Truth, Lies, Secrets and Babylon The Great…

Babylon The Great is real and it has been building and building. The battle is ancient and we are now at a fork in the road. There is no more walking together, you must choose to go to the left with the world or to the right with God Almighty. The world is wide awake…Continue readingTruth, Lies, Secrets and Babylon The Great…

It’s A War, But Who Really Started It?

Israel is now competing with Zelensky for the world war dollars! Cough up more tax dollars folks, it’s time to play World War 3! Joey Avatar funded Iran and now they are happy. War happy? Zelensky’s war funding is over and now just like that… we have another war… one that surely will be funded?…Continue readingIt’s A War, But Who Really Started It?


LIZARDS, WIZARDS, LIARS AND THIEVES… ARE JUST A FEW OF THE THINGS LURKING IN THE DARK AND MURKY MUDDY SLUDGE TRUTH SEEKERS ARE WADING THROUGH… IT’S NOT SAFE, NOR IS IT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART. Today we visit the swamp… it’s a dirty, muddy little place filled with dirty, muddy little puppets who believe…Continue readingSWAMP CREATURES ARE REAL…

Where is the man named Mr. Purple?

We hear his riddles, as he jeers at the games the enemy plays, but… who knows where he hides and from where he came? Who understands what he is saying unless you know the wavelength he is riding? Without the right frequency… you will just be hearing a vanishing set of words… a ghostly presence…Continue readingWhere is the man named Mr. Purple?

How To Be Your Own 2.0!

Shake things up a bit or a lot! Even Trump has some doubles out there! Well folks, hate to break it to you but that’s not Trump in the golf shirt and MAGA hat. That’s a double. So we are watching for the first time ever, a live theater event (military terminology for the show)…Continue readingHow To Be Your Own 2.0!

When It’s Time To Investigate The Investigators…

You have to be in 2.0 mode and never let them see who you really are… or the power you have… let them think you’re a stupid little sheep! Let them laugh at you. Smile. Or in President Trump’s case… it’s all about Sun Tsu Art of War! Funny thing about Trump accusations by Letitia…Continue readingWhen It’s Time To Investigate The Investigators…

And The Show Must Go On!!!

McCarthy 2.0 has been removed and now… drum roll…. who will be the next Speaker of the House? It’s official… If I were writing the script, I would move President Trump into the Speaker of the House position, and then push the Biden Impeachment and have President Trump lead the proceedings legally. That would get…Continue readingAnd The Show Must Go On!!!

TheTruth Shall Set You Free…

… It’s been hidden and you’re not supposed to find it! That’s what good versus evil is all about! In coming to the knowledge of the truth… that which has been hidden shall be revealed means much more than just about the understanding of the King James Version of the Word of God, or any…Continue readingTheTruth Shall Set You Free…

Central Casting Take 8!

The Witch Hunt Continues … We were already knee deep into being just “as in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah? and now our courts are a mirror image of the ones spoken of in the book of Jasher! Lawlessness on parade in New York And what it could mean…. Something is going to explode…Continue readingCentral Casting Take 8!

Discernment, Purpose and Distractions…

Stay focused on the present and move forward with the Word of God. Man lies and throws poison darts. That being said, yesterday in Iowa, President Trump received a warm and joyous welcome! Iowa Farmers love President Trump! Meanwhile in New York… the witch hunt continues… Discernment, Wisdom and Truth… the truth shall set you…Continue readingDiscernment, Purpose and Distractions…