Truth, Lies, Secrets and Babylon The Great…

Babylon The Great is real and it has been building and building. The battle is ancient and we are now at a fork in the road. There is no more walking together, you must choose to go to the left with the world or to the right with God Almighty. The world is wide awake…Continue readingTruth, Lies, Secrets and Babylon The Great…

Lucifer Said, I will be like the most high…

What did he mean by that? Hear what the spirit says to the churches… it’s easy to listen to someone reading Revelation Chapter 2 and 3 from the pulpit, but it’s a lot harder to hear it and heed the warnings. Especially when no one thinks it pertains to them. When Lucifer said, “I will…Continue readingLucifer Said, I will be like the most high…

Nimrod, Semiramis, & Tammuz – Origin of The Trinity Doctrine!

The same was known in Egypt as Osiris, Isis, and Seth! The feedback on the Trinity Doctrine has drawn a lot of questions. The topic is one that we must look at and each discern with the Holy Spirit guiding us. The trinity doctrine is ancient and its origin dates back to the time of…Continue readingNimrod, Semiramis, & Tammuz – Origin of The Trinity Doctrine!