Lies That Lead To Questions and All Sorts of Answers?

Fear not and stay focused on God. The world is on overload with all sorts of mis and disinformation – from the next manmade virus to selecting your new pronouns, climate change and everything the deep state lizards throw at you, but that does not make any of it true! Most Don’t Even want to…Continue readingLies That Lead To Questions and All Sorts of Answers?

The Battle Ahead…

Distractions designed to control ones mind and weaken their faith in God is the biggest weapon being used. Are you prepared to stand against this spiritual warfare? There has been a lot of talk on how many of the big buildings with big stones were made during an age of “horse and buggy”.  This speculation…Continue readingThe Battle Ahead…

Know the enemy… it is not what you think it is.

We battle not with flesh and blood, but with principalities and powers in dark places. Literally! Gods and spirit possession and the cultures who worship them are here. Individual and civilization possession is real. A nation can be in the grips of possession. These false gods are here and they are real. Jesus sent the…Continue readingKnow the enemy… it is not what you think it is.

Say It Ain’t So…

Mankind has free will so they have to be lied to in order to be controlled. Is that the real deal here? Or is it that we are easily distracted and actually can’t remember everything when we need to? Even the greatest scholarly minds have to read things they’ve read before in order to remember…Continue readingSay It Ain’t So…

Wars and Rumors of Wars, Part 2

In Part one we learned the seldom stated fact that the age of discovery was a free pass to conquer any non- Christian lands by any means necessary to take them over.  This was achieved through the old trick of divide and conquer and speaking with deceit and lies. None of which were anything close…Continue readingWars and Rumors of Wars, Part 2

It’s A Mad, Mad World!

The problem with doing unto others as you would have them do unto you, is not with doing good… it is with those who take advantage of your kindness and don’t know when to stop! And then, with some it is all lip service. They say, “I do this, and I do that…” and they…Continue readingIt’s A Mad, Mad World!

Are Zombies A Normal Everyday Thing Yet?

Does anyone have the list of dangerous black ops the globalist will be throwing at us in broad daylight this week and then tell us they didn’t do it? The world is in a state of Zeitgeist with every attempt to control the mind and erase all truth and replace that with demonic programming of…Continue readingAre Zombies A Normal Everyday Thing Yet?

Spiritual Warfare Has Not Changed…

It has only been heightened! The war is on, and always has been, to steal your mind and soul! Remember when the type of “SECRET” words below leak out, they laugh because they know few will believe any of it to be true because it is so wicked and reads like their own Hollywood Sci-Fi…Continue readingSpiritual Warfare Has Not Changed…

Secret Covenant – Fact or Myth?

Is the alleged Secret Masonic Creed a fact or a Lark? Whether this is old, new, made up or improvised, it matches the goals of the Club of Rome, and the Committee of 300’ reports from Professional Intelligence Agent, Dr. John Coleman. It also reeks of Bohemian Grove ritual rantings, and many secret society initiations……Continue readingSecret Covenant – Fact or Myth?

WWIII In Progress, Please Refer To Cyber Protocols…

When looking at the US Justice System and President Trump, and listening to the think tanks at DAVOS, and all the mis and dis information campaigns… that means crazy is now unleashed. Go ahead and fact check it! I suppose that also means your firewall has been breeched and it isn’t going to save you.…Continue readingWWIII In Progress, Please Refer To Cyber Protocols…