How To Be Your Own 2.0!

Shake things up a bit or a lot! Even Trump has some doubles out there!

Well folks, hate to break it to you but that’s not Trump in the golf shirt and MAGA hat. That’s a double.

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So we are watching for the first time ever, a live theater event (military terminology for the show) where both sides of the war are using CIA Black Operations and lots and lots of doubles and psyops! And we each must choose to either go with the flow and believe everything we see, or pull ourselves out from the psyops… (awake) and see what is taking place. We have doubles and masks all over the place along with some who are the real deal person.

So, when and where are these used? It appears in all news and social media. If you are at the right event, it is in real time life. That is all part of the war on your mind. The devil wants to control you through making you believe all of the lies and images he shoves at you. But, he can’t have your mind unless you let him into it and believe the lies. Guard your thoughts and feelings with the Holy Spirit and follow the way of the Lord. Stay close to God and His Word and know this is the game being played.

How to hide what you are doing from the wi fi spies…..

In a world where everything we are doing is under surveillance by task forces, internet algorithms, agencies, and Homeland Insecurity to see what we are thinking, doing, feeling, and repeating…. it is now time to learn how to make the right 2.0 for our own personal use.

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It’s time to learn how to make, shape, and place our 2.0, how to have fun with our 2.0 and make our 2.0 believable and give our 2.0 a life of its own…at least to the A.I. bot surveillance world.

Some things are easier to do and learn like “How to drive cell phone and internet spies crazy with your google search”, so we’ll start there.

#1 How to make purchases to throw off the algorithms.

Let’s say you are already targeted as a resister who believes Trump won the election in 2020 and you are being watched for algorithms that show signs of more serious resisting. Here are some easy ways to throw their algorithms off…. start by googling things like “Impossible Meat”. Ask for Impossible meat recipes. Start going to sites that push vegetarian no meat diets, and also look at recipes for crickets and bugs. If possible make comments like, “This makes sense”, and “We have to save the planet”. If you have to, hold your nose when you do it, remember you are a 2.0 and now you are playing out your character and it’s just a script.

You are now the spy and not the spied upon. Have fun with your character and even have exchanges with like minded pods who love impossible meats and other impossible things. (Just a reminder that the word “possible” comes from the Greek word δυνατός translated dynatos, which means mighty, strong and powerful. So with the “im” added… it is the opposite.  When the prefix ‘im’ is used with some adjectives and nouns that begin with b, m, or p, it states the opposite meaning. For example immortal, immature, imperfect, IMPOSSIBLE, etc. 

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So this meat is not very powerful at all, not the real deal. But as a 2.0 you will pretend it is better for you than real lean beef that contains B12 and a host of nutritional amino acids, etc.

Hints and tips: while playing your 2.0 character, it is important to always show the truth to yourself after you do the acting, to keep your mind registered to what is true and what is false. Keep truth programmed as truth and the other as fakes. Remember Bible scriptures like 1Timothy 4:1-5….

1Timothy 4:1-5

1Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 2Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; 3Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. 4For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: 5For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.”

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So as you do the google searches for meats and diet that suits the WEF, you can also move into “Go Pro Green” and “Save the climate go green”, text green climate change messages, add fear of planet stuff to make it look like you believe what they have said. Like and follow the “How Dare You Greta” on Twitter, and “Build Back Better” Biden. Code your comments on Go Green posts with Bible messages that they will not understand. Such as, Hebrews 1:11 “11They shall perish; but thou remainest; and they all shall wax old as doth a garment.” If they say something, let your 2.0 shout “That is where the planet is headed”. They will then either agree or leave you alone as they don’t know true meaning of scripture.

If you want, use Aramaic and quote Isaiah 51:7-8 but don’t put the scripture and verse next to it, and omit the first few words, they will think you are with them.

“…you shall not be afraid of the reproach of man, and you shall not tremble at their insults because like wool and like clothing a moth will eat them, and my righteousness will be to eternity, and my salvation to a generation of generations!”

Bots don’t get it and people paid to catch things won’t understand it. Meanwhile take notes like the task force take, to see where they are at with understanding what you have said. Think of creative ways on how to send text messages to confuse cell spies and algorithms.

Which bring us to….drum roll please…

How to dress up as a 2.0 when you go out in public…. sometimes it helps you get things done, that you can’t get done in your 1.0 body.

