Know the nature of the beast and how it operates, otherwise you will be tossed about and swear you are in the twilight zone… kinda exactly like the way the world is looking right now. The father of lies is Satan. John 8:44  “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your…Continue readingTHE BEAST IN THE SHADOWS

A Second Look At The Psyops…

How much of what is reported is fake and how much of it is true? That has always been the question. In presenting facts based on others investigative research, a lot of things can be verified and a lot of things cannot be. It is a here it is, you decide, and this is what…Continue readingA Second Look At The Psyops…

Lucifer Said, I will be like the most high…

What did he mean by that? Hear what the spirit says to the churches… it’s easy to listen to someone reading Revelation Chapter 2 and 3 from the pulpit, but it’s a lot harder to hear it and heed the warnings. Especially when no one thinks it pertains to them. When Lucifer said, “I will…Continue readingLucifer Said, I will be like the most high…