Bio & Propaganda Warfare

IS PRESIDENT TRUMP TRYING TO TELL US SOMETHING VIA WARPSPEED COMMENTS? – FACT CHECKERS CANNOT SAVE THOSE GUILTY OF BIO-WARFARE! It’s been gaslighting on steroids with fact checkers trying to save the BIO-warfare killers from facing justice. But it is too late! THEY ARE ALL BUSTED! Trump has repeatedly stated that it would have taken five…Continue readingBio & Propaganda Warfare

Kraken & The Election Fraud

Message From Sidney Powell, 7-27-2021 “The truth, this is a global fight for freedom…..entire populations have been lined up in bread lines for decades like North Korea for example…. entire populations have been treated like slaves….. this is not just about the USA, it’s about the world. The Deep State is attempting every trick in…Continue readingKraken & The Election Fraud


IF GOD BE FOR US, WHO CAN BE AGAINST US? The true art of war is when you have God’s divine protection and his Powerful Host of Heaven watching over you, standing guard. They are at the ready 24/7 and strike on God’s command! Fear not. You belong to God and no body and nothing…Continue readingDIVINE PROTECTION…


BE PATIENT AND BEHOLD THE GLORY OF THE LORD…. Everything is in the hands of The Lord our God for his purpose, in his timing, for his PRAISE, HIS GLORY and the MAJESTY OF HIS SON, OUR LORD AND SAVIOR, JESUS THE CHRIST. Not mans. Trump entered the political ring for President with a mission.…Continue readingTHE WAR IS WON

Celebrating The Republic!

Ding dong the corporation is gone! We The People Are Rising Up Free From The Cabal! (almost) Keep On Rising, Keep On Rising! WHO WILL BE FIRST TO RING THE LIBERTY BELL? CELEBRATE – CELEBRATE – IT’S HAMMER TIME! You heard it hear first…and when President Trump retweeted it…that’s when you believed. Not until. Smile…sometimes…Continue readingCelebrating The Republic!

Trump Blows Whistle…

Remember when the Dems blew the whistle on voter fraud? Where did they get their whistle? Who told the Dems to push to expose voter fraud and why? NOW IT’S TRUMP’S TURN! They admit all the various ways elections can be hacked and election and voter fraud is real and it is happening! The Democratic…Continue readingTrump Blows Whistle…


LAWLESSNESS IS NOW BEING CHALLENGED AND LEGAL STEPS ARE PAYING OFF! Many have shouted, nothing is happening…it’s time to take to the streets and forget doing the right thing you have to fight to get rid of the corruption. Some have shouted there is no more waiting for someone to come and save you….pray all…Continue readingLEGAL STEPS…


THE CYBER POLYGON EVENT WILL HAPPEN JULY 9TH, 2021 If the drill goes live like Event 201 (COVID-19)did, then we may see a massive false flag cyber attack in August / September. It appears it is taking place as we speak. We have just had a testing of our own ability to survive mass bot…Continue readingCYBER DRILL OR REAL??


D.C. is fenced off and  the President is never going back to the White House. But not for reasons you may be thinking. Fear not, there will be a new capitol built and an end to income taxes paid to the tax collectors of the Corporation that is now in the hands of a new…Continue readingTRUMP ODE TO THE CORPORATION!


Holy Radar – that’s the Kraken!!! Who knew it is a Department of Defense Cyber Warfare Program? It Tracks Systems and aquires evidence of nefarious activities and crimes committed by The Deep State! When Sidney Powell stated she HAS RELEASED THE KRAKEN, most of us thought of Clash of the Titans and cheered her on…Continue readingSIDNEY POWELL'S "KRAKEN" IS DOD CYBER WARFARE PROGRAM! WE ARE AT WAR!