The Big Bang Will Happen, Just Not The Way They Said!

God will roll up the sky like a scroll! Science and their anti-humanity games will come to a thundering end! These wicked ones know that God created the heaven and the earth and placed over us a canopy of protection. They have tried to bust through this protective shield as the waters above and below…Continue readingThe Big Bang Will Happen, Just Not The Way They Said!

Macron Was It Worth It?

France is protesting in the streets but they won’t be stopping traffic – cars have no gas and the climate change EV’s are catching fire or in the heap! Look at all the electric cars sitting there just waiting to catch fire. All it takes is one of those wore out batteries to go BOOM…Continue readingMacron Was It Worth It?

Did Elon Wink at “Putin” When He Set Up Ukraine StarLink Connection?

What does it take to catch a big rat? A big cat…like a Russian Tiger! Forget the bear stories…this is much better! Remember it began with Zelensky shouting…Putin is going to kill me, my wife and family. My life is in danger. The episode of the show continued with all sorts of fake news stories…Continue readingDid Elon Wink at “Putin” When He Set Up Ukraine StarLink Connection?


And now it’s time for our Ukraine good Putin bad GASLIGHT update. How in the world does a short spaghetti throwing toddler get to do all the nasty things and keep getting more toys to do more stupid gaslite programs? I wonder where his new studio is? Is he in his Miami mansion or is…Continue readingNAZI WORLD UPDATE…

The Earth’s Heartbeat Is Sick-It’s Not Humans & Cows Carbon Emissions – It’s CERN, HAARP, GWEN Towers!

And then there are years of dropping missiles and all the years of nuke testing. They have poisoned the waters, set the forests on fire, made massive holes with man made asteroids. They tested their ionospheric radars killing and harming people, sea life, bees, animals, birds and reptiles and act like it’s all because a…Continue readingThe Earth’s Heartbeat Is Sick-It’s Not Humans & Cows Carbon Emissions – It’s CERN, HAARP, GWEN Towers!

Pelosi’s Congress Is Freaking Out… Zelensky Is Desperately Trying To Find Ways To Declare U.S. Dictatorship Before Elections.

He knows the writing is on the wall and come November 8, 2022 he will be cut off! Red Wave Coming! No more money, no more protection, and possibly no more NATO, no more UN, no more EU, no more anything…but plenty of Putin’s Russia and plenty of Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko’s Belarus. So the NAZI…Continue readingPelosi’s Congress Is Freaking Out… Zelensky Is Desperately Trying To Find Ways To Declare U.S. Dictatorship Before Elections.

RESET Final Phase of Babylon Is Fallen, Is Fallen…

2 Chronicles 7:14 ” If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” Never give up on others. Some people just take more time to…Continue readingRESET Final Phase of Babylon Is Fallen, Is Fallen…

WEF Has Raised Some Brats… Klaus’s Toddlers Are Out of Control!

The world at war and everything going to hell in a handbasket is the result of having the Khazarian NAZI puppets in charge of their RESET plans. How will they ever build back better when they can’t even play in the sandbox together without fighting? They can’t and they never will. There will be many…Continue readingWEF Has Raised Some Brats… Klaus’s Toddlers Are Out of Control!

Attack On Trump – His Outcome Determines America’s Future!

Like President Trump said, it’s not him they’re after it is us! It is time to stand up for our legal and God given rights! Pray as you run! Why Is Joey Avatar On Airforce 2? Maybe he had to board by himself without Jill and he got on the wrong plane? Maybe that’s why?…Continue readingAttack On Trump – His Outcome Determines America’s Future!

Blackrock In LOCKSTEP RESET, Now In Bankruptcy…??

Blackrock and Vanguard are behind the Global Takeover and Vaccine Mandates – BE AWARE OF WHAT’S COMING NEXT! Will you lose everything and be happy or will you prepare ahead of the carpet being yanked out from under you? Vanguard has $7.9 trillion in assets under management, and Blackrock has $9.5 trillion. This is a two headed…Continue readingBlackrock In LOCKSTEP RESET, Now In Bankruptcy…??