You can dress up any way you want. You can be older or younger, or dawn a different persona. Have an accent, it’s up to you… and works well when you go into another city or town, or attend any event that you otherwise may have not attended in your 1.0 real self. You can see how people treat you differently based on how they perceive you… and or learn a lot about how others treat the persona you are portraying. Like shopping for a car dressed like you can only afford a go cart? Or a house when you look like you need renters assistance? Or try going looking like you own the bank… see the different treatments you get. Or wear a Biden hat and see what others do? Get a feel for what others are really thinking and why. Get into a conversation and listen to their knowledge or lack thereof?

Remember, the point of all of this is to be a spy. Find out what others are really thinking and doing of what is taking place in this crazy old world of lawlessness.

If that’s not your thing… then how about making a 2.0 to throw off the bot spys?

#2 How to make a 2.0 to confuse the spys in your cell phone and TV surveillance cameras.

To make a 2.0 you will need some simple things you already have around the house. Things like:

– An old pair of pants
   – A bunch of old newspapers or clothes, a pillow
   – An old sweater, coat, or jacket
   – A mask
   – An old pair of shoes and hand gloves

If you are making a woman, you will need a dress and some nylons or tights to make the legs.

Spread everything out on the floor and make sure you have lots of newspapers, or towels, and old clothes for stuffing.

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Start with the legs first.

One of the most crucial steps is the stuffing. When using newspaper, crumple it slightly. Don’t crumple it as much as you can. Start from the bottom and work your way up.

Tips: put some newspapers or solid things in the legs so they have more support. Make sure it is spread out evenly and make sure the knees are bendable.

Next put on the shoes.

To look real – you need shoes, you can also use slippers, but socks will do but if you want to use this outside you will need shoes! To put these on, just simply tuck the bottom of the pants into the shoes. Another tip is to take a hand towel and stuff it inside the shoe and up the pant leg to give it more support, then tuck the pants inside.

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If you are using tights for a woman you will have to add socks and stuff those with clothing that can be stuffed up to the tights, and stuff the tights down into the shoe. If using nylons… stuff those with cloth and keep the foot formed and stuff the nylon foot inside the shoe.

Next stuff the torso.

Start at the arms and work your way up. Just as you did for the legs, stuff it with old newspapers, towels or clothes. Use a pillow for the torso and add extra as needed. Put more stuffing in the shoulder area so when the dummy is sitting down, it looks more realistic. Add gloves to make fake hands. Stuff the gloves and tuck them up into the sleeves.

If you have a full head pull over mask, stuff it with clothes like you did the rest to give it a 3-D look. If you don’t have a pull over mask, you can make the shape of a head by stuffing a small plastic bag or pillow case, with cloth or papers and stuff it inside the torso then put on the mask. You can also use a styrafoam head from a craft or hobby store and stuff the neck inside the torso.  Or a ball like a soccer ball inside a pillow case or bag.

You may need to use a staple gun to staple the legs to the torso so they don’t fall apart. Same with the hands and the head. Just to ensure it stays together when you move it around from place to place.

Use a wood post or anything you want to hold it up.
Stick the bottom of the wood post in the ground, and the other end up the back torso of the dummy.

When putting the dummy in a sitting position, lift your dummy up from the bottom when moving it. Slowly set it down. Set it up the way you want it to look.

Now have fun by placing it in a chair or on the sofa in front of the TV so when the surveillance watches you, it sees the 2.0 dummy, and the dummy is sitting there with the cell phone close by or in a pocket. Whatever you decide. You can even put a blanket over the dummy to make him more cozy as it will be sitting there a very long time. Smile.

Other creative 2.0 spy ideas…

Get creative… hang some pictures of Jordan Peterson or I love Candace Owens posters throughout places you lay your cell phone, so cell phone spys can see it.

Print off Halper Hayes information and place it in your 2.0 dummy hands as reading material so it can be seen by TV spy cameras.

Take your 2.0 outside…

Have fun with your neighbors and set your 2.0 on the patio, on the porch, or in a chair looking out the window, or on the deck. Make a second dummy and let them think you have company. Smile. This also works with outside surveillance and google earth spy cameras.

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How to get your pet to act like the 2.0 is you? Put some crumbs on the 2.0’s lap and maybe a few extra treats so the neighbors will see your doggy is recognizing you.

And while you’re at it, why not make it look like Trump came to see you…?

Make a Trump 2.0 and put a rubber Trump mask on it. Put Trump on your porch or sit him on your patio in a chair next to you and act like you are talking.

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Have fun putting Trump in a chair with your cell phone in front of the TV. Drive the bots a bit crazy with their surveillance.

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Have fun mixing it up….

Remember to have fun dressing like your 2.0 and sitting on your patio or in a lawn chair and stay perfectly still. When your neighbor comes to see, jump up and say Hi. Shock them. They will soon pay no attention to you sitting looking strange. It will become their new normal. See how this works?  

