God Almighty Isn’t In Their Looking Glass!

Yet, they keep trying to shove God’s Word in the House of Mirrors and turn it into subatomic particles and Quarks. Pseudo science has been weighed in the balance and found wanting. It’s time to return to what God has written in STONE! Why did they write on stone tablets in ancient days? There are…Continue readingGod Almighty Isn’t In Their Looking Glass!

The Beast Is What? Where? Who? And Can They Really Do Such Things?

The C.G.I. and graphics are out of this world, but what can these ones who desire to rule the world really do? In their mind control A.I. psyop, there is no God, no Jesus, no Holy Spirit, but there is a light of Lucifer and pagan gods and goddesses? Oh and remote viewing, bugs for…Continue readingThe Beast Is What? Where? Who? And Can They Really Do Such Things?

President Trump Keeps Calling Out Election Interference…

What could this possibly mean for those who are actively interfering and thinking they are getting away with it? Let’s see now, we have fake news, social media giants, state and local election boards, and all who are in charge of universal mail in ballots, and big mega donors both private and corporate giants and…Continue readingPresident Trump Keeps Calling Out Election Interference…


When we all know the drill, the ones who desire to crush you like insects will lose their power to control your mind through fear and chaos. You will mount up on eagles wings and no longer be stomped on like bugs! Are you ready to open your eyes to see and ears to hear?…Continue readingWAKE UP – IT WILL BE THEIR MOURNING, NOT OURS!

President Trump Says, “It’s Going To Be Christian Visibility Day!” Part 2

President Trump has it all, he has EVERYTHING he needs to ride through the storm. Meanwhile, the dark side continues to roll out their minions complete with all of their man-made signs and lying blunders. The plans of the globalists in DAVOS are many and the real powers behind them are of the puppet masters…Continue readingPresident Trump Says, “It’s Going To Be Christian Visibility Day!” Part 2


Who’s in Charge? It appears the Simpsons Programming was intercepted. Or was it something else? The script writers are out of control and all the Lizard people are out of frogs that can think! They are stuck with their rinse and repeat going through a new wringer in an entirely different wash cycle! The Big…Continue readingBOOM- WHAT? YOU ARE STILL HERE?

Will Space Force Command Save The Day?

What about the earthquake predictions? What’s going on with that? We’ll know today! Be safe! Look close at the United States Space Command Logo below. What do you see? There is a cross over the earth that sure does pattern the total solar eclipse of 2024 with that of 2017. Now I would like to…Continue readingWill Space Force Command Save The Day?

Don’t Look Over There – Look Over Here!

They tried to get Trump, but he never took their bait. He went against the deep state then, and he is going against them now. It all becomes more clear as to why RINOs and DEMS and ELITE want him out. He knows EVERYTHING and he IS NOT ONE OF THEM! Meanwhile the strangest sort…Continue readingDon’t Look Over There – Look Over Here!

Everything Explained In A Nutshell…

Believe it or not, the truth is in our face and we have reached a very critical point in time. There is nothing new under the sun it has just all been hidden, skewed, shaken up, repackaged and presented to you for the common good of all… just like it was presented to Eve in…Continue readingEverything Explained In A Nutshell…

What Part Of Your Armor Do You Use The Most?

It’s time to get our armor on and try it all out! See how things work. Adjust it so it fits and make sure we all know how to move about in it swiftly and with precision. There is much to be said and to learn about with the Tabernacle of God, the Arc of…Continue readingWhat Part Of Your Armor Do You Use The Most?