Vaxed Blame Unvaxed for NWO RESET Plot! Meanwhile, Project Veritas Leaks Pfizer’s Next Virus!


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And now we have disinformation fact checkers telling us no one said this???? Why? Because it destroys their narrative. Yet we have the link and many more links talking about it…. Read: They knew: why didn’t the unvaccinated do more to warn us? – IQfy

The Headline states:

They knew: why didn’t the unvaccinated do more to warn us?

The unvaccinated knew what we didn’t. Some of them said too little. Most said nothing at all. A lot of blood is now on their hands.

Excerpts: “As the world struggles to come to terms with the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, one question that continues to surface is why the unvaccinated didn’t do more to warn us about the potential dangers of being injected.

“While well intending citizens lined up, did the right thing, and received their COVID19 vaccinations — now seeming to do more harm than good — their unvaccinated friends stood by and let them do it. Some of them said too little. Some said nothing at all.

“Even though they knew what we didn’t.” End of excerpts.

And so just like expected, here comes the fake news advocate the Associated Press, just like clockwork and how it was designed to function the news feed across America with its headline:

The Conversation didn’t publish anti-vaccine article

By The Associated Press, January 25, 2023

CLAIM: The Conversation, a research-based publication, posted an article online titled: “They knew: Why didn’t the unvaccinated do more to warn us.”

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. The outlet, which publishes articles written by academics and researchers, confirmed that the headline on the original article read: “COVID: unvaccinated people may be seen as ‘free riders’ and face discrimination.” The author of the original article also confirmed that the image was fabricated.

THE FACTS: Social media users are sharing a fabricated image to make it appear that The Conversation published an article about how unvaccinated people did not “warn” others about COVID-19 vaccinations.

“Sadly, we were censored,” reads one tweet that shared the image. The post had more than 400,000 views. The false post also circulated on Instagram.

“In addition to the bogus headline, the image features a fabricated opening paragraph that states: “While well intending citizens lined up, did the right thing, and received their COVID19 vaccinations, now known to do more harm than good, their unvaccinated friends and family stood by and let them do it.”

The article, published by The Conversation earlier this month, examined a study on how vaccinated people in many countries showed prejudice toward unvaccinated people.Read full story: The Conversation didn’t publish anti-vaccine article | AP News

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The truth is that people are talking and there is a lot of vax remorse and for millions there is no undoing the awful and horrendous side effects and deaths that were laid out by the forced mandates that people complied to, even though they were unconstitutional. The fact that many refused to take the EXPERIMENTAL Jab and let nature take its course is a medical right and religious right that every individual has.

The fact that those in line to get a jab looked over their shoulders in disgust at those who refused to take the “jab” and many were forced to jab or lose their jobs. Many were fired and pilots were grounded from their airline careers. The ones lined up for jabs are famous for having cared less of what any of those who refused to take the experimental vaccine had to say. The consensus was…they are COVIDIATES!!

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There was nothing but eye rolling and shouting at the ones trying to warn their loved ones. There were grandparents banned from seeing their grandchildren and no one was crying over the unvaxed… the anger was from the vaxed. It was off the charts by the Karens and crazies in road rage videos. It was condemned by governors and mayors across commieville America and those behind Go Brandon Joey avatar. It wasn’t until airline pilots started dying in flight that they said… “NO MORE VAX FOR PILOTS”. Gee, that should have been a big clue for all the vaxed double boosted!!!

So, it is time to remind everyone that vax mandates are not legal, at least in the United States Republic of America via our constitution and Bill of Rights. We had also thought it was protected under the UN Human Rights Act, but now we know that is not so with those WHO run the UN, now don’t we? Never forget they voted on Joey Avatar’s amendment to allow WHO to mandate all the world’s health actions and it was the BRICS AND 47 AFRICAN NATIONS THAT STOPPED THAT FROM PASSING.


There have been many speaking out against vaccines for decades. Robert Kennedy Jr. has a strong reputation for standing up against vaccines and winning vaccine lawsuits. We have known that African countries and other third world over populated centers have been guinea pigs for the vaccine industry of Big Pharma and Bill Gates has led the way. The fact that vax takers did not care to look at that information is not the fault of those who chose to do so.