Do the same in front of your TV and then get up and walk away and throw the TV cam spys off their game.

You can do this in your car or truck, preferably at a Walmart or grocer parking lot. Remember to wait until they press up to the glass to get a good look, then turn suddenly and shout HI.

Meanwhile President Trump found a way around his gag order…the other guy said it, not him!

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Once again… this was all written to amuse the reader and to break the dull and fearful news rounds, which are filled with the same type of 2.0’s and actions. We are all supposed to believe it’s all true and be in fear, as they observe our behavior to see what WE are allegedly ready for next. But on a serious note, when we push the game back in their own faces… they will know their game is over and we caught them. We can all become the next version of Saturday Night Live and throw it back in their own faces. Are we Tommy 1 or Tommy 2? Throw their own game and data off kilter. We can even pretend to be them! Or at least mimic them.

When I was young, I did try a few disguises with a best friend in my teen years, and it was a bit fun to do together, as friends do in real life… but, we never really thought of it as anything but fun in the sheer challenge to pull it off and prank a few people. Like the time we dressed up like other people with big hats and sunglasses and different attire and my boyfriend was to meet us at this bar and grill and he entered, looked all around and didn’t recognize us and left. After he didn’t come back in we looked outside and he was sitting in his car. We motioned for him and he ignored us. I hollared his name and he still didn’t recognize me. So I took off my hat and sun glasses and then he did. He said he didn’t see us and was waiting outside until we got there. He wasn’t going to stay inside and with those girls sitting there, or so he said. Smile. We were the only ones in the bar and grill at the time.

Oh and there was also the time when visiting my cousin from another town, he introduced me to his friends as his cousin from England. I spoke in my makeshift British accent and told the kids all about England and that I knew the Beatles and they believed me. I was 12. The kids were my age and younger. When we were well in our teens he said his friends still asked about his cousin from England. Smile.

Which bring us to…

Did you ever wonder why CIA’s mask maker and chief of disguise, Jonna Mendez was flooding the you tube circuit three years ago, at the same time the masked 2.0’s entered the stage in large numbers?  We did stories on this a year or two ago to show people how the CIA et al are using masks. Some haven’t seen these, others forgot, and some have used the information to spot the maskers and warn others.

So, in the video above you can listen to Jonna Mendez, the former CIA Chief of Disguise (a real job!) tell her story. Is it a script? You decide. In Mendez’s career, she oversaw the equipment used by spies to conceal their identities, including a five-second mask, which had been inspired by Hollywood. This technology, developed over a period of 10 years, allowed for facial movement—and, unlike its cinematic counterparts, which required hours in the makeup chair, it could be put on and removed at a moment’s notice. So, we can add masks to the list of the disguises which make it easier to trick the masses and you don’t have to find look a-likes, although many look a-likes are also still in play.

Do you really believe the CIA has found the secrets to consciousness? Or do you believe they are feeding people some more bull?

Do you believe the CIA found a way to fake the Holy Spirit and fool God? I don’t. I find this all BS and falls under forever searching and never coming to the knowledge of the truth.

Satan knows the truth and he wants to make sure you don’t.

Man is running to and fro searching for answers and seeking man to find their truths. This is all a part of the prophetic warnings to man from all the prophets and Jesus who came to tell the truth and warned to not listen to the lies of Satan. The video above shows the limited way that Satan and his minions work on the mind… through mind control. Also known as demonic possession.

You see, these minions cannot actually know what you are thinking… they only want you to believe they can. The mind is not a body part. It is a process. The process is what you think, what you feel about what you think and from that … what you choose. Mind control works by interfering with what you think… getting you to feel fear, anger or a negative feeling about it and then they hope you will choose a lesser decision with no discernment and act in the way they want you to act. Generally through fear, and hopelessness and compliance… futile obedience to tyrannical whims. None of this is of God, nor how God works in our lives.

With God… you must choose him. He is not going to mind control you into following the way His Son taught which is to love God with all your heart, mind, strength and soul, and to love your neighbor as yourself. These must come from your own heart, your own choice. Each must choose who they shall follow … follow God or Mammon of this world which is Satan’s.

Man can only kill, steal and destroy you so he can control you. With God in you… man can do nothing to take your soul nor your free will. God has you in his hands. Satan knows this and hates it. God gives you a choice, Satan tries to steal that choice away through fear and tortures of all sorts. Just tell the evil ones to go their own way and rebuke them in Jesus name… for you choose God! Amen.



By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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