things soak in. Many podcasters do both radio, internet and display their programming in video format and allow those to be sent out all over social media.

It used to be a pretty level playing field and the listening audience could pick and choose who and what they wanted to hear about. That worked well until the propaganda NAZI’s began losing the information war. When I first heard Hillary talk about this I wasn’t quite sure what she meant… today I understand it all perfectly well.

Many people believed it was all about communism versus freedom… why is that? Because that is how they made it all sound while people were sleeping. Back then in March 3, 2011, as it still is now, it was all about the numbers, or as Trump says, the ratings. The video transcript stated, “For instance, RT’s presence on YouTube is a real hit: almost 300 million views, when CNN International is struggling to reach 3 million. RT’s constantly growing audience is an indication that the days of media monopoly are over and that people are demanding more multi-polar thinking.”

Wow… hearing something other than Obama’s propaganda? What a novel idea? This was the height of the growing video programs and everything was allowed to be debated without censoring and being banned. It had to be in real poor taste to be banned. But the real bad stuff they just clouded out. Like when we all watched the propaganda ISIS beheadings.

That was back in the day where people turned into the nightly news and believed everything said and those who spoke up with some other opinions were shut up by their peers. So it was cave dweller controlled. The mis and dis information campaigns let the Karen’s keep others in line… and that worked pretty well for them until Trump came along. He called it all what it was… which was fake news and the silent majority cheered him on. Finally someone saying what they wanted to say and feared to say, or had no platform from which to say it! The people found their voice and that is what made Trump the man of the people! It’s also what made the Hillary global order cringe, hiss and sick their dogs on the deplorables (her new name for Trump supporters) and what was worse she said they were unredeemable. and the podcaster wars began… censoring, shadow banning, calling people racist and anti – everything!

Now those with eyes to see will see this is a Computor generated image of Hillary, but none the less it is put out there and allowed to be called a real interview with scathing remarks and allowed on You Tube whereas if this were a Trump podcaster they would be threatened by a PhD task force Brit to be turned into the F.B.I. This is what the podcast wars are doing… it’s a propaganda war! Black Operations also appears to involve MI6, Mossad, CIA and the FBI!

And while good podcasters are getting censored for truth and threatened by black ops to have the FBI unleashed on them… we have Hillary 2.0 shouting for all Trump Supporters to be deprogrammed claiming they are a cult. And that is perfectly okay? This is what it’s come down too. They don’t even hide their communism anymore.l And folks like Hillary and RINO Brits with PhD’s have lost control of their narrative and all they can do is sneer behind their rubber masks and snidley remark on Thrive Time sell out Podcaster shows that they be on big Task Force that will turn all free thinkers in to the FBI because you have an opinion and dare to out podcast me with your truth! She sure sounded exactly like Hillary!

Warning…there are mis and dis black op puppets that will ban anything that is not in their programming agenda for the 21st Century. So beware…

Whatever you need to say, want to say, desire to say or whatever can be said is allowed only as long as it fits the mis and dis information agenda for world peace overseen by the lizards of the WEF Global West!

It’s not new, so don’t act shocked…

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What is Shadow Banning?  

Shadow-banning is the practice of blocking a user’s posts on social media platforms when the user is unaware of the action. If you have been shadow-banned on social media accounts, your content is going to only feature in the feeds of people who already follow and know you.

In short, when your posts, content, or activities are not visible on a platform, but you have not got a formal ban or notice, this is known as shadow banning. It is a means for spammers to keep spamming when no one else in the network (or outside of it) notices. Read more: How to tell if you are shadow-banned on Social Media | Yoshiro Digital

When Jordan Peterson and Ben Shipiro, and Netanyahu all dine together… you betcha there’s a podcast coming.

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And when they are all calling for genocide… you betcha there’s some money involved and a secret or two. Let’s see… Brits, Canadians, Rothschild money, ARC, Global Order, Zionism…WWIII? Heck there’s gonna be a lot of updates on this podcast bonanza!

Oh the scholars and the theologians… did we say PhD’s? Has anyone seen my paper clips?

In the past that equals present, most scholars and theologians have made up their stories based on their own opinions and passed those off as some sort of new found “_isdum”. (that’s my name for it.) For you see, many of these ones love to quote philosophers and not the prophets, and always cherry pick the scriptures they choose to push and use them as proof of something out of context.

And then there are the many psychiatrists and psychologists (modern day philosophers) who love to put our Lord on their couch and analyze Him like he is their patient that requires their services to dissect him and compare him to something their Harvard secret fraternity mind washing can relate to. They weigh Him in the balance as though that is what they believe man is to do?? Then give Him a thumbs up or thumbs down and give their reasons why. All the while, the books that line their library shelves are vast and filled with Greek literature based on all the pagan gods and goddesses and aesop fables, of the ancient playrights.

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You will also most assuredly find books Gilgamesh and all sorts of archeology digs, finds, and theories by world acclaimed PhD’s and Egyptologists. And a lot of rare vintage books of past scholars… secret teachings and maps. Yes…there must be a lot or a few ancient maps. There just most always is.

Most of these ones debate the work of each and even write their own theories on the who, how, what, when, and why they thought like they did and or did what they did, like their opinion is the one Socrates will be proud of.

Few, if any, care what Jesus’s opinion of them is and love to debate if he even existed as the scriptures tell or if he was just a great philosopher with a more esterotic approach to finding His way through the Chakrah’s and into the higher self… for they are more intrigued with their own intellect and marvel at their human minds like a toddler marvels at a kitten.

These are as the shadow makers in Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, yet they know not that they are the ones imprisoned by their own shadows they have cast upon the cave walls for humanity to ponder and believe… for it is from their own minds who thought these things up, that have ensnared themselves into believing they serve some noble deed. They know not, nor would ever believe what their idea of scholarly _is-dum does is heap hot coals upon their own heads. So they may as well start rowing their boats to the underworld for even the ferry man Charon knows what’s coming and laughs at the converts of hell who believe they are possessors of greatness, because their own little minds have deemed it so.

Sadly, many of the pastors have been misled and not read the scriptures for themselves without the eyes of their indoctrinations.

That being said, Enter Claaaayyyyy Clark!

To be a successful podcaster you will need the right connections and the right person redirecting your efforts. Unify, unify, unify! Together we can move that mountain and get the wealth you so deserve… so step on up and listen close….

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Who Are These Guys?

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They are anything you want them to be! If you want to make a fantastic living doing your own podcast programming… they’re ready to help you get rich, thrive, and show you how to throw out a hard ball, so fast over home plate it will have your competition striking out on demand!

They have been gathering all the little sheep who had big wool but needed a bit of grooming or shearing of sorts in order to get them all united into a strong flock! After all, they just needed the right shepherd to herd them. Smile.

And the right wording to do the herding… it’s a Business Coach Program for all entrepreneurs!

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They will unite you and take you on tour, and follow up by providing your programming with the right message, the right influencers to guest star on your program. You can be among the greatest names in podcasting, a 3 Star General and other Big Influencers like the famous “boot”!

Step on up, hurry, hurry… buy you some prophets, some generals, and patriots galore… baptisms free outside on the south pond… please tip your pastor!

Give, give, give and you will be happy that you did… did we tell you Klaus Schwab was out to make you eat crickets and wants to chip everyone?  Step on up and hear what the podcast speakers have to say on all of that!~

Please ignore all podcasters who are not signed up with us that say things like they are controlled opposition. And pay no attention to any rumors of Flynn being a 2.0 or not who he says he is, because we said so. FBI around the corner. Have an illuminated day.

Old footage… but new to the people!

Finally the footage that was banned is released… remember J-6 the national guard. Truth tellers told you the corrupt congress persons were arrested. That was the day the doubles arrived. Podcasters who tried to show you were censored, fact checked and no one at the road show spoke a word of it… especially not Flynn 2.0.

So as we continue in the “Days of our lives” and the podcasters fight for our attention and their funding dries up … (for you can only bleed a sheep for so long before it eventually dries up and has no more blood to give), let us focus on God and humbly ask our Father the way for us to go and forgiveness for our short tempers when we are outraged at all the injustice and deception.

I believe it’s normal to react when eyes see such abominations in the works… from the deaths of those who took the jab, to the entire WWIII and genocide of innocent people, to the Lawfare cases, homeowners on the street while illegals are put up in hotels and given thousands per month to live off… everything is upside down and the stolen election ushered in lawlessness beyond anyones imagination.

Pay attention to everything said and sold by big organizations… and pray for those too blind to see. Things are moving quickly and there’s something happening here, something very big. Remember everything was infiltrated.



By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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