Most of those who line up their children to take their vaccines never stop to ask their doctors why their child will need up to 75 regular vaccines by the time they are out of school? They are unaware that when a child is born their immune system will have completed over a million natural immunities within the first 30 days and it is not good to interfere with the bodies natural immune system before that time!!! If they did, they would refuse ANY AND ALL VACCINES until the baby was 30 days old… the way it used to be. Back in the days when people knew how the body worked. The days before it became mis and dis information to know such truths!

And when the truth is told…. there is a backlash from the globalist left! I am sure many pro vaxers watch the view… they need to ask these ones WHY THEY HAVE LIED? WHY THEY HAVE PUSHED THE VAX?

So what is wrong with the vax data? According to Kennedy Jr., in the double blind study, if they had a headache, they had COVID, if they had a cough, they had COVID, etc., and that was not an affective study. Big Pharma was corrupt from the start. Things like the Moderna vax was developed by Fauci and passed off as Moderna? Fauci made big bucks off the entire mess. Watch video below.



Perhaps this video release will thwart the plans of Pfizer and BIG PHARMA, and/or allow the law to step up and do the right thing before the most evil of evils is released upon the world!

Pfizer’s Jordan Walker loses it on camera…. has mental break down! He’s caught!

Once Jordan Walker realizes he just bragged about the dirty things he is a part of to the wrong people he goes NUTS… OUT AND OUT CRAZY!

“Is this real life? What is happening here? What is going on here? This is absurd. Oh my God, I need to call the police right now,” he gasped like his life was in danger!

“What is your name, because you f–ked you! You really did. I’m about to sue you. This is absurd!” He surely didn’t expect any of what was taking place but O’Keefe kept pressing him with questions, so caught like a rat in a trap, Walker claimed that he lied to O’Keefe’s operative.

Walker stated in panic, “You don’t even know my position on this. I was trying to impress a person on a date by lying. I’m not even a scientist by background. I came from a consulting firm that does business. I was literally on a third date with a guy, and like normal men, you lie to impress a date. This guy … I thought he was a date!”

Walker then grabbed his phone and called the police turning the entire thing into a racial issue…or he tried to do that.

“So there’s one, two, three, four, five, white people. Please bring the cops as soon as possible. I’m feeling very unsafe right now.” O’Keefe can’t believe he is turning this into a racial issue and calls him out while the restaurant workers demand O’Keefe and his crew leave the restaurant. Simultaneously Walker goes even more crazy and tries to keep them inside as he attempts to get their film footage. The scuffle breaks out and O’Keefe and his crew make their way out and away from the arm swinging, hand grabbing Walker who just got busted! Bet Big Pharma will have a bonus for Jordan … one he will say… he doesn’t deserve… after all, he was just on his third date. Smile.

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Project Veritas also released the following information, “We’ve obtained internal Pfizer docs verifying Jordan Walker as Pfizer Director, Research & Development Strategic Operations Graduated Yale 2013 Doctor Med at U of Texas Southwestern medical school. His supervisor reports to Mikael Dolsten who reports to Albert Bourla, CEO.

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Below, Craig Chamberlin asks the life and death billion dollar question! What is congress and the president going to do about this?

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Anyone who wants to look at truth and stop calling truth conspiracy and stop listening to lies has the same free will to choose what they shall believe. We are each given the ability to think, feel and choose what we shall do and or believe. You can’t blame anyone for your own bad decisions. It just doesn’t work that way. It didn’t work for Adam and Eve in the garden, and it hasn’t worked for anyone since. We do have an option to repent and be forgiven. Maybe it’s time to look at that? As for me and my family we shall follow the way of the Lord!

Joshua 24:14-15

14Now therefore fear the LORD, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve ye the LORD. 15And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

Meanwhile…. President Trump has a few messages that need to be heard:

On George Soros funded riots in Atlanta…

And this one…

It is time to call them all out and stand up together with the voice of truth!



By